So everyone agrees that pic related is the best girl, right?
Depends on whether she would be able to deepthroat Kaworu's huge cock or not
>people still don't get Mari
>they're totally srs about it
>hurhur Rei is best
Of course. Confident girls are always the best
More like sells Anno's toys girl.
Considering that the other girls are a bitch, a cold fish, a slut and a dyke I guess it's true
there's a theory bout her being shinji's and asuka's daughter from the first 'world' (NGE & EoE)
There's not enough smug Mari.
Anno's self insert is always the best girl
I actually do not understand Mari's purpose in the show. I like her character and understand her necessity as a plot device considering Asuka's fate in Rebuild 2 (Mari + Asuka combo was also cool in Rebuild 3). But I don't think we know her actual purpose yet.
Her purpose is to destroy Evangelion. Anno said it himself.
>watching rebuild
Mari is also a dyke
That will never happen user, 3+1 will be trippy but worse than 3.33 and she won't get any backstory.
The Manga and CRC
The filler cancer with no personality? No, not really.
nah, she knew yui
Interviewer: Going back to Eva’s manga we saw how in the end Mari made an apparition, which was surprising as we thought her character was exclusive to Rebuild of Evangelion. Are both of these, her appearance and her falling (in love) with Yui, official?
Sadamoto: Exactly, that was the intention.
I want a piece of this adorable girl so badly.
She's not real and never will be.
I forgot to say he added later Mari being in love was manga-only, as many stuff he did in the manga. For Rebuild, who knows?
Because in Rebuild she's in love with Asuka
Please stop.
She is, though.
Why would you say that :(
I don't ask for much, and I'm lonely.
Take it to /u/, shipper.
Why can't doujin ever spin off their plots from actual events in the series? Is it too much to ask for just one where she parachutes onto Shinji's dick?
> I was sent to fuck the angst out of you, Shinji-kun! Also, you smell like lcl, which is totally getting me wet.
I can be your Makinami anytime :3
She's a lesbian
Cuddle puddle
I fucking KNEW I had heard this scenario before.
She was pretty much shoehorned into the series and has no reason to be there.
I feel sorry for Reifags, being saddled with such a lifeless fuckdoll for a waifu.
>kaworufag posters still pretending to be marifags
I literally want to see asuka win again, just so I can see you guys cry
I agree pic related is the best girl
muh nigga
I just want to fuck Mari, I have no particular feelings about her aside from that.
Rei forever.
So Mari's true objective was getting a harem of all the Eva girls?
Which is retarded because she exists in the manga.
She has her eye on the prize.
AsukaLoli are rare and highly enjoyable.
>she exists in the manga
>win again
When did she ever win before ? In NGE and EoE, she ends up being the only other human being to de-Tangify, meaning that she would exist in this shitty world stuck with Shinji forever. And for that she gets strangled.
How many times did they fuck during those 14 years?
>implying she doesn't
Not that guy, but damn, you faggot cucks got outed hard.
The only one who won in Eva was Yui
Enough for the cycle to loop so she can steal an AsukaLoli for her own purposes. Which I PRAY are impure.
The hatefuck must be brutal and amazing.
>implying the manga has any relevance
>implying the 2nd added chapter has any relevance
>imlpying Anno didn't make Sadamoto add her on top of the finished work against his will
>shipfucks ruining another thread with their fanwank
Why am I the only one telling these circlejerking faggots to fuck off?
Asuka is fucking Mari every night while you're alone and kissless in your parent's basement.
Because circle jerking is fun.
Even better than Re-take ;D
Also this
>you faggot cucks
You calling me an Asukafag ?
If we think about it, the only losers are Shinji, Asuka and Gendo, and maybe Rei, because I never got her fate. (Did she die or what ?)
Asuka and Shinji lost by getting stuck in post 3rd impact world, Gendo got his head bitten off, and as far as I know, this means he died intead of becoming Tang. Everyone else got to go to a literally perfect imaginary world.
>my fanwank means it's troo
Fuck off cancer.
>maybe Rei, because I never got her fate. (Did she die or what ?)
She literally transcended time and space and became a God.
You're a kaworufaggot retard.
I could salt my fries with your presence
Posting glorious threesome potential.
Please kill yourself. You clearly don't give a fuck about any of the characters.
see Mankind as a whole gets a decent end of the stick by virtue of ensuring future survival.
Exclusions are
Yui, because the cunt is stuck in an effectively eternal prison.
Gendo because he got #rekt and denied everything he ever wanted, now doomed to be without Yui his entire life even if he reforms.
Kaworu because he's dead and gone.
The rest will be fine, although not without suffering - that's the point of the series.
>You clearly don't give a fuck about any of the characters.
They're not real.
But I would fuck 'em.
If you mean, I don't give a fuck about the characters character, then that's not true. Fanart just doesn't count.
Oh squishy
why do you think the fandom goes all up in arms when you talk about the most obvious shipping endings, why do you think people now are making her out to be gay and shit after clearly showing interest to shinji.
even on the manga she basically won
it's hilarious as fuck.
Like I don't even like this series as much anymore after 3.shit but it's hilarious coming back and seeing the same kaworufags doing the same shit
>muh dick ooga booga xD
Fucking figures. Spam your reposts elsewhere you little underaged cretin.
Nope, insert a new coin and try again :^)
What are you even talking about?
I do. And Mari's character is to be Asuka's lover!
This, coming from someone who used an Emote to try and put across a point.
At least I type what I want to say instead of relying on memespeak because I lack the vocabulary.
That being said, yeah MUH DICK!
Come on, don't lie. If they both came up to you and told you they wanted to jump your bones, you wouldn't say, "NO! I CARE ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER!!"
I feel bad for Asukafags if they think getting choked by a limp-dicked fag and pulled out of a train station is winning.
I guess after all the shit that happened to her in the series you'll take what you can get.
Characterfagging Eva characters is stupid anyway.
Says the characterfagging faggot.
The thing about Gendo is that I don't know, or at least don't quite remember wether he turned into LCL or not. I mean, all of SEELE did, they show the guys in the control turning into LCL, and they show Misato and Ritsuko's clothes surrounded by LCL.
But I don't remember Gendo turning into LCL, because if he did, he could just imagine himself another Yui.
I think it's some hetshipper butthurt by pure girl love again.
You can't imagine yourself another person.
Not in the slightest. But keep being paranoid and hilariously mad.
Tsunderes are weak to cats.
I don't disagree that Asuka fans might be pushing it with the shipping end. However, you're a characterfag yourself pretending not to be. There's no reason to get as upset as you unless you aren't.
Learn to be honest.
Okay, fine, I'll just say that I barely understand Intrumentality, and I hope I'm not alone in this. But when I think of Intrumentality, I think of the alternate slice of life universe that appears in episode 26. I always assumed that it was all Shinji's imagination, as he can imagine himself anything now.
Were the alternate Asuka and Rei in that universe the projections of their respective characters inside Instrumentality, then ?
I want to ejaculate inside shinji-chan.
No, it was just Shinji's personal imagination. Not real.
>calls me an asukafag for telling the truth
my last reply
This sounds like the draft of a concept rule for an animerpg
Mari's nyaa nyaa I-don't-know-the-lyrics songs are the fucking bomb.
If you knew how to read you'd know I wasn't even the first user he responded to, I'm one of the most anti-characterfag Eva fans on this board.
The obsession you faggots have with resorting Eva to some shipping contest just makes me hate this fanbase all the more, honestly.
No one won anything, that's the fucking point of the series. Y'all are dumb.
She's such a cute little shit, but has a pretty bombing figure too. It's confusing to my penis.
>getting blown out so he runs away
Yep, an Asukafag alright.
Like I said, no reason. You being upset ironically only makes the board and the fanbase worse. Learn to be honest.