Sister went to LA to become a "move producer"

>sister went to LA to become a "move producer"
>dude fuck all for 3 years leeching entirely off parents
>meets black dude and fucks him within 2 days
>entire family disowns tell her to abort or she will be a mudshark fatso gutter person for the rest of her life
>she does
>goes insane and homeless goes missing for a year
>committed to hospital for weeks
>family flies her home
>she is jittery mindwashed libdrone
>hates guns
>hates trump
>told me everything I've accomplished is because of my privilege
>went down the "you cannot be racist to white people" rabit hole
>is taking 6 pills a day so she doesn't neck herself

I just can't guys. This isn't fucking memes. This is real life and these people exist.

Other urls found in this thread:

looks like you need to take the chill pill bruh bruh

Clarify the difference to her between racism and discrimination. No you can't really be discriminated against unless youre buying crack or something.

Haha BBC strikes again

Just disown her yourself and move on, refuse to associate with her, refuse to speak with her, don't interact with her at all.

Glad she aborted that niglet
Niggers are the worst, you dont want apes in the family. The mental/liberal thing can be cured by a 50h workweek of hard physical labor in below 2 years (serious).

Lace the pills with small doses of bleach.
Eventually it will all solve itself

I have a cousin like this except she's dating a Jew. Sad!


Sister got into a bad experience similar to yours but more rough. It sucks


probably fake

>paying for an abortion and therapy when you could have just killed her
This is why we can't afford socialized medicine

>1 post by this ID

>is taking 6 pills a day so she doesn't neck herself
Replace them with placebos while she's asleep. Problem solved

picture of your sister?

>not replacing her pills with placebo
>not seeing her come closer closer to the end daily
>not doing everyone involved a favor
Boi OP, if you can't do the right thing, do at least the not wrong thing and neck yourself, yourself.

At last she can truly see!

Film her suicide please

Let her die.
Anyone who has no loyalty towards their own kin is a piece of shit.
Seriously man. Move on, move forward. Leave her behind you. Always move forward.

Women have no greater good bone in their body.


this is one of the situations where a mercy killing is completely justifiable

if you won't do it, find someone who will

>searchable image
you had one job

My brother did this. Wrecked his brain on drugs. Leeched off parents some whilst LARPing as an antifascist. Fucked some gold digger bitch, knocked her up. Leeched off parents some more.

I have the manipulative lazy asshole blocked now, from my phone, from my social media, everything except email which the spam filter gets.

Sorry user. Nothing worse than having one of your own turn to the dark side and blame their family for it. My advice is to keep her at a safe distance because she is ruined and in turn wants to ruin all that isnt. She asked for what she is now.


You had better rape the stupid out of her.

Actually, no. After living on the streets for a year im certain she has a smorgasbord of diseases.

I've seen porn of my sister fucking niggers...

and I jerked off to it

Liberalism is a cult, user.
It behaves just like one.
You have to deprogram your sister.
It's going to take a long time.
You sister got Jewed hard.
Liberals are insane, literally all of them, to varying degrees.
It's an ideology that preys on the weak-minded.
It tells stupid impressionable people that they're smart for repeating leftist rhetoric.
So you end up with a sea of idiots acting smugly because they're so certain they're 'on the right side of history.'
It's brainwashing.

At least she disposed of the niglet. Maybe you'll all get lucky again and she'll off herself. Replace her retard pills with tic tacs to hasten the process.

There's only one thing you can do user. Figure out what your father did wrong, and do better with your own daughter. That's all.

>six pills a day
Anything good? Sounds like a win-win scenario.

Jokes aside I have a single-mom mudshark sister with a half black baby as well. She fucked me over big time, did some really horrible and personally traiterous shit for her own gain.

Guess what? I just disowned her. It's great. As well as some other family members. She tried to contact us, we ignored her. Last I know she was living in a shit house in a terrible area with no running water or groceries, using napkins and paper towels as toilet paper, and bought her (now MIA) baby daddy a new Xbox one while he was on trial for a felony.
I don't exaggerate when I say she did some horrible stuff to me and someone I care about, nasty wretched cunt. Sometimes the universe gives you revenge and things just work out like pottery. It's pretty fuckin great.

beat her and give her lsd

(((movie producer)))


LA huh?

>mfw theres a remote possibility I could have fucked OP's sister.

same story bro
>sister is too dumb for school
>parents tell her, as long as she goes to school, she can stay with them
>20, visits some shittier school just to stay at home
>school is full of sandniggers/refugees/subhumans
>still watches tv - german libpropaganda channels like RTL, you name it
>supports the import of countless sandniggers (in fact she wanted to house one with my parents)
>anti-trump, anti-white, pro-lgbt, lfat like a literal landwhale
>comes home and tells parents she wants to wear a hijab
>parents tell her that they would disown her in an instant
>literally too dumb to graduate first grade of a shittier nightschool
>has other plans - wants to change school for the 6th time
>mother just wants to kick her useless ass out, while my father is a gutmensch and still supports her

this shit will go on til she becomes 30 and dies of a heartattack
i am so glad i moved out. shes a socio- and psychopath. if you criticise her, she will scream like a 12 year old and run into her room. i would have neck'd myself by now if i was still living with my parents

You're doing the right thing, and you're going to get the satisfaction of watching her life fall apart. Stay strong, she'll come back begging at some point. Just remember what she did to you and the dishonor she brought to your family, not that you could forget.


help your sister OP

Liberalism prays on the well-meaning and impressionable.
The more emotional a person you are, the easier it is for them to brainwash you.

Oh he seems like a perfectly fine guy.


LA chews people up and spits them out. It is a tough city to live in. It is tough because unlike New York, LA seems really laid back and friendly until it sucks you dry.

Been living here for 5 years now. It is a rough place to live, but there is a certain satisfaction in 'making it' in this place.

You are lucky she didn't just disappear. People find bodies in the Mojave every day.

sam hyde was right about LA frying peoples' brains

Yeah c'mon man. You can't post shit like that and then not link it.

too bad
so sad
white people problems

Share the link lad

>family flies her home

That's where you went wrong

Let me guess, you are going to victim blame her, and not the blame people that poisoned her?

You know the solution.


Chillis baby back ribs.

"Your own moral code—the one you lived by, but never stated, acknowledged or defended—was the code that preserves man's existence. If you were punished for it, what was the nature of those who punished you? Yours was the code of life. What, then, is theirs?"

So she doesn't have a brain then?

Of course she is to blame. She knew it was a snake before she picked it up.

Can I have sum pillz pllz

>I have a cousin like this except she's dating a Jew
>Dating genetically up
>Literally opposite to a nigger.

>This is real life and these people exist.

Yep, and they have the ability to vote on how you can live your life.

theirs is the code of the blight spawning broodmother.

If Jews were genetically superior they'd have been building empires instead of being constantly expelled from them.

This. She's not your sister anymore.

reminds me of story of movie from pic related except more an hero

This. There's something really sinister about LA that most people don't know about. It looks nice, it's got spics sure but it's like every other major city, right? Wrong. LA fries people's brains. It's some Lovecraft occult shit the way it fucks with people. Maybe it's the smog or the geographic location, maybe it's on some leylines. Maybe the entire city was an MKULTRA or Operation Mockingbird project. I don't know, but what I do know is that LA is not like other cities. The way it chews up people's minds and makes them into these plastic ghouls is something that should be seriously studied

>You are lucky she didn't just disappear. People find bodies in the Mojave every day.
Wouldn't that be good, I live in LA too hate these libtards

>tfw everybody gets digits but you

>genetically up
I'd expect that kind of thought from a dirty Communist.
You know the only reason the Jews want Europeans dead is because we challenge their idea that they're the master race chosen of God.
We've outdone them in creation, in just about every regard.
All they've created has always been a bastardized version of what we did.
Jews aren't smarter, they're just completely without morals, so it enables them to do horrific things.
They're a literal race of psychopaths due to a common brain defect they tend to share.
You can make all the money in the world when you don't give a fuck about the countless lives you're ending on a regular basis.

>being constantly expelled from them
Not constantly. Since Von Habsburgs, Jewish influence only grew in the world.
>they'd have been building empires
Well, you live in one.

Who is that guy?

Andrew Alemao was arrested today again for being antifa faggot in Austin. Your captcha is blowing my fucking mind right now

Your sister is a retarded. I've been in LA for 2 years and found a right wing Armenian Russian 10/10 gf.

Yeah, what's his name again?


>They're a literal race of psychopaths due to a common brain defect they tend to share.
Defect is something that impedes you from succeeding. Thus, the goyim whities are visibly defected compared to the Chosen.


Lived in LA my whole life, hate these liberals man. There crawling everywhere like roaches

>Well, you live in one
Stealing isn't building, Jew.
Europeans built the US, not you rats.

Very sorry for you bro.

White women.

>you don't give a fuck about the countless lives you're ending on a regular basis
Compare Jewish benevolence to the goyim barbarism: Hitler, Colonialism, I'm not even talking medieval times.

When I see people like that I just turn around and run.

>kills baby
>becomes mentally ill
made me think

>tfw everyone in my family turned out great

take your kids to church everyone and make sure to eat suppers together.

Literally easy as fuck but most degenerate baby boomers cant do it.

They don't call Blue States blue for no reason.

Blue Pills

i only found out today that before the immigration act of 1965 there were quotas only letting people from norther european countries to immigrate here.

like what the fuck why would you get rid of that rule?

>Europeans built the US
And the slaves build Roman Colosseum, how's that working for ya?

Do you have to leave group chats with people you are ghosting?

Dan "the Virgin Defiler" Schneider

You would think that about yourselves kek
I would argue that if you can wipe out entire peoples, and not feel a thing about it, that makes you enormously inhuman.
Your people are why the world is in shambles.
A people with a lust for control, but with no empathy, are going to ruin the world when they get in power.

I know this is bait, but I have to ask just in case. What did she say when you explained to her she needed money to produce movies?

Easier said than done.

It's a combination of factors. The ley lines are certainly part of it.

t. socal resident

Fuck, I just noticed the 1 post by this ID. Fuck you, OP. grassed.

mfw you get digits anyway!!...

>slowly hit her with the red pill iv
>if it doesn't work just plain hit her
>make sure to finish with race and iq/bell curve >bam done or dead....
either way pol is good

You know in Asia and Islam, they have honor killings.

once a female is corrupted, you got to stone them to death

Europeans brought civilizatoin to the furthest reaches of the world.
We ended slavery in the west, and invented the modern world itself, and most of what you rat Jews use on a daily basis to play your little schemes.
It must eat you up inside that the dirty goyim made everything of value in this world, even what you have to use to psychotically play on their good-will.
All you Jews ever gave us was genocide after genocide the very concept of slavery itself, and fucking banks.
You people are awful and you know you are.
Of course a race of nebbish little betas like you would be eternally obsessed with being the best race.
Look at you; you're basically an entire race with small-man syndrome.

Avoid talking to her and pretend she doesn't exist.

>The only white man in the painting looks lost and to be contemplating suicide

Same happened to me user. My step sister is the biggest fucking coal burner in town. She is an alcoholic and has been raped at least 3 times by niggers at clubs because she gets so fucking drunk she doesn't know what the fuck she is doing. She has nearly every STD known to man including HPV, I'm surprised she doesn't have AIDS yet. Never slept with a white guy in her life and now she's a turbo dyke and doesn't sleep with men at all anymore. Haven't talked to the cunt in almost 5 years now and truly don't care if she dies in a gutter somewhere. And before you call anyone a cuck, she has no blood relation to me, her parents were family friends and we took her and her brother in after her parents died. My step brother is cool, but his wife's son is half black/hispanic. They both are a clear reminder of what nigger culture does to young minds.

Encourage her to be racist to White people!!!!!

Every anti-White act increases White radicalization and group cohesion. Pollacks should even attempt to bait these things.