>pay denbts
$1,500,000,000,000 USD (no Eurocuck currency bullshit you can hyperinflate away either)
Sagen sie das mit mir....
>pay denbts
$1,500,000,000,000 USD (no Eurocuck currency bullshit you can hyperinflate away either)
Sagen sie das mit mir....
Dude, enough with the aid and reparations ffs... What are we, niggers waiting on the 1st of the month? Poland needs to wean off the EU as fast as it can safely and economically efficiently so it can be strongly independent as possible. So lessen the power for them to force us into doing things we don't want to do and we're not tied to the downfall of another country's irresponsibility.
Hopefully in my lifetime I'll see a strong as fuck Poland that'll not rely on other countries and have said other countries beg for aid from it; while giving aid to true allies of Poland of course. It's kinda embarrassing to be Eurosceptic and standing up against it while being the one of the biggest receiver of funds from it.
"Poland is LEGALLY RIGHT to demand (WWII) reparations from Germany - lawyers say"
Cool. Let's not demand it.
The EU will pay for Polands military
...And when that funding stops? What then? A standing military costs a lot of resources as well, not as much as an active one.
Sounds logical, right?
It's nice to see Poland finally taking action and demanding them money. Serves Germany right for trying to force their hands and shoving immigrants on their faces.
No it's not about reparations or being niggers.
It's about teaching Germany a lesson for letting in all the refugees, demanding other countries take in refugees (even when crime rates have Sky rocketed), forcing countries to stay in EU, and threatening my president.
Fuck Germany and Merkel.
And Poland shows Germany what American blacks are like.
This is retribution for threatened sanctions over not letting in rapefugees, you dumb cunt.
Why are Europoors so revenge focused? After WWI UK and France wanted to nail Germany an that only led to WWII. After WWII, USSR and allies again wanted to dismantle Germany. Only the US's judiciousness led to fair measures.
One must respect a country for countering diversity quotas with gibs demands. Lose-lose for Euro no matter how they move forwards with it.
>no Eurocuck currency bullshit you can hyperinflate away either
What are you talking about Germany would never just print currency to the point of worthlessness to just pay war reparations
poles = niggers of europe
that means today after voting i have to drive 100 km to kill a polack to set things in order?
>Hopefully in my lifetime I'll see a strong as fuck Poland
Yeah, that's why Poland should get as much money from Germany as they possibly can, and weaken Germany as much as possible. Germany should be weakened as much as possible while they are in full libcuck nigger mode.
fuck off you fag germany is constantly trying to destroy Europe. MerKKKel and her refugees are yet another attempt. what the fuck is wrong with germans? they should all be in servitude for their decade after decade bullshiet. lets not even mention that all the communist """intellectuals""" came from germany.
This would be fucking fantastic. I would unironically join Poland in a war against modern-day Germany. And I'm 1/2 German.
This guy understand.
It was never about war reparations.
when you get your settlement can you rebuild a wall between Germany and Poland
Germany is threatening to fine Poland billions for not taking refugees. This is Poland's way of telling the krauts to shove it up their asses
And you can share that money with us too. As UK has been giving your gibs for decades.
Do you really believe this bullshit?
They will get nothing.
I wonder who the lawyers were...
>They will get nothing.
including refugees
IF germany will pay we can share. It would be very usefull for you to have money to invest in your army, so you can bomb Berlin again :)
You can even take their land as your colony if this will wipe threat called germany from europe forever
No its good leverage since Germany is compromised
Poles, truly the niggers of Europe. Pathetic people, I pray to god that Alois Irlmaiers prophecies come true and they get raped by Russia and extinct by a "yellow pestilence".
I think this sounds like a great plan!
Also we can call it the brexit divorse bill. The Germans pay with their moniez, landz and womynz
minus EU gibs
Poland is only doing this because Germany threatened severe repercussions for not taking refugees.
So now Poland turned that white guilt right back around on Germany, because they're right; if Poland bears some responsibility to accept brown people who hate them because they are white; then Germany bears some responsibility for the situation that got them there.
It's a genius fucking move that could have only been done by one hard-ass defense minister.
And your flag resembles an artery clogged with cholesteryl
also need to pay for every dead polish person
so strange that nobody ever thought about this when the jews got free german bucks everyone should have jumped on the train
>Implying any Germans feels guilty about what happened to Poorland
No, just no.
Pay denbts
That's where you're wrong, Kraut.
The ONLY German who matters in this situation feels guilty about what happened to poorland.
And that's the important part ;^)
Pay debts you insufferable cuck
also if your comic is to be believed, Maybe Germany shouldn't have faced this refugee crisis in the first place?
And the majority of Germans who are voting for her
yep, Germany is ultra-cucked and a deep-seated sense of shame has been instilled in their youth through their incredible education system. They are marvellous creatures of self-hate - the feminist political indoctrination has been fantastically effective.
"lawyer" as in polish lawyer, which in german simply means "thief"
If Germany will not forgive debts then Poland got no reason to forgive what germany owe to them
Debts and reparations are literally the same thing
That comic is dishonest. The EU didn't have to accept any migrants and then trying to force them on other nations was bullshit.
There's all kinds of anti-Poland propaganda but the Poles seem to be the only sane people left.
>get rid of all your jews for you
>demand repayment
If anything, Poland owes Germany
It really does, but don't tell anyone about it you fckn faggot.
Couldn't it be said the Poland technically STARTED World War 2? I mean if they hadn't been slaughtering Germans by the thousands, Hitler might not have ever invaded them. Or do I have my history wrong?
lol germany,, gibs us reperations but we take 0 rapefugees
nah, you got it right.
The Brits also told Poland not to negotiate with the Germans.
Literally the process was
>"Poland if you don't accept all these refugees we'll punish you through various EU shit"
>"Okay, fuck you too Germany, pay us reparations for WW2"