Anzu wants you to sign that marriage certificate she's holding right now. What do?
GuP threa
Anzu wants you to sign that marriage certificate she's holding right now. What do?
GuP threa
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Nah thanks mate, your alright
Only if im getting married to Duce
The old thread isn't dead yet
sage and join later
Not so fast
Read it. Make sure of the name on the contract
Thanks for helping her pick out a dress user! But you know its bad luck for me the groom to see it before we walk the isle!
Hana is underappreciated and now she is mine.
I agree with the first part.
Which direction is the ahoge spinning?
Get outta my way, let me sign!
counter clockwise
clockwise when viewed from above
>mfw there was no conductor.
>mfw the brass and strings recorded separately.
that's cheating.
kotomi no
Finns are not crazy
Everyone who claims so is Swede or Russian fabricating shit in their primitive inferiority
>Japanese recording studio
>big enough to accommodate an orchestra
There's a reason the Disappearance soundtrack was recorded in Australia.
Who's the bride? Yukari? I'll sign blindfolded.
Fixing the no lewd
Why is there no rip of this album yet?
choucho can't sing live for shit.
Fuck her.
ooarai machi now printing money.
I refuse.
It's bobbing to the left and right but never completing a rotation.
What is this?
that guy
I made love to Alice.
Finns are crazy. In the same sense to Somalian pirates kind of crazy.
>dead body beaten and strung up on meat hooks by communists
And yet most history books call them "partisans" and "freedom fighters"
DUCE did nothing wrong
How everything should have been resolved
Positing this degenerate doujin should be made illegal. Damn annoying
>that filename
I chuckled.
>not nippon uniforms
Sore ga Chihatan damashi!
who is this guy anyway?
That is pretty surreal. Is the town still doing tank-related promotions?
Way too pink.
>"Normally this is against the rules Takashi, but as I'm not wearing my armband, I'll allow it."
I think even the VAs mentioned him in the audio commentary
>It makes us happy that so many different kind of people enjoy this show
Unless they were talking about a different Chono
Masahiro Chono, professional wrestler. He sang that T28 song for that GuP mini album I think.
Colored after Miho's pussy.
could be white balance. see
but it's too bright anyway.
He sang the Maus song not the T28.
Reminder that Mussolini did EVERYTHING wrong, and should've never risen to power in first place.
A wrestler. He loves GuP. Sang a song about tank in TANSON alongside some member of JAM PROJECT.
Did someone say TOTSUGEKI?
Nigga, tank related thing renew the entire damn city
I want to make out with Shizuka!
>The story of real life Ooarai is just as impressive as GuP Ooarai.
It's pretty cool when you think about it. They never expected to sell much in the first place and just hoped for a mild publicity campaign yet it got so big and successful they can still organize events off it and pull in tons of tourists.
You're now a new instructor of Chihatan
What is your master plan to improve the team?
ma vaffanculo communista
What did she see?
is the TANSON on nyaa?
Hitler did everything right.
Mussolini did everything wrong.
See where I'm getting at?
Google some photos of the damage after the 2011 Tsunami, GuP has been the savior of the town.
A beautiful pair of lips
Fuck I want that Ankou costume thing.
Her body isn't healthy enough to birth and support the many children I'll want !
Rin please
First one to say 'totsugeki' gets a .38 to the temple.
Propaganda always has the most eerie feeling.
>normal pants and sneakers
I wish my head(s) could be firmly grasped by those thighs
Shizuka's bare vulva
Is there already rip online?
Its not the costume, its pajamas. They are for sale.
>Girls, it's been a long match, it's been a tough match. You've fought bravely, proudly for your school. You're a special group. You've found in one another a bond that exists only in combat, among sisters. You've shared tanks, held each other in dire moments. You've seen white flags and suffered together. I'm proud to have served with each and every one of you. You all deserve long and happy school lives in peace.
Samurai pantsu
Hitler jumped the gun with the war.
Mussolini knew full well italy was unprepared for global conflict and personally asked hitler not to start anything until at least 1942-43.
Italy was barely industrialized and had a terrible economy so Mussolini jumpstarted the economy first in order to have the funds for a military reform later.
Unfortunately, Hitler invaded poland in 1939 thinking his pact with russia made him invincible and that he didn't need to wait for italy.
Mussolini's mistake was believing Hitler actually could be invincible after he started winning in france, and, despite the army still un-prepared, joined his friend in the frey.
IMO he shoulda done what franco did and kept as neutral as possible, maybe lend leasing Germany, until the army was done.
But even still, the fault of Italy's shit performance was the previous italian governments not modernizing italy, and Hitler for rushing at war.
But enough of Sup Forums. Post Cute Duce in cute CVs
It's not only for kids?
Yes Miho we heard it the first time.
Now come down here and join the victory orgy.
And people say Mika hates her crew members. They've seen nothing yet.
Make them learn by fielding one Pz IV then slap their totsugeki's ass one by one, Nishizumi-style.
Then make them watch all of their past totsugeki failure while shitting on them till they cry. Everyday till their soul finally died.
Finally, introduce them to superior strategy and promise to make Chihatan great again.
Teach Fukuda adult things
>he shoulda done what franco did and kept as neutral as possible
This. If he'd managed to keep his imperialistic desires in check for two years, there'd be a "Benito Mussolini" street or square in every Italian location today.
>Is time to remove your limiter, Fukuda!
don't mind me.
just reminding of my 11 kills.
But all the Franco streets and statues were removed anyway and none remains, despite him remaining in power for three decades after WWII ended. Hell, these days you have the commies wanting to remove anything that was built under his regime because muh fascism needs to be eliminated from everyone's memory.
In a post-war cheater tank?