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Kim called obama a monkey and called Trump a dotard. What would he have called Hillary?
His best friend
Figures that tyrants would find a friend in each other
Small mind big mouth.
The point is, you incessant moron, that if Hillary became President we wouldn't even be here talking right now. The whole fucking planet would be just a smoking ball of charcoal floating in space.
war against isis is almost over
So far he's doing better than hillary did as SoS
I fucking hate Trump for cucking out on amnesty and not draining the swamp, but I do have to hand it to the man. His tweets are absolutely legendary.
Look, when someone is saying they are going to nuke us, then i expect the president to act, even if he or she ran on a platform of non-intervention.
no intervention =/= no defensive
holy I thought this was fake but he actually said that
Yea just let the guys who threaten to nuke you on a weekly basis continue building up weapons until they feel ready to act. That is totally how you prevent WW3. Haha xD Drumpf totally BTFO!
Wow you must be such a proud retard.
OP thinks the reason trump supporters dont like hillary is because she is a warmonger... lol...
I literally do not care, he triggers leftists at an unprecedented rate so he's still good in my book.
ahhh no, NK is just using the same Defense the US has been using for like 60 years. An offensive defense, to deter your enemies and anyone else from even considering attacking by displaying nuclear and military dominance.
Though we see now that it only deters them for so long, and that even the most powerful militaries cant take down insurgencies. Hence why everyone wanted the interventions to stop, they werent helping anymore they were only causing more trouble (kinda like a loop).
North Koreas defense is offense, but they havent actually used it yet. So its somewhat justifyable to just leave em be. The US however has had a long history of fucking up entire regions just cause they thought someone might not play ball.
He betrayed us, accept it and move on. He is bought and owned just like everyone else.
Were you even here during the 2016 election or just a reddit tourist? How about the entire viral psyop campaign hatched by Sup Forums that had pictures of women training for roles in the military with phrases like "I'm going to fight Russia for Hillary".
what a day lads, may Trump continue to give us le 56% epic happenings.
>he doesn't shit his pants in public daily to own the libs
Fucking newfags
you forget our country is technically still at war with north korea.
threatening a party to your armistice with nukes for the last 10 years isint a good way to preserve that armistice.
not gonna lie if you don't think the world was on the tipping point of war regardless you're slow as fuck
Nothing, because (((they))) wouldn't have made up all of these unverifiable stories about North Korea. The focus would be Russia.
Fuck you Mr. Poopybutthole nobody cares what you think, you little gungrabbing faggot. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Why do they need to fire missiles into japan's waters?
>tfw we're finally getting our happening
>Kim wouldn't have existed if we voted hillary!!
Leftwing naives. People firing missiles at us and our allies are exactly the kind of shit we protect you retards from.
Thank fucking god Hillary the warmonger is not in charge, damn right.
>Kim called obama a monkey
shut up faggot I bet you're from alberta, you disgust me
Who's Rick?
What's the point in attacking north Korea?
They can't project a significant military force, or even feed their own people.
NK and Iran getting nukes is an appropriate response, the world is waking up to the fact that the US will topple your regime at a whim even if you play nice with them.
Trumptards and trump himself are manbabbies who can't stand the idea of other nations being able to defend themselves from their dirty paws
kek. trump just casually tweets this before he goes to bed
That tweet was epic. Donald Trump will either make Little Rocket Man into his best friend once they have exchanged a few friendly insults, or he will kill him.
I love a president who speaks his damn mind with no filter.. fuck off libs we won.
Cheeto head is the worst President your nation has had.
You really think draining the swamp is gonna happen overnight?
it's ok to be jealous kangaroo
FDR literally made it illegal to have gold.
That's not mr poopybutthole faggot
probably witch
At least he's direct about it instead of hiring the firm that basically Paul Wolfowitz founded as a "Democratic" Secretary of State (can't make that up)
Also we are talking about bombing a country back to the stone age, not destabilizing a country for the Jewish Military Industrial Complex.
They couldn't be more different
Wtf i love neocons now
Morty *BRAAAAAAAAAP*, you just don't get 5D chess you little shit.
Getting pathetic, shareblue. It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
What we talked about was conflict with Russia, not some 4th world shithole that is going to get nuked into oblivion with no hope of retaliation.
the jews from Mossad start a False Flag Attack to start a War with North Korea, by having an israeli Nuclear Submarine firing Nukes over Californian Cities and starting an Earthquake that will shake the San Andreas Fault Line, and break California into pieces, Literally. and in order to trick Trump into thinking North Korea did it, thus War with North Korea begins.
its Moloch who wants this, NOT KEK, because jews will do this False Flag as a Sacrifice to Moloch just like 9/11. jews worship Moloch and Hate KEK, and try to do anything as much as Possible to Attack KEK.
Trump better find out Quickly. the israeli Sub that will Launch Nukes to California is in the Sea of Japan already as we speak.
im all Warning you on this but you either Ignore me or Laugh at me. you will be sorry you didnt Believe me.
inb4 war
>implying war with russia and a tiny asian country are the same
Go fuck yourself retard
>Defending gulags over a cap/nationalist.'
Il never understand you idiots.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255])
>Rick and Morty
fucking rick and morty fans
Jimmy Carter, Woodrow Wilson and FDR begs to differ.
Senile sociopath.
He would have gone full infowars on her.
> Be North Korea where the supreme leader is seen as the protector and undeniably good.
> be in total control of country.
> control population and generate propaganda that the supreme ruler is the ultimate protector from all that is bad.
> even when population starves to death it's the Souths fault due to sanctions.
> imprison any threat to society
> create image of one true protector
> See South Korea want reunification which means no more supreme leader.
> see South Korea and US and Japan etc practice every single year invasion exercises and ramp up military whilst saying " we won't invade"
> form opinion based on pretty easy to see observations that they'll probably invade otherwise why keep practicing to invade.
> think that only way to defend is to make nuclear missiles to threaten nuclear holocaust if invaded.
> Sup Forums helps elect Trump
> Trump threatens war
What the fuck you e left the cunts to do.
Unfortunately it'll not be Sup Forumsyards in firing line yet.
Hope the nuclear fallout radiation gives you and family cancer.
wth is that
what, you look like you've never seen a man fuck a fleshlight inside of a woman before
Ummm sweetie Hillary won
wtf i hate trump now, literally the only reason i voted for him is because i dont like war
i literally do not care about our economy, illegal immigrants, taxes, nationalism, having a strong leader who isn't afraid to bomb subhumans in third world countries who threaten us, triggering cucks, jobs, re-investigating (((who))) was responsible for 9/11, or the wall
literally the only thing i want from a president is to be more like the brilliant leaders of france and canada who are simply to smart to ever engage in any warfare
i want a leader that will remind the enemy that if they rape, pillage, and conquer us that means we win. thats why im a former trump voter who will definitely be voting for hillary in 2020
Well, that's something new.
a woman
What are you all complaining about. You wanted the world to end yesterday. So it's going to be a few days late. Never give up hope.
oh look, another person who wants to completely ignore clinton's chomping at the bit to escalate against russia over syria, and who had a track record of threatening iran, and yet somehow it's trump's fault that little rocket man has been firing missiles over japan and at guam?
get fucked, north korea is the one escalating this situation, yes, trump writes immature sensationalist tweets, but at the end of the day if war breaks out with north korea, it's completely understandable. i would not want to be in the position that south korea, japan and america are in now, and as a head of state just sit back and do fuck all. you fucking nutter.
That's pretty sad.
>Us vs norks
>Us vs russians
>landmass and population difference
>technology difference
You're a mouth breathing retard, OP.
sage thyme
kitchen escapee
he hasnt started ww3. 1 air strike in syria with spec ops. only intervention is sending more troops to afghanastan. if he invades iran or something then its different
Hillary would have bombed him in the first month. Also would have gotten involved further with Syria and the Russian and Qatar.
it's just dotatard bantz, bro, they're playing ASSFAGGOTS against each other.
>Meme flag
>Leddit posting
Oh jeez.
A-a.. Ironic shitposting at m-maximum throttle, Marty. You gotta lick my balls so I can stop sagging the thread. Lick lick lick my baaalls.
This. Russia would have already unloaded on us, and us into them, if she won. She would have instigated and leftists would have celebrated despite nuclear exchanges.
>Liberal cities get nuked
>Leftists move fast to justify "well there were some conservative traitors in those cities, so it's just as well"
yurope detected
are you enjoying shariah?
it honestly doesn't matter what glonarld glorumpf does at this point the left is still going to throw a shit fit. he could create world peace tomorrow and cure cancer and the left would cry that he was destroying the global weapons market and disincentivizing the pharmaceutical industry
I really don't like this. He is paiting himself into a rhetorical corner which will only give him two options: lose face, or send hundred of thousand to war and death.
Why don't we work on containment, missile defense and out spend them?
EU, you're the enemy.
If only he said nigger for the whole world to hear
Yeah, find me a war where america hasn't been fighting alongside a coalition of nations. We most certainly will be involved should the americans go to war.
You'll be fighting because America will be bombing you.
Should have binned that knife, all those knife tests in the atlantic ocean were one provocation too far.
trump needs to learn how to keep his fat mouth shut
I'm not from canada, I just own property here, get fucked leaf
>send hundreds of thousand to war and death
>boots on the ground
Not gonna happen in any large capacity if it does. Boots on the ground would come after aerial bombardment. Or perhaps orbital bombardment.
No, think bigger.
Memetic bombardment.
Wrestling norks into the blood-stained mud and forcibly installing live satellite feeds from Sup Forums
Life after drumpf.
fuck is this i need a source
Ching Chong needs to fuck off to his smogland
fuck japs who cares
>kim called obama a monkey
Really? Best Korea indeed
>implying that's thanks to trump
Trump gets Kim. The NK ruler is young and is probably enjoying the bants. It makes him feel powerful
a sharp dresser
is this a Rick and Morty reference?