What the fuck Japan

What the fuck Japan

welcome to the age of the trap


Good old Japan huh.


wew lad


This looks shopped

>my penis is not feminine enough for a this

I hate this big hairy thing.


Never change.



I'm assuming this is a WTF anime in Japan thread now?

You know, you can shave your pubic hair.


I wanna puke

That frilly dick band is CUTE!

Go back to red.dit.

This is a reddit-tier sensationalist thread. We're supposed to be past the stage where we're shocked at Japan's culture and instead we should be embracing it.


I don't see the problem.



LOL LOOK LIKE IM ON THE WRONG PART OF LE YOUTUBE AGAIN -_____________________________________________________-

japan is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo weird.................................................