I've taken just about every redpill there is, but I struggle to understand lesbians...are they just rebelling against a society of weak men, desperately waiting for some alpha daddy that doesn't buy their bullshit to take control and fuck them until they cry? What's going on here pol?
Redpill me on lesbians
Theres no such thing as lesbians. All women are attracted to men and are incidentally bisexual. All "lesbians" just hate men either because of a bad experience or because no man wants to fuck her 300lb asshole.
Incredibly arousing degenerates that I masturbate to, but degenerates nonetheless.
That, and women are submissive and naturally want men to approve of them. They keep hearing that men are turned on by lesbian sex so they have engage in "lesbianism" because they think it's what we want.
Men need to start slut-shaming and demanding a stop to degeneracy among women. They will in fact straighten out in short order.
Lesbians are gay.
Every woman is a bit lesbian. You will learn this as you become more sexually experienced.
Their brains fucked up in puberty or in the womb or something and they like female instead of male genitalia.
What about lesbian couples? I know of a couple where one girl is very kind, compassionate, attractive enough to fuck and the other is the short-haired boyish-looking one, what does that mean?
Changing them back doesn't work, we've tried just about everything and it all has horribly low rates of success, even for eager participants.
The bulldyke is really just a source of income for the pretty one.
I chuckled. Good job, Sven.
What I would like to understand is why every girl is bisexual? Even if they're straight, they wouldn't mind kissing or touching another girl, what did god mean by this?
Men are raised from a young age to believe that the only contexts that you can touch another person in are violent (competitive sports, wrestling, fighting) and sexual. Women are not raised with this belief and cuddle with each other, play games e.g. patty cake, do make up on each other and paint each other's nails. This is why they're more comfortable being intimate with each other, even in the absence of considerable sexual attraction.
there are some dykes out there (a few are cute,) and they have that natural hunting instinct that men have. These lesbains are the real deal. However it doesn't stop me from believing that all they really need is the right dick and they can be turned.
There's a bi girl, 7/10 at most, whose interested in me. Not sure how to react.
I'm a lesbian; not one of those trans-molesbians either. I've known that I was attracted to other females since I was about 13. The other girls in my class would talk about how cute the boys were, but I could not relate to their attraction to them. Instead I would find myself thinking about how nice it would be to kiss a girl or how beautiful they looked. I never really questioned my attraction to women since it just feels natural to me. I do not feel the sexual, physical, or emotional attraction for men as I do for women. Even if I try to like men as I do women, it just doesn't click.
Now, just because I'm not attracted to men does not mean I hate them. I get along fine with men. They are way easier to get along with than other women. I don't really look gay, so when I tell a female friend or co-worker, they sometimes start acting weird around me. They probably think I want to date them or some shit. I don't go around flaunting my sexuality like some raging faggot. I only tell if someone happens to ask me about my personal relationships.
Fuck her. Don't have a relationship. DO NOT ENGAGE IN A RELATIONSHIP.
She will give you great sex. Seriously though: no relationships with bi girls.
Thanks for the advice then
Attention whores
degenerate. get a bf and if he lets you bonk chicks for his amusement that's possibly tolerable.
>didn't go to college myself but hung out with college kids at parties
>tons of lesbians
>a few years later look them up on facebook
>all of them suckered some poor sod into being their beta provider after they got tired of being lesbians
many such cases
I like lipstick lesbians, they titillate me.
lesbian here. what do you idiots want to know?
Most lesbians are bull dykes or incredibly ugly. In other words, invisible to men.
This leaves them with the choice of either continuing to be invisible and lonely or forging a homosexual identity and having cohabiting relationships with other rejected/dysfunctional/unattractive women.
Female sexuality is fluid, it's misguided to call most females heterosexual or homosexual.
Lesbians are OK if both chicks are hot. Otherwise they need to be gassed.
>Get attracted to men who use and manipulate her
>Said men use and manipulate her
>omfg all men are assholes
>becomes a lesbian because she needs to get fucked by somebody
>realizes women truly are completely psychotic
>repeat the cycle
I may have forgotten the "get molested as a child" or "grow up without a father" part early on, but you get the gist.
You guys are so funny do you actually believe the shit you post?
Lesbian redpill: some women like pussy and cock does nothing for them. Wild, I know.
here's the redpill you're looking for:
There are very few true lesbians. The fluid sexual dynamic in 95% of women still exists regardless of what they claim to be more attracted to. This is especially true in women who identify as lesbian as they tend to have sexual appetites comparable to men. Most of them have like, no resistance to dry spells at all and if they can't find a woman it's usually not longer than a couple of months before they have a cock in their throat.
It's natural for alpha men to have a harem.
Tits and timestamp or GTFO
>redpill me on lesbians
Lesbians are women who are so fucking needy that the idea of only having one Chad's attention terrifies them.
They're the Black Hole of needy.
Ever seen a dog desperately humping a mini-van, a fire hydrant, a potted plant, or a babby?
Cute, right?
Lesbians are just like that, except they expect you to use thumbtacks and superglue for lube.
Lesbians are Apocalypse Now on film, and Battlefield Earth in real life.
Bitch is just exploiting the tomboy. Anyone who tries to keep tomboys from men are the enemy.
Did you have hot sleepover sex when you were 15?
1 post by this ID.
That's bullshit. Are you a little homo?
The best threesome is MFF because women can start kissing even if it's their first time.
Historically men have kept several female partners because it's 100 million times easier to have a woman share a man than a man share a woman.
>easier to have a woman share a man than a man share a woman
We're a naturally polygamous species. When we were on the Serengeti Chad was mating with 3+ women in the hut he told the betas to build.
>Lesbian redpill: some women like pussy and cock does nothing for them. Wild, I know.
you're a dumb cuck, women dont "like" things the way we do. there is always a underlying reason that probably has something to do with social status or male attention, stop thinking of women as humans.
This you?
>Lesbians are Apocalypse Now on film, and Battlefield Earth in real life.
girls only pretend to like girls to attract men
hence all the "fake lesbians" at bars/clubs.
at which point said betas would band together to skill Serengeti chad, the king of the betas would take the title of new chad and the cycle would continue
IDs are random and different across threads!!
I don't know about lesbians but I have just found out that asian pussy is a psyop to take our guns.
I think the problem with most of them is they have been fucked until they cried.
Ugly lesbians are just malformed women with genetic defects like homo men.
feminine lesbians tend to have experienced some kind of trauma in the past, like being sexually abused by a man or some shit.
Women tend to be universally atractive
I mean,who wouldnt fuck a hot chick?
They're an abomination against God, what more is there to understand?
Guys don't start taking clothes off and kissing each other when they've had one to many drinks.
THIS FPBP how can there be sooo much truth in one sentence.
Women are built to be attracted to men, to be alright with having other women in a harem/cave family style situation, and to reach for what would make a man become aroused. All of these basically leave an open window for a woman to perform sexually with another woman without losing sexual arousal.
Gay men are afflicted by a hormonal disorder that arises from a weakened sperm/egg and results in a insufficient transformation of the brain/hormonal glands in the womb from female to male, allowing them to be gay, however they will only ever VERY rarely be bisexual, as usually sexual arousal is a reinforcement thing and once a man who has the capability to be attracted to another man begins to act on that attraction, mentally or physically, they will very soon lose attraction to women.
Lesbians don't really exist, or incredibly, incredibly rare, because there's no disorder that just gives a female a male brain without overdevoping other noticeable elements.
Essentially, you could go to prides parades continually, meet perhaps 3 to 4 legitimate bisexual men in a year period, but not meet an actual lesbian.
Dykes/Bulldykes are just normal women who have some sort of trauma that causes them to react negatively to males, they have the sexual attraction ( a raped bulldyke will still get wet, a straight male raped by another male will not get hard ) they essentially just have a phobia, and they continually reinforce their persona.
The real issue I identify is that females aren't allowed to vary on the testosterone scale, not all women are naturally pixie-ish or amazons, some just tend to be stocky or aggressive and are alienated as children for this, in reality if they were hurt as children they would just end up being really high intensity/ high libido women like Rousey.
I'd appreciate any thoughts on this, it's just my take I've developed over time.
you and this user THREAD
As funny as that will seem to some people (it is funny let's be honest), it's also actually quite sad.
More and more women are deciding to not have children. Its almost a virtue in our society. Psychologists such as Jordan Peterson have discussed the spike in devastated female clients they receive, now too old to ever have children.
Humans don't have a strong tribal sense like other animals, they have a strong cardinal family sense and a soft tribe sense.
There were dominant and less dominant males, but not Alphas (except in the honorary sense), mostly because 'Alphas' didn't keep slaves or secondary males that early in our biological history.
You more just had dominant males and dead males. The abundance of dying males compared to protected females leads to harems.
Building would have come quite a bit later.
The single biggest genetic influencer in the human line was Genghis Khan, undoubtably and assuredly, and he didn't keep betas, just killed people then fucked their women and left them everywhere. He invited his fellow steppe men to rape and ravage alongside him, independently.
The human male connection has always been more fraternal than hierarchical, it's one of the reasons males are so developed, as opposed to females who are always ready to either abandon their male or fight amongst each other in famine so they wouldn't get thrown out of the shelter.
I believe the xenoestrogen in the food and water isn't making it any better along with the oversaturation of porn and the effects it has a on the developing minds of young men...and to a degree women is a cancer to society and normal healthy relationships as a whole. Jordan peterson is great I've also recently gotten into this guys stuff youtube.com
The ugly ones can't bread and fine ones can do porn.
That's it all.
Then do not masturbate to degeneracy, unless you want to justify and give more incentive to lesbian videos. It's that simple, really.
All the lesbiens i have met start kissing dudes when drunk
Lesbians do not exist
if you think about it, gay people serve no purpose
we are made to procreate.
This, there is only one gender.
>This, there is only one gender.
I will agree on the reinforcement effect you're developping
never felt anything around women and pussies are nasty to me but I can make myself indifferent to penises if I've got reasons to, it's not that hard really with enough distractions or an intense activity or lifestyle
I think men don't have that possibility
though women tend to be irrationaly jealous so i doubt they're built to be in harems
maybe in your fantasies or in authorarian structures; i'll agree they're historically plenty of such cases
>it's men's fault
fuck off
They are here for me to fap to.
>Lesbians are just like that, except they expect you to use thumbtacks and superglue for lube
Pls stop, that sounds incredibly fun.
girls are stupid though
I cant imagine ever kissing a guy
Most girls are bisexual in denial.
This whole "yes i kiss girls sometimes but just for fun and yes i masturbation mainly to lesbian porn but just because they're more appealing to woman" bullshit which those "straight woman" try to pull off is completely delusional.
They're jealous because calories and security are a commodity, they're jealous of one another way two workers are jealous of each other when they know one could get laid off.
everyone's jealous then and that's only social awareness you're describing, I really meant that there's this special nerve that gets triggered when a woman has to compete for a man's attention
thats why i wrote irrational but you still went all practical about it
I don't think it's irrational, personally.
I think all 'tendencies' that a group has can be traced back to a reasoning, primarily genetic.
Individuals are individuals, groups are data
Yes, but we call it bisexuality.
i think women are people and most people only need two things respect and self respect, thats the individuals' constant.
No woman will ever enjoy being part of a harem and no man will ever enjoy building tents for other men to fuck in.
animals enjoy hunting and mating; tendencies are rewarded genetically as an enjoyment feeling has developped
if it were like you described, individuals would have developped ways to cope or enjoyed their genetic induced behaviours that would be (in your logic) for women to gather around one man and for lesser gifted men to step aside
so now is our natural pride and ego been figthing millenars of genetic evolution; thats actually genuine as I 'm completely dumb and ve got no way to judge past the biological questions
>Incredibly arousing degenerates
There's a solid evolutionary psychology argument that the behaviour developed in the first place to attract males. I agree it mostly isn't a "real" sexuality, except in the pure 2D world of course.
Pic is the OP of an excellent MPC thread about this, you need to be a registered user to view it though: mpcdot.com
Idk, but they sure are fun to watch.
fuck I lol'd
Did the Jews make you like pussy?
how do you know OP is a girl?
Dykes are easily the worst group of people on earth. Far worse than jews, just less dangerous as they are all women
are you butch? Like naturally manly hi T? Because those are the only real genetic lezzies imo the others are just LARPing
I once saw two teen lesbos eating each others cunnies in the woods. I made a funny "Hmmm" noise and they stopped and swore at me.
you are a huge homo fag why didn't you creep up and slide in the backside
They're powerosexual. They're attracted to whoever they perceive as having the most power. If that means Chad, a rich Jew or a bull dyke, so be it.
I think one of them would have noticed a huge pair of hairy bollucks suddenly obscuring their vision and they'd have definitely felt the massive British todger in their Aberdeen angus.
hahaha they were busy, prob wouldn't have noticed
>as they are all women
C'mon guy! Its 2017!
Truth right here.
>thread starts with a subject where gender is obviously relevant
>user tries to make an analogy by changing genders
Really makes you think.
It's the purest form of love
Just because women are like this doesn't mean it applies to men.
Women care a fucking lot about their looks so in the end they obviously feel some attraction to other women. Men only care about whether they look good to women and scary to other men and often are disgusted by male bodies by themselves. You can see it on a beach when some hot chick walks around, everybody, both women and men will notice her, with very attractive man - only women will.
Majority of them lezzed with their friends once or twice. There were studies that checked that as much as 3/4 married women did it with their female friends at least once.
That being said the actual lesbians, the ones that go "oh I don't like men" are in the very minority of female homosexual population and most of them are very likely just hurt badly when they were young. Tough break ups or being ugly and failing at attracting boys - I've seen both irl.
Wait, I've never heard about the digit ratio thing.
Can I get a rundown?
Link to the study in hyperlink?
You do know this is really because of the abuse you suffered as a child. I have known many l
life-style lesbians and all of them had been abused as children.
Try to come to terms with what happened to you. I will pray for you.
Second least gay kind of porn to watch as there's no dick involved, after solo porn obviously.
A lot of women turn "lesbian" after a couple of drinks and start molesting each other. Weird shit tbqh