Can you tell if someone is conservative or liberal just by how they carry themselves in public?
For example, is the red sweatshirt guy in this GIF a conservative or a liberal?
Can you tell if someone is conservative or liberal just by how they carry themselves in public?
For example, is the red sweatshirt guy in this GIF a conservative or a liberal?
Look at the fucking handbag, that's obviously a liberal.
why would you have this gif saved? Take off that meme flag you goddamn faggot I bet you're a goddamn leaf
its definitely a gray
Liberals have penis shame and are afraid to be comfortable if it means anyone noticing that they are male. Definitely conservative.
hnng that bulge
A principled conservative only uses stalls
touching your penis thru your clothes at plain sight isnt a conservative value afaik, so ill go with liberal
He looks like he works out and has a Job/things to do. He's a conservative.
90% of confederate flags are israelis.
Def conservative
>tiny nub dick
He is liberal
Shorts in public == liberal
Probably a Sup Forums cringer recording himself vainly trying to impress /fit/ or /fa/ or both. So probably extreme right. Also inb4 404.
what do conservatives wear?
Guy looks like he might lift, likely conservative.
>Shorts indicating warm weather.
>Long sleeve shirt indicating cool weather.
>Nigger hoodie
Obviously a liberal faggot.
Yes, you can tell a lot about people from their mannerisms, or even from their faces.
Face reading algorithms could probably be made to determine peoples' political ideologies with 90%+ accuracy.
I'm a techno-fascist and I wear shorts every day.
Conservative he has a gun
>1 post by this ID
>slide thread
OP is a faggot and so is his gif
Jack Bauer has a handbag.. You think he's a liberal?