Whats your thoughts on safe injection sites? I hear about them showing up here and there and I think they are awful only promoting more drug use.
Thoughts on safe injection sites?
They should imprison them and wean them off of the heroin slowly in these facilities. Just giving them clean syringes isn't solving the problem.
I agree
>fucking degen
go to sig
There was a time when I was more libertarian/liberal/bluepilled normie teenager when I heard about these and was for them, but now I realize that the problem is drug use and addiction, not disease. Also, how have we gotten dubbs three posts in a row? Kecc smiles upon this thread.
Issue then is. No one will employ them if they have been in prison
Destroy the welfare state and let them die like the degenerates they are
Goodwill hires "hard to employ" people in the US out of charity. I don't know if something like that in Canada exists, but I don't think I was background checked when I got a job delivering pizzas and that pays pretty well depending on the area.
You could just call it something other than a prison I guess. "Compulsory rehabilitation" sounds euphemistic and sterile enough. Ideally, they would provide them with some forced labor to do for a month or two after they're clean so they don't relapse - the issue with this of course is taxpayer dollars going towards improving degenerates.
Have empathy. If you don't have excessive amounts of willpower, you are one poor decision away from an addiction you cannot break without help.
they're useful since I prefer junkies shooting meth there instead of city parks but value of neigborhood goes drastically down so they should be secluded somewhere in the city outskirts
promote drug use? nah, junkies don't really care for anyone's approval
Yeah I believe there are a few groups that do that here too, a few companies up here hire anyone as long as they have served their time
Sup Forums memes aside. I think we would he okay with tax money removing degeneracy.
Trust me I know that to be true, I work security and have seen junkies go all out just to shoot up
When I used to live in Arizona I read a story about how they were going to be placing drinking fountains in the desert because illegals would hop the border, get lost, and fucking drop dead because they came unprepared and dehydrated. They were added under the thought process of "well they're going to commit the crime anyway, so let's make it safer for them to do so". This is the completely wrong way of thinking. That's like saying you keep condoms and a bottle of jack in the nightstand next to you because you leave the door unlocked every night with a sign on it asking Tyrone to rape you, and as long as he might pop in to fuck you in the asshole, you'd better be prepared with some condoms and whisky.
Why not just stop the fucking assholes from jumping the border? Why not stop the fucking assholes from injecting? Or don't and let them all fucking die for all I care. Or better yet, euthanize them at the injection sites and poison the water fountains in the desert. Jesus christ why do we have compassion for these broken idiots? They are beyond saving already if they're doing this.
The safe injection sites should provide cyanide potassium-covered needles.
You canadians are so cuddly and cute
thanks senpai
My parents own a restaurant and all of my other family is otherwise "blue-collar" so I've never really heard much about how big companies factor in criminality other than it being avoided for obvious reasons. I don't think it's as big a factor in "low class" jobs though.
I personally would if it actually worked. Prison doesn't in Murica though and I resent even the smallest amount of my money going towards feeding them and giving them a place to shit.
It's up to the leafs to decide though.
Just encourages their bullshit. Either legit get help or fuck off.
>set up safe injection sites
>turn worthless junkies into soylent green
Sounds good
If the govt is going to keep my money, I'd rather have them spend on "degenerates" than going against churches and schools which have a traditional outlook on marriage and family. At least there is a chance the "degenerates" will become better people that dont murder or steal.
I see the idea of putting the nigger and poo at the back (out of the way), however they have guns. Not sure if itd wise having out backs to a nigger with a gun.
Sadly the indian is the London representative these days.
What does the Canadian government do to go against churches and private schools? Honest question.
all degenerates should be shot on sight
the worst thing you can do for a drug addict is enable them
They're empirically better, Switzerland implemented something like this and HIV rates went down a lot
Degenerate here. I would rather be sent in a disorganized guerrilla operation so I can distract or kill some enemies before I die. Please consider imprisoning us until then.
little things like forcing them to accept gays and Muslims despite them being Private places, or passing laws making it so if you speak out against Muslims you can get charged
>feels bad man
We can use them as human shields maybe??
>or fuck off.
The thing is there are always going to be people who refuse to get help.
Better to inject in a room where you can dispose your syringe than do it out in a park where kids play. I used to play football as a kid in a place called Cabramatta in the mid 90s, the parents used to have to going over the grounds before games to check for syringes because the area was renowned for having high uses of heroin.
Oh, that's shitty. It's a lot more obscure of a thing to actually have any money going towards enforcing than prisons which have a regular cost of operation.
Great thinking user! Who we attac first?
Just promoting more degeneracy, like most liberal projects.
honestly its a way to prevent diseases. have cops tail people on the way out and arrest them to get them help or some shit
Why does this exist. Are drug users so fucking lazy they can't be bothered by new sterile needles? Trick question I know the answer is yes, which makes this entire thing even more depressing.
I believe getting those Indians back in line will be the first step in rebuilding our great empire
we opened the first one in here in sydney in 2000, not sure if thats the first one in the world though, I doubt it. It basically got rid of literal third world tier conditions in the area it was opened in
Degenerate, junkie scum shouldn't be helped
Yes and we can begin the lines straight to the public lavatories we will order them to build.
Yes we shall clean those savages until they are proper humans
They should throw in a few cans of Zyklon B whenever they notice the safe injection site is occupied.
Neckshot or you're a pussy. Get Swiss get it free every day. Remember kids the EU provides free heroin to all.
The priest in my church stated that unless the Roman Catholic Church changes its position on gay marriage, it will lose its charitable organization status. The wealth doesn't go to the Vatican like it's 1450 but gets sent to other, poorer parishes as well as various city aid programs like shelters.
In my case, the Edmonton Catholic School District was told to establish Gay Straigh Alliances in every high school, despite demand or lack of it, or else face consequences.
So, plenty is being done against us.
Should've been used as a honeypot to arrest everyone and deport them to Israel TBQH
They're honestly an improvement. I don't know why people are so against them, especially people who dislike junkies.
>gives them a place to shoot drugs that isn't in public
>prevents spreading aids
>prevents aids ridden needles being littered in the streets
>literally puts people who look like zombies in a big building i don't have to look at
>overall reduces crime and drug use
what's there to dislike?
and they are a few good choices away from leading a productive life. Users aren't "down on the their luck" or "unfortunate victims" they are knowingly wasting their lives on an addiction. If you can't help yourself then you should fuck off.
Being radically anti-drugs is the right's version of virtue signalling
>aint gonna stop
>til they stop
>are gonna get high anyway
these programs
>stop spread of disease
>offer resources to those who want to stop
i dont see the problem.
I hear that the ovens are a safe place to inject drugs