>dude it's not murder
>they're not human lol
Why are people ok with this shit again?
Dude it's not murder
It keeps the nigger population in check.
Because last time we let one live,we got you OP
I described a late term abortion to someone today, they were revolted.
want the sex but not the kids eh?
Look at crime stats 18 years after Roe V Wade....
>Dude only christfags care about babies!
>Kills more babies than literally anyone
no it doesn't, this is mostly done by higher class white people, niggers can't afford this shit
because the satan-loving leftist sodomites allow it.
Bcs wamens rights.
Everything that is holy and right has been inverted. This is the end times.
You're looking at this issue from a stupid emotional standpoint instead of an upright pragmatic standpoint.
Do you want there to be more niggers, spics, and poors? Because that's what it sounds like when you oppose abortion, sounds like you're saying "I want more niggers, spics and poor people".
Maybe that's the case in Mexico but not over here, Pablo.
Now free in LIMP Oregon
>it looks like a human even though its brain isn't fully developed that means it must be human
No different than a doll.
Not according to statistics. Niggers, spics, poor people, they're the majotity of abortions.
>what is contraception
>what is self control
Nigger population isn't kept in check.
1960 black to white ratio: 1 to 9
2017 black to white ratio: 1 to 5
From a human rights' perspective, abortion is really disgusting. We're human beings. We're special and different than animals.
"It's just a clump of cells!"
Yeah, that's how we all start out haha.
It's tied in with Capitalism. That's why so many arguments in favor of abortion talk about the mother's finances and her ability to engage in schooling.
Not very many people realize what's truly important in life and that making money isn't everything.
The best way to go about abortion is to ban it for white couples and make it free for minorities.
It's the last form of eugenics, Christcuck
I dont often laugh at memes, but when I do I laugh at your meme.
Because they don't know what it is. Anyone that researches this shit becomes Pro-Life unless they are sociopaths or psychopaths.
because as long as they are inside a woman's body, they are a parasite and a person has the right to remove a parasite from their body
Because they're disgusting hedonists. All they want is pleasure.
Not even in a reasoned, logical way like maximizing the total amount of pleasure in the world as a whole (in which case having children would be the logical course of action). All they care about is their own personal pleasure.
Since a kid would reduce that, they murder it. They're animals
Sup Forums about society;
Then, abortion rises, being made mostly by dumb people who were not cautious
>dude that shit is awful its a human being I repent you in the name of the lord
Parasites don't contribute to the host species, retard.
That would cause everyone in society to become dissociated with morals and they would become sociopaths. (like if we weren't already). Then everyone would be just like niggers
They've been brainwashed/ socially conditioned to think it's okay because they are irresponsible. I think the abortion industry makes like $5 billion a year or something. Statistically speaking, you've probably had a conversation with someone who's had an abortion
>Confirmation that Brazilians are niggers.
Remember that God will judge us and pay to us based on all of our deeds - even every word we speak. You're supporting the murder of children with what you're saying now - what would that make you look like in the eyes of someone absolutely morally perfect?
This is why niggers are so chimpish. They do a lot of fucked up shit like abortion with no consequence. How do you think the Roman Empire started? A mistake of failed parenthood, the British Empire falling for Jewish slave trade trickery lead them to create a vast empire of their own, and it goes on and on. Niggers are the most selfish and retarded because they can be without consequence. Because without consequence the world would be in shambles.
Holy shit its that big at 23 weeks. Fuuuuck
Because normies are socialized to take the path of least resistance in all matters of life and pursue mindless pleasures to keep them occupied as the float through a meaningless existence.
Killing the unborn is wrong. It is more humane to sterilize those who shouldn't reproduce, that way they can fuck all they want without consequences.
I'd rather forcefully or incentively sterilize people than allow for abortion to be legalized.
They are lower than animals. An animal would sacrifice itself for its young. These fucks are not even that. They will kill its own child in a heartbeat with no remorse so they can go around drinking and fucking like it's Sodom and Gomorrah. Sometimes they'll keep the kid but mutilate his or her genital and inject poisons so they can go around virtue signalling.
This is what happens when you stray away from God.
I'm fully aware that I have. She did it because, surprise surprise, she 'wasn't ready'. Not raped, no incest, just an irresponsible teenager who couldn't keep her legs closed.
You lose, faggot, I got doubles, kek pro abortion confirmed.
holy fuck.
Nice job user.
Your doubles are impressive but my five is better.
I have an extreme moral opposition to abortion, but the utilitarian aspect of suppressing black reproduction makes it a non-issue for me. I'm a big proponent of paying blacks several thousand dollars each for sterilization.
>Abortion is murder!
>Gas every kike!
pick one Sup Forums
Even newborn babies don't have fully developed brains.
correlation does not prove causation.
but killing nig nogs for satan is definitely a problematic area for me.
on one hand. less nig nogs. on the other hand, more power for satan.
... shit ...
I hope we can give them the justice they deserve soon
Too many of them to give them what child murderers truly deserve - I say everyone ever involved in an abortion or who supports it be sentenced to a lifetime of penal labor, where hopefully we can help them change from the monsters they are
A fetus can't be a commie.
Late term should only be for if the woman is at serious risk of dying if she gives birth. As for getting an abortion if you're
>>Gas every kike
I don't recall saying this.
>inb4 you just did
Wow...I'm pro-life now. Holy shit. Fuck you Sup Forums
they gibs the abortions to the nigs nogs on our tax payer dime, in the name of Satan.
Noble animals would sacrifice themselves. A rat mother will eat the weakest her own young if it's the most convenient option.
I don't have a personal issue with it. I just don't want it subsidized. Pay for your own murders, niggers.
Neither do leftists, but we cant kill them.
>An animal would sacrifice itself
Most animals eat their own babies all the time, usually for its own survival. Means it can have more babies.
Looks like it's time to increase the fetus age limit for abortion
OP you pussy
It helps eliminate roody poos and other unclean the kikes push on us. Eugenics ftw
So giving them welfare for breeding is not the problem? Our tax dollars being used to breed satanic sacra fices needs to be stopped.
Less socialism for the stupid and poor seems like the right approach. Not free baby murder.
it's always the faggots who can't have kids or are neckbeard virgins who are getting upset about what other people do with their own parasite lump of cells
I don't enjoy having to lock men, women, and children in gas chambers before asphyxiating them, but the jews have to die to ensure my continued existence, you know? I don't like abortion, but God help us if we had any more niggers and spics. Hell, I say government should pay to have them all sterilized. All they want is sexual pleasure anyway.
I'm pro-choice(for minorities) and even I realize that the "lump of cells" is a human being.
it has been definitively linked to lowering crime rates. Look up freakanomics.
You complain about crime and nigger thugs, yet you fight tooth and nail to keep them alive and overload the foster system.
I don't see a problem with abortion what-so-ever. I find it ironic that Sup Forums cares so much about some dead half babies and then masturbates to niggers dying. Sanctity of life, my ass.
All it takes is some actual abortion footage. My opinion was always I'd rather there be a safe place for it to be done instead of some back alley, but after seeing actual footage... There's no way you can be okay with it.
Voluntarily destroying their genetic lineage, thereby destroying the traits such as instant gratification that led to the promiscuous behavior that caused their predicament.
In essence, abortion cleans up the gene pool.
It's murder, but you should be okay with the fact that killing people isn't inherently bad. Best to be eliminated before they become a conscious individual.
The world is overpopulated, so i'm ok with abortion. Also a lot of underage girls get raped and pregnant so this is an option for them.
does it survive on its own? no. and no, most abortions are embryonic and are less sophisticated genetically than a booger from your nose. you dumb emotional faggot.
Fucking damnit I was on the fence about this stuff but this is making me a pro-lifer.
So what you would be okay if a white woman was raped by a nigger and then had to give birth to a mixed abomination.
I say keep abortion legal because those dirty Africans obviously can't stop raping.
nothing like your petty female emotions to trump logic. gas yourself please, this board is for NTs
Watched it, still don't care. I guess I am a psychopath now. Feel free to leave Sup Forums at any time, normies.
>lump of cells
Grown humans are lumps of cells too, user. Every living thing on the planet is made up of one or more cells.
i think bill gates is here trying to promote his vaccine program!
give this man a nobel.
>does it survive on its own?
Uh yeah, after about 9 months, it does. I'm not the emotional one here, you're the one getting triggering at the biological fact that fetuses are not parasites and are humans.
yes, a lump of cells less sophisticated than a mouth swab in the first trimester, I'm so convinced abortion is wrong now! retard leaf
>the solution to rape is child murder
The true answer is to make only white abortions illegal.
and are babies being aborted at 9 months? are you a retard or what. jfc, what an embarrassing reply. nothing wrong with aborting a pregnancy. nothing.
Abortion almost never happens at 23 weeks (which is the end of the second trimester, the absolute latest time that abortion would be legal, and requires a medical issue that endangers the mother to make it legal). The vast majority of abortions happen during the first trimester (where it is legal for everyone and doesn't require a medical issue). During the first trimester, the fetus does not look like pic related. It is a blob of flesh that doesn't even look remotely like a person (and also doesn't have a brain or even nerves). On top of that, the majority of abortions happen during the first half of the first trimester, where the fetus is even less developed. Your appeal to emotion 'argument' is pretty fucking pathetic and has some serious flaws.
Also, abortion keeps the black population from growing faster than it is.
Or at least a sociopath. You libertarians are funny, pic related.
>does it survive on it's own?
Infants who have been born can't survive on their own either. They'll die of neglect if they aren't taken care of. Should we kill them too?
Abortion is only a problem if you want to make it a problem, there's no objective morality and clearly seen by the schizophrenic mind of Sup Forums which praises life above all, and later is talking mighty about a race war, a civil war, a nuclear holocaust, a gassy holocaust and cheering when niggers kill themselves.
That was what the Planned Parenthood stink was about.tax money going indirectly to fund abortions.
Because half of the country are self loathing demon worshipers. pic related.
I don't know if you're trying to bait or if your really this dumb but there webms in this very thread that show you what abortion looks like. Good luck trying to convince someone that the tiny wriggling fetus is less complex than a booger.
This is the world we live in.
You either strip the rights of women (impossible to do in a democracy) or you give them their freedom to kill their own children (empowering).
once again, you're trying to compare two unlike things. a 9 month old infant is not hte same as a lump of cells in the first trimester, but I understand why your losing argument must take this approach constantly. it's emotionally driven, not logically.
>White girl gets raped by nignog or sand nigger
>Not allowed to abort
I see, you walk the (((shadows)))
Nigger Hollywood is the best thing niggers ever came up with
that webm has been proven fake idiot, why don't you use google. such a retard... and even if it was, that surely doesn't occur in the U.S. - not legally... and if somebody is so sure they don't want to raise their children, they are born and end up in dumpsters, which is where you coincidentally belonged.
Can we charge the fetus of manslaughter for consuming his fellow fetus?
The funny thing about that is that minorities, blacks and hispanics in particular would support that wholeheartedly because they think it's a detriment to white race.
That's not a white abortion, that a mongrel abortion. Obviously different.
In your mind, at what point does it become a human?
>that surely doesn't occur in the U.S.
You mean the same country that gives little boys female hormones and chops off their dicks?
late term is wrong but i dont see why a lifeless pea blob of cells is so outrageous
Retroactive abortion kit. only $2.97 /each
it's human in its genetics from conception, but it isn't a human with legal rights and protections until the 2nd trimester. coincidentally, these same pro life retards will literally savage their children's genitals permanently without consent.