Why aren't things worse Sup Forums? If having a white population is so important why is Australia still such a good place to live?
Why aren't things worse Sup Forums...
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Race war soon
About 50 men were involved in a violent brawl on Cronulla Beach on Saturday
Four men were arrested, but no charges have been laid as police investigate
It has angered locals who took to social media to vent their fears of another riot
Many spoke of large groups of men catching the train to the popular beach
Regular police patrols around the beach to continue through the warmer months
In December 2005, thousands violently rallied in the area following tensions between groups from out of the area and locals
http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4914098/Locals-predict-riot-Cronulla-brawl.html
our country is becoming more and more cucked every day.
Don't know where you live mate, but Australia is shit.
No free speech
Insane taxes,
Insane gun laws,
We are currently been taken over by China and middle easterners.
It costs me $3 a day in tax to own a car.
How can they tax you 3 dollars a day for a car?!
Emu's arn't white, it's actually 30%
Job opportunities are shit unless you are a woman or some minority.
The Somali gangs are getting bigger and bigger.
And while they walk around with machetes I'm not even allowed to carry a swiss army knife.
>still clinging to cronulla
We haven't done jack shit since then and we've only gotten worse.
>It costs me $3 a day in tax to own a car.
In the rest of the Western world they do everything they can to keep people from having cars.
Just look at what they do to Canadians just right next door to us.
Look at the demographics in the USA. I'm sure after you see that you'll understand why the States is so fucked in regards to the current events
Yeah, well at least you don't have many blacks or Mexicans. Chinese aren't even .0000000001% as bad.
Chinks are bad in different ways
$900 for car registration for a v6.
$350 for compulsory government insurance - this is only for if you crash into government property like a telephone poll.
$900 + $350 / 365=
75% is just the Anglo-Celtic population. Whites make up around 85 - 92% of Australia
Most of your minorities are east asian. Now you're seeing the nigger shines with those east africans rioting and attacking people.
Why are you being charged in denarii?
Were like 88% white including all European races. The remainder are predominately Asians, with a small part of Africans and Arabs (honestly UK might have more Arabs/Middle East population, but some of ours are real and downright cunts).
Your minorities are either chinks, which, unlike niggers, can be called human, or abos, which are mostly kept away from civilisation.
very funny, debt record
Australia is so good because it is so white.
If it was whiter it would be even better.
Australia is the ultimate proof of white supremacy.
A white country sends its refuse, criminals, etc. to an undeveloped desert wasteland and within 150 years it's one of the nicest places on the planet to live.
Because Australia has the easiest population to control, you people are so fucking stupid they get to push their games as hard as they like.
More than 50% of the population gets their income from the government which is fueled by the inflated real estate income that can only be maintained by tapping into a huge pool of investors like China.
China is charging you dogs double debt on the loans, that's what the Paris Climate Accord is all about.
I don't know why you would say this is a nice place to live, that gay marriage has been memed into a national vote so fast and so effectively should demonstrate how far things have gone off the deep end.
It's all just a facade, you're playing pretend society.
>why is Australia still such a good place to live?
The country where feminists have even more power the US, PLUS every third thing that crawls, slithers, or climbs can ruin your shit? Naw m8, your country is bad and you should feel bad.
Don't worry OP, wait till you're a minority in your country, then see how things turn out with the Chinese. I'm sure things will be fine.
Sluts immigrate here specifically for the family court system. Many prominent cases.
If we're lucky we might end up like Taiwan
Here's the full list of ethnicities:
English 25.9%, Australian 25.4%, Irish 7.5%, Scottish 6.4%, Italian 3.3%, German 3.2%, Chinese 3.1%, Indian 1.4%, Greek 1.4%, Dutch 1.2%, other 15.8% (includes Australian aboriginal .5%), unspecified 5.4%
note: data represent self-identified ancestry, over a third of respondents reported two ancestries (2011 est.)
btw, 'Australian' generally means 'white', for those who descended from the initial settlers see their ancestry as Australian. However, I could see this also possibly including Asians who came during the gold rush.
To break it down, it's about:
75% Anglo-Celtic (this is what your source means by 'white' presumably)
15% Other European (Mostly Med)
8% South/East Asian (mostly Chinese)
2% Aboriginal
Sydney's shit.
I should move before I get too old.
>yfw you realise the Primitive Technology guy lives in Queensland, and manages to do more on his weekends than abbos managed in 40,000 years
>"It is always nice until it becomes not so nice."
that sheila better not be fuckin that roo m8. don't become the inverted canada.
There are spiders
Scared they'll run up your dress or something?
>http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4914098/Locals-predict-riot-Cronulla-brawl.html
> Locals predicts
Jesus, fucking rurals with zero academic degrees/research experience go back to your fucking farms
those are all pretty minor gripes compared to the upsides of living in Australia
>Saying cuck
>In late 2017
Its so worn out mate, do everyone a favour and make this the last time you utter the word
This. Multicultural Australia is just a shit version of America.
Less freedom and individual rights and more socialism and a giant nanny state. Boomers seem to like it though.
Every fucking 2nd cunt is on some form of assistance.
Job seekers
Single mother
Part time worker
Mental case
How the fuck dose it get paid?
>104 quarters of consecutive growth
>Longest streak on record
>One third immigrant population
>One of the free economies on earth
>Boom after boom after boom because diversified economy
>MFW nationalist tells me its all bullshit and going to end soon
Its called policy user
You guys are at the same percentage of white we were in the 90s
>>MFW nationalist tells me its all bullshit and going to end soon.
How? The first sign of a slowdown and the they will just drop a few hundred thousand more immigrants into the place.
I bet it only takes 25,000 ultra rich commies running from china and the CCP per year to keep the place going.
So you want growth to slow down?
Big housing crash coming.
Immigrants brought in to prop it up.
if I had to chose between growth and a a proper aussie culture I would take the a proper aussie culture every time.
Growth at all costs just makes us anorther globalist shithole.
Have you really noticed any great shift in culture as a result of immigration?
Yes. The 40 different ethnicities in the average Melbourne train carriage on the sandringham line.
That's not really a shift in culture though, all those people could fully accept Australian and western principles.
that may be so but a lot of the inner-city WYTPIPPO are fucking cucked beyond belief, only the rural people are decent.
Lets just say some outside heavily unified force violently attacks that train carriage...
Do you honestly think the 20 different types of asians, the 6 pajeets, the 3 africans and white folk are suddenly going to unify to 'protect their shared train carriage'?
No, they will just break up into their different ethnic groups when shit gets real because that's what happens in the real world.
Literally exactly what happened in the both world wars. Commonwealth peoples from the earth over fought and died largely for the interests of a country they'd never even seen before.
How many Englishmen would storm the beach at Normandy to 'save Paris' if they saw the multicultural shithole it is today?
What if you showed them London today?
Australia was a homogeneous country in WWI & WWII, they were fighting against an IDEA; facisim.
They weren't fighting for multiculturalism! You are off your rocker if you think they were.
My Grandad fought to keep the Japs OUT for fucks sake. He hated them his whole life.
>How many Englishmen would storm the beach at Normandy to 'save Paris' if they saw the multicultural shithole it is today?
Most? the US is far more multicultural than France and the UK and Australia have both fought in recent decades in the name of defending the US from foreign terror.
>Australia was a homogeneous country in WWI & WWII, they were fighting against an IDEA; facisim.
Alongside soldiers from other colonies including those in Africa, the ME and the subcontinent. Pretty much the exact composition you said wouldn't band together for "the good of the train carriage" yet they did for the good of the Commonwealth.
>They weren't fighting for multiculturalism! You are off your rocker if you think they were.
Didn't claim they did
I suspect you are a Pajeet. Do you still need help understanding the train carriage analogy?
When that train carriage gets attacked when stuffed full of every bloody ethnicity under the sun I am going straight to my ethnic group (whites) and defending the white children FIRST then I'm defending the young white females.
>Hurr Durr foreign terror...
The modern American army is a globalist merc force and a make-work welfare system. It enforces globalism and the displacement of whites from their lands.
>Hurr Durr the Africans middle eastern and other 3rd world states matter in actual conflict!
No they fucking don't. Their entire countries are just stepping stones & brothels for whites fighting whites.
That's how little they matter.
CTP is medical insurance you fucking idiot.
You misspelt 'pole' too.
What happened to the 92%?
America went from 90% in 1960 to 60% today.
I see no reason why we wont blindly follow them down the same path.
I'm moving out of the city as soon as I get a car.
We are blindly following the mistakes of America + Europe and probably Canada.
Australia is turning to shit really fast, i'm also so fucking tired of our politicians who seem to invite as many subhumans into the country without us having a say but then they ask us to vote for pointless shit like gay marriage.
I want white Australia back.
Yea 75% is a bit surprising low I thought at least it was 85%. Pretty sad path not sure why the Jews hated America so much they ruined us first
There was never such thing as a white Australia, moron. Always has and always will be black man's land.
>I am going straight to my ethnic group (whites) and defending the white children FIRST then I'm defending the young white females.
I understand it I just disagree that its supported by anything
>The modern American army is a globalist merc force and a make-work welfare system. It enforces globalism and the displacement of whites from their lands
Whatever you think about it the fact stands that Australians went to die for a multicultural nation
>No they fucking don't. Their entire countries are just stepping stones & brothels for whites fighting whites.
I didn't say that. All I said was that they were willing to die in part for the interests of the UK, a place they'd never even stepped foot in so logically it'd follow that modern day Indians and African citizens of Australia would go and fight if we were at war.
>i'm also so fucking tired of our politicians who seem to invite as many subhumans into the country without us having a say
Countries only been getting better the more 'subhumans' we have
Move to the Pacific Northwest buddy. Texas is going to be 25% white in 2050.
No point building a life for yourself there...
The whole fucking southern USA is gone dude.
oh shut the fuck up cunt, aboriginals did nothing with the land and if we didn't colonise it then it still would have been unused until the Chinese got here and killed off every single abo scum. Once the chinese take over you black cunts will be put into camps and shot.
We went from 85% to 70% in only ten years man. It happens fast and it's exponential
>75% "white"
>in the 40s we were 90% british islander
It's a shit hole compared to what it used to be.
Look up a little planned SA town called Elizabeth.
That's what Australia was. Heaven on earth. Then Fraser and Whitlam fucked everything.
Now an Arab can fuck a child in Melbourne, higher a child prostitute in Melbourne and no one bats and eye.
Even the few remaining diggers are realising Hitler was right.
>Could once buy a house in a single income and pay it off in a decade.
>But, but, things are great goyim, now sign this four million dollar loan for a quarter acre with a unit on it.
What the fuck
I actually crashed my v6 commodore into a light pole less than a month ago
>Look up a little planned SA town called Elizabeth.
>That's what Australia was. Heaven on earth.
Are you havin' a giggle m8?
>logically it'd follow that modern day Indians and African citizens would go and fight if we were at war.
If you haven't noticed there is culture war going on in the west atm because lots of other whites won't either.
Only the moron leftist faggots will. Because they are idiots who think they wont run their pansy asses straight to team white-man the second SHTF.
90% of whites don''t give a shit about the multicultural train carriage. They ones who say so are lying or just utopian leftist morons.
Leftist whites are AGAINST THEIR OWN BLOOD. They are siding with the globalists but are to fucking stupid to understand this.
It should tell you something that the biggest issue Australians face right now is that they might never own a house, a pretty shit investment in the first place
Yeah but leafs really cant the cuck gold star.
Ok then you're the exception and clearly not the rule. I'm not sending Australia into a recession because some sliver of the population won't join the army.
>And while they walk around with machetes I'm not even allowed to carry a swiss army knife.
Not allowed... Why would a cop stop and search you?
Seriously do you want to end up like a bongistanian?
Start small, maybe just keep one in the pocket at the local shops so you're not jumpy at other times.
Don't be a fucking idiot and take it to a club or a pub or something either. You'll be able to buy a bottle there.
Hahahahah won't join the army...
>>Boom after boom after boom because diversified economy
Except for getting the 'budget' to-the-node internet that's slower and will end up costing more.
>Half of our economy is based on raw natural resources
>Property market saturated
>healthcare system overloaded
>education system producing kids får below par
>university still costs massive amounts of money even tho we pay socialist tier taxs
>can't walk through city at night cause shitskins
>no manufacturers
Fuck the house, I'm more worried governments are accepting of pedophilis and psvi g the way for adults to have sex with children. We are in the midst of Weimar levels of filth and degeneracy and the cities seem to not give a single fuckin damn.
No one here even looked at buying a house until the world war when the govt needed banks to have long term debts to call on to fuel the armaments and finance govt military.
We don't even have weapons to defend ourselves and those of us who have a license and even threaten an intruder with an UNLOADED weapon have their weapons confiscated and investigated more thoroughly then the intruder.
We. Are. Fucked.
This car tax figure is incorrect. You haven't included the amount of tax we pay on fuel.
Fun bantz but leaf don't want this shit. We had a 'conservative government for a decade before our current fag PM. It doesn't help. Leafs are silenced by hate speech and political correctness just like aussies and you'll go down the same road unless someone fights it
Well he has the ability to look up how to do that shit in seconds with the internet when abos had to completely invent it by themselves
Europe is white mans land
Asia is asian mans land
Africa is african man's land
America and Oceania should be multicultural man's land
>Australia is a good place to live because muh money
>USA is a good place to live because muh money
>London is a good place to live because muh money
But then you find out your things also cost more and spider can kill you in your own bathroom. So not such a good place to live. Australia is a good place to invest into, since you have all those Australians who can pay you money. Half-raw meat steak is considered a delicacy in Australia, while here they would fire you for being a shitty cook.
You forgot
>energy's fucked
Talk to your neighbors, literally none of them have problems. You use problems on youtube to justify what is happening, just like libshits do with the police.
You white people want to be victims just as much as those dastardly POC.
And which of your white male neighbors are jobless bums in the Northern beaches and eastern suburbs?
thats pretty shit considering we where 99% only 19 years ago.
Soon we will be minority population
Your Boomers keep electing cuckservatives and selling the place from under you too huh?
fuck off
Kek. Kiwis just lost their right to use the 65% shit on us
o ye? foit me faggot
Trust me, all of them will be defending your loose whores as well.
the better question is how long will it stay nice at the current rate
Fuckin Japan pays cents in the dollar for our natural gas.
Typical entitled shitstain.
Need to make problems up because you're got nothing better to do.
The gooks have gotta go.