Im 19 and live with my grandparents. I got fired a month ago and live on government aid. I live in california...

Im 19 and live with my grandparents. I got fired a month ago and live on government aid. I live in california. I cant drive yet. I have a neck beard.

I just got back from smoking pot with friends. Grandma just knocked on my door to hand me a chicken thigh and a tissue box she bought for me.

>Pic related


How does it to be a fat fucking loser with little to no responsibility?

Jesus christ OP, fucking do something with your life

What's your aotysf?

AMA? This isn't reddit, silly non-white. sage.

Not fat. Spend my day walking around with friends smoking


Album of the year so far. What's your favorite album that's been released this year?

>tfw turning 21
>still neet
welp I'm going to start community college just so I can stop identifying as a neet, it realy gets to you after awhile

I love your grandma, god bless her soul. I hate you however, how'd you get the money to smoke weed? Seriously, stop smoking weed. I stopped a year ago after four years of habitual use, and let me tell you that shit fucks your mind up.

Can you please kys?


Are you me user, but 23yo?

We're all part of the same collective consciousness, user.

>I'm fucking loser and parasite
not politics, sage


Literally was thinking of going to my local community college but i heard u cant while u have unemployment...anyone know if true?

How can you claim to be a neckbeard, but also claim that you're not fat? Do you even know what neckbeard means?

Stop smoking weed and help your grandma pay her bills. She sounds like a lovely woman. When she dies, you'll probably get her house anyway, so long as it's been paid off. But I don't know what kind of commie ass inheritance laws your shitty state has.

>I just got back from smoking pot with friends.
no sympathy stop being a nigger

Neckbeard just means you keep your mustache shaved and nothing else because you're too lazy. Mustache can itch more, get food in it, etc.

I guess...1st person to tell me that and i know a lot of people that smoke weed (my grandma smokes weed kek its great)

Why kms in the middle of the easiest year in my life?

Really easy...why not is the better question

Guess...was gonna emphasize the unemployment gov aid.

When u have a manlet beard that only grows on ur neck...hence neckbeard

I know the stereotype includes obese but its not mandatory...
>you havent seen skinny neckbeards??

I pay 400 rent and gave the an extra 900$ in rent in the past year...i help out

Not an ape doublenigger

>i help out
Then keep doing what you're doing, user. And give your grandma a kiss goodnight.

To be fair, most neckbeards don't have the t levels to grow a full beard which is why they only have a literal neck beard. I don't think anyone only shaves their mustache for convenience, and if true holy god dam shit. Imagine already standing infront of the mirror ready to shave and all you do is take off your mustache. That is a lazy of white race killing proportions.

>and if true holy god dam shit.
Yeah that's the entire point.

When was the last time you weren't high?

I say keep it up dude, by leeching off the government you're pissing off the kikes a fair bit. Just remember who the enemy is

Don't even gas them, just send them on the Holocoaster straight into the furnace.

Where in cali?

Have you seen Grandmas Boy?

check it out.

Guys, just fyi.
I'm 23 and have 0 degrees but make over 2k each month doing a job where I travel all over Europe.
There is only 1 thing of importance over a degree, and that's connections. without a good chain of connections in the field you want to work in, then you are not getting in.

You can actually see me with a true neckbeard in the documentary Best Worst Movie

I'm 19 and make 2.5k sitting on my ass shitposting on Sup Forums.

I was a low t semi neckbeard, I had a full shitslam beard with peach fuzz. My mustache still grows slower than my beard, but at least its now completely visible.

OP you make me cringe real bad. Nigger either kill yourself or get your shit together.
If you say you like your life rn you are lying to yourself.

Your bitch ass needs to stop smoking pot, get your ass to the gym and learn a skill. Stop being human trash.

Question, how is it to be a virgin at 19 YO?

>I got fired a month ago and live on government aid.
Just enjoy it while you it lasts. Milk the unemployment for all you can. I live in California and I'd love to be fired from my job at as a movie theater usher on minimum wage. I'd love to collect unemployment while working on artwork or creating my own vidya.

And I also live with my parents at age 30. I'm not ashamed of it. I just see it as a new reality and way of life- this "move out at 18, support yourself" is no longer a realistic or wise thing to do with rent prices rising and wages falling. Living with family was the norm for nearly all of human existence- of course its going to become the norm as the US loses global power.

lol i call bullshit. explain plox

You're only 19. Get off your ass and stop being a bitch

What was the chicken thigh's seasoning?

>Im 19
Stop complaining you fucking faggot. I'm 20yrs older than you and my life is 10000000 times worst and we are competing for the same jobs.

I'm okay with all of this, although you should eventually grow out of the smoking pot phase.

I also wish I had some chicken.

Kill yourself and spare the world your degeneracy.

I guess if it makes you feel better, I also love with my grandparents and don't work. But I was working, I only left the work force to go to college, which is also why I live with my grandparents to a degree; they live in the city and train costs are lower than vehicle. But I'm not some low life, and I'm not happy wth not working. So I guess there ya go

you sir are living the god damn dream.

enjoy it user

You fucking waste of skin. Go die in a ditch.

I work "maintence" at a hotel. I spend 80%+ of my time waiting for a work request. Would be good money if I didn't live in the bay area.

Why did your grandma write that on your tissue box?

Will do

This morning...only smoke at night or late in the day

Thanks for the support against (((them)))

Sanmateo, expensive neighborhood

No but heard of it

Again not fat
>180lbs and 5ft10

And i have skills...just tell me why not take this easy 1 year break...theres no reason not to... Even my granparents wanted me to

This is where you got me...nice

Yeah it sucks ass if im being honest kek

This 1000%

Why when theres no downside?...also in a year i will dont worry

Wasnt complaining dumbass KEKEKEK
i was bragging desu

Will but might as well enjoy it before it gets boring

Why kms while on a year break from stress?

It does get pretty fucking boring when i run out of shit to do.

Thanks maga

Be mad

I did kek...timestamp

reassess your life, user. it's not to late late to turn the ship around. start by being able to pass a drug test for fucks sake.

also, i was under the impression that in the US, if you have a drivers license, clean urine and a willingness to move to Wyoming or North Dakota or wherever - you a pretty much guaranteed a hard but paying job. can rural Anons confirm?

You have some awesome grandparents bro... Enjoy life.

Sort yourself out, cunt.

I hope you choke on that chicken bone fagget and die. Lazy fuck face.

>180 and 5'10
>doesnt work out
>not fat
You're definitely soft or a T H I C C B O I

I want to pursue a career and a lot of life advice anons are here.

I'm going for something in law-enforcement. I like the idea of being a state trooper, but I've been told many times by not only family members who have become police but also detectives themselves that I would make an excellent police detective due to my observance.
I don't dislike the idea of becoming a detective if I'm capable, but I like the idea of being a trooper far better.
What would anons recommend? Which has better benefits and pay? Which gives a better sense of justice and duty?

You want to know how to become a virgin at 19? live with your fucking grandma, have a neckbeard and smoke weed.

You are pathetic and you should fix yourself, slay some pussy nigger.

This is what I'm saying.. Die do this world a favor.. No one cares about you anyway. Your only worth a piece of sick chicken fagget

Eh. I'm 22, and after living my entire life as a penniless neet dwelling in mamas basement I've decided to spontaneously pursue a creative career in 3D.
It's a comparative field with many people aspiring to be amazing artists. An unwise decision that will put me 18k in debt to the government(loan) for attending the school which offers an accelerated 19 month long course. I'll have to grind through it all and develop as much skill in the trade as possible to get some work. Then grind through the work to pay off the loan. I'm ready for it.
If I can do it, so can you.

why do you get government aid at 19?

Like your .jpg
My life is good right now user no need to worry

love them

Already sorted britbong

Not lazy, just took advantage of the jew overlords jewery

Soft. But no man tits thank god. Just walk around alot and dont eat much

Working on this part...thats why ive been hanging with this croud...pot smokers party more giving me more chances to meet a girl.

Being a lazy pot-smoking virgin bastard is what you call sorted out?


Thanks for the advice user, ill put in the work when the time for it comes


I call it a year long break from hard work

grandparents agree its an obvious choice. Plus gives me time to work on the whole virgin thing
>19 and virgin isnt extremely crazy user...

>Grandma just knocked on my door to hand me a chicken thigh and a tissue box she bought for me.

Really dude, you got your grandma bringing you cum rags? Either get your shit together or neck yourself.

Take this from a 20 year old ''chad''. I used to fuck the girls you are following on the pot party's bro ;)

If you dont have the looks and talks (wich i can already tell you dont.) you are not going to take the pussy home. Some fag like me will come, talk to the cunt for a few mins and walks away. Why? Not because i dont smoke weed, cuz i do, but because of the gym, a goal, a vision in life, a new and owned life filosofie.

Become an man and stop being trash, take your sorry ass to the gym and stop saying you like your life. Dont try to fool me, you dont.

>when the time for it comes
Yes, but there is one problem. You may be unintentionally delaying the time for it, and in doing so will never see that time come. Consider that for a moment. Good luck, user.

Why did you feel the need to make this thread here 6 minutes after it was posted on Sup Forums

>I call it a year long break from hard work
Yeah, you're a fag. You kno what I call a long break? A week.

>Plus gives me time to work on the whole virgin thing
yeah because a professional wanker like you is going to attract pussy.

>19 and virgin isnt extremely crazy user...
It's pretty faggotty if you ask me.

Will you nut?
In your nannas tissues?

>at 16 left home and moved in to apartment with girlfriend
>both our parents were cool with it and bought us a TV and a sofa.
>We both worked hard and bought everything else we needed
30 years later...
>Three daughters. gf is now my wife. Life is good apart from rapefugees and immigration
My only question to you is why you haven't killed yourself yet?

Was pretty embarrassing when she first did it...but if she did it once then its not like she doesnt might as well since the damage is done

I sure dont like my sex life atm...but other than that life is pretty easy right now

Like literally my biggest problem right now is losing my virginity pretty fortunate thats my bigest worry this year

Will be contemplating this for a bit thanks user

Curious on what pol would think of my decision with taking the unemployment route...

Sorry to hear you threw your vcard to someone you now probably dont even remember... I want it to actually be with a girl i like

Yes, please dont word it like that...dont wanna think about how they were in her hands a few minutes ago

Whos to say the same wont happen to me after this year still 19 nigger

Just noticed my ID keeps changing...why?

kill yourself

You first

Download and print the pyramid of success, brother