The daughter of our national treasure is voting YES to allow same-sex marriage, so why aren't YOU?
What would Steve think if he saw you voting NO in this poll? You wouldn't want to disappoint him now, would you?
The daughter of our national treasure is voting YES to allow same-sex marriage, so why aren't YOU?
What would Steve think if he saw you voting NO in this poll? You wouldn't want to disappoint him now, would you?
He wouldn't have gotten politically involved.
>so why aren't YOU?
Because I live in a country that is relevant on the world stage so unfortunately I am ineligible
fuck this stupid cunt, nothing is sacred anymore.
>some nobodies do X and will think bad things about you if you do Y
see if I care
Is she legal? *unzips dick*
Oh err, okay... Irwin's daughter wants me to vote yes.
Compelling argument backed with irrefutable proofs.
I saw this picture posted on reddit a few minutes ago and upvoted it...
How mad are you? :')
The only Australian I know has Parkinson's disease and lives with his mother in a crappy neighborhood with his fat wife. True story. Who is this national treasure?
I'd be interested in having sex with her. If you know what I mean.
fucked-up eyes 2/10 would not bang
Also she's nothing, her dad was something.
In USA it is illegal to show a pic of your vote ballot
Tyranny of the masses following celebs is gr9 tho keep it up ausfags
She probably works harder then most of you neets, look at her nails.
I'm voting no because I just don't like their attitude during this mess.
Ahhhh, I thought it was Crocodile Dundee. Still prefer Jack Hannah to Irwin, Hannah is a nut.
Her dad was a famous wildlife worrier...that's
Canada too.
how's the polls looking australia? If they still have yes in the lead, I'd say they have a good shot at getting btfo
maybe I'll go wager on no if it's available to
look at my daughter vote no ? I hate people that use there kids to push ideas . do not use your kids as billboards .
The hell are you talking about
hey, she got marginally less ugly! that's kinda rare
all the same shit from the american election
>celeb endorsements
>peer pressure
>call people nazis
>make out that the other option is unforgivable
bit tired of it. i didn't even start out conservative until people started behaving like that.
anyone else vote no just because aye fuck it
Dumb bitch doing something because it's seen as 'trendy' complete with twitter attention whoring.
You forgot the attack no supporters and interrupt all their events with fag protests by fatties.
They're like tards that cant keep their hands to themselves or tollerate anything that doesn't agree with them.
1. who banged her yet?
2. no way she is his daughter
The hollywood kikes brainwashed her. Steve was a queenslander and wouldnt have been for this faggy shit
BTW i wasnt gonna vote until the cunts sent me a SMS telling me to vote yes.
>going along with whatever will get them socially rewarded the most
This is the fpbp.
And holy crap, it's been a while since I thought about Steve. And his daughter? Seeing her now makes me feel old as fuck. I remember when she was born. God damn I miss Steve.
Shes a girl. She would vote for polygamy and incest if possible because 'love is love'.
I reported that text
What went wrong?
Jokes on her. It doesn't count if not within the box.
You mean that same cunt who gave her and the Irwin name's endorsement to sea world? the bastion of animal cruelty her father firmly stood opposed to?
I thought the election was yesterday?
She's had a breast reduction. Source: Dad is plastic surgeon.
She is a white wstern woman all she cares about is the location of Chads dick and virtue signaling so people think she is good person. A reminder the west is the shitter right now mainly because of the voting habits of the white western (((empowered))) woman.
Stevo wouldn't have minded, fairly open minded bloke.
>this is going to be one of the biggest mistakes in Australia's history.
She has some huge bazooka titties - I think they are nice.
Dont know why you lot are getting so upset about the YES vote. I mean most on the board are not old enough to vote anyway
I'm pretty sure her dad was a zookeeper, not a plastic surgeon.
Didn't know who she was just by photo but I can tell from tits and that boulder holder type she's had them reduced. That is not huge either.
Shitposting irl, like a true aussie
Did he get to keep the ray's stinger?
>when fags can walk down the aisle together even in Australia
>voting yes on something to virtue signal and get likes on the internet instead of properly studying the issue
Fuck th@ bimbo.
I mean I would, but fuck that bitch!
nah it's a blind vote, even the ABC pollsters haven't been commentating on it, which is weird.
anyway, it's a when your sleeping and then uncle Steve comes in to play type plebiscite referendum. All in the dark, and don't you fucking tell anyone who you voted for or I'll kill your parents type thing.
Dat weight loss
She and her mother are dumb bitches
I miss steve, fucking stingrays
That is fucked up, how did you react when it came through id have been pissed
Why would anyone ever let a woman do anything, women ruin every single thing. This is literally a blight on poor steve's legacy.
>some ugly, dark eyed, whore
Shame, I'd knock some whiteness into her, if you know what I mean
I'd sting that
Steve Irwin died due to being unaturally penetrated violently and repeatedly.
Remember the crocodile hunter, vote no.
Imagine if Troy from swap people had this much political sway in our country lol Australia is beyond pathetic
You reckon Hannah was good... lookup,Keith flex more adams and a wonderful 1960s doco called 'northern safari '. The doggo is the star of the show, it literally drops an emu. A true Australian hero
>Showing that you voted outside of the cabinet
You can call the police for that
post the thicc gif of her in lingerie
truly fpbp
You're all to blame. You all think with your dicks. So you prop this stingray bait to popular status. You hear nothing about the son do you. It's alway Bindi this Bindi that. And they you start throwing a fit when she pulls some bs from the platform you raised them on.
Really she shouldn't have gotten involved.
She should be more concerned about Stingray on Human Crime.
Seriously but, she is half american and her mother is full american so its not a surprise she feels that way.
Lets not forget that since steve die she has pretty much vanished out of day to day Australia and only comes around every now and then. She isnt her father and won't do the great things he did.
Also lets not forget if it had not be for her existence steve wouldn't have been filming shit for her show and then wouldn't of been Rayed.
Can't blame her for it but as the same time imagine what Australia would have be come with Steve leading the Charge
this. she should be ashamed for being public about her opinion. it will only serve to divide any fanbase she has left.
I don't think about you at all.
Fuck me all you Australians praise steve as if he is some sort of great Australian War Lord.
That's one ugly little swamp rat
She's all grown up now isn't she...
You think a man who fights Crocs can lose to emus? I think not
She's voting yes for her brother.
You'll see..
Is that the kid who he took as a baby into the croc enclosure?
My, how time has passed.
I'd vote yes if she showed them tits
Australian's kryptonite.
We need to instill the fear of God in them again.
the best stern guest
He was a true Australian icon but i dont believe he had a Phd in Social Engineering so he plea is moot.
Steve never would have voted for faggots, and would not have allowed his brainwashed, huge-tittied daughter to either
i want to have SEX with bindi irwin
That soldier still looks a bit scared.
nice example of what happens when you mature without a father figure in your life.
people who vote yes, are just damaged goods.
>What would someone else think?
Fuck them and fuck you too, nigger. It's their right to vote how they want, it's your right to vote how you want, it's our right to vote how we want. Seriously, fuck you for pressuring people to vote how you want. You're a cunt.
Because trotting out celebrities to tell people how to vote has actually done anything ever.
I wish I was a stingray so I could skew her.
Steve put on sunscreen but it didn't protect against harmful rays.
Bitch needs to fuck off back to America and have her Australian Nationality removed Steve was the real animal lover she just does it for media attention
Steve would vote no because he understands now what happens when you go for an unnatural relationship.
Stabbed in the heart, and you're too blame, you give love a bad name.
Does she even toothpaste? Cute, otherwise.
Old as the hills, but still a giggle
Someone post the pic of the scared australian with the looming bird dick.
>I'm not degenerate to have it saved
Steve is the only celebrity death I've ever truly been upset about.
Read this cunt.
There some things that you got to let happen and no longer give a fuck about.
So faggots want to marry. Who seriously gives a fuck.
not to mention the state of her shirt and nails.
those creases are not from work, their from being crumpled up on the floor.
Good burn
inb4 they're