Why is next season so fucking shit?
Literally nothing but fujo-bait garbage, actual fujoshit garbage or shoujo trash for 3D whores.
Is anime finally dying?
Why is next season so fucking shit?
Literally nothing but fujo-bait garbage, actual fujoshit garbage or shoujo trash for 3D whores.
Is anime finally dying?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think this is probably the most recurring thread theme I've seen on Sup Forums since 2010
>not liking shoujo anime
>liking shoujo garbage
Fuck off 3DPD/nu-male scum.
Newsflash: Summer and Winter are always shit seasons. High-profile shows always start in either April or October.
You just handpicked the worst trash, didn't you? There must be something good at least. If not I'll just watch Ilya I guess.
>one of the better seasons
It's summer alright
>tumblr whore talking about summer
Back to your home board
Why are you so angry anyway, if nothing excites you then just go work on your backlog.
Personally I'm hyped for Berserk but I'm also a masochist so
im skeptical about barakamon without naru.....
>implying the fudanshit show isn't going to be hilarious
>having taste this shitty
>getting triggered by "nu-male"
Spotted the weak nu-male.
Fuck off back to r/anime.
See who gives a fuck, there is Love Live.
Who's hyped for that chinese puppet show?
This thread reeks of Sup Forums
>muh Sup Forums boogieman
Trying hard to fit in during your first month here I see.
Every season is shit.
anime is shit and japs are pathetic "people"
There's literally only one show I would watch.
Then again, Joker Game fooled me so maybe it'll suck too.
Anime is basically dead at this point. Jump ship.
What season wasn't shit?
Trashy season with few watchable shows. What's with all the fujoshit swamping the charts? That crap for subhuman fujoshit whales shouldn't even be listed alongside the shows for human beings. And there's also Love Live which is fucking disgusting trash. Fuck idolshit, almost as low as fujotrash.
Mad af
This generally
But don't expect people who have been here for weeks to know that
tumblr landwhale
If that stuff makes them money, why wouldn't they make them?
Blame women, women ruin everything they fucking touch. They saw anime get popular so they decided they wanted to ruin it.
Also, women are more likely to spend their beta providers money on useless trash, so obviously more and more anime will be turned into substance-less fujoshit/shoujoshit garbage in order to appeal to women.
Nigger what?
You should follow your own advice.
>nitpicking at random words because you have fuck all else to say
Why not just sit on your cunt and stop posting then you absolute dullard?
>Fuck idolshit
Shounen kiddo fuck off.
Sup Forums doesn't know what they're talking about, more news at 3
I can already all the normalfags complaining that summer season is weak.
Sorry newfags not every season can be full of normalfags shit anime.
>Implying 3rei isn't going to be the greatest shit ever
lmao this thread is so butthurt
When was the last time you had sex, user?
I've been watching anime for a decade and I'd take a season full of normalfags shit anime over a season of fujoshit anime. At least the former might produce a few watchable shows, even if they have mainstream appeal. The latter will 100% of the time be just that, fujoshit.
Moot point, though, since all seasons have been filled with fujoshit for years, but there's always good shit to watch.
You are on the board board, newfag.
>Is anime finally dying?
Just like it is every season
I am as well but I'm taking a wait-and-see approach. Plenty of series turn out better than expected
>mih special snowflake fujo garbage! We at Sup Forums are so hardcore that we enjoy watching homo shit ;333333333333
Kill yourself you fat ugly whore.
>japanese fujoshits
>having beta providers
Mercurius and Reinhard, fuck yeah.
Post whatever will piss off OP.
Last month.
How about you actually look with your eyes and notice Danganronpa.
That shit is probably gonna be good unlike the first anime since its not a game adaptation.
But user, having sex with your sister doesn't count. She only did it out of pity anyway.
Butthurt shonen jump fag is butthurt.
Don't worry you'll still have your SAO tier anime Re Zero.
Fuck off normalfags cancer.
>fujoshit has to resort to talking shit about cartoons for literal japanese children
How pathetic can you get?
Lose that virginity user, it's affecting your head.
Fuck off from Sup Forums normalfag.
>We're special, because we're not like you normal people! We're special, because we preffer to sit home alone and jerk off to our 2D waifus than to go out there and have fun like a person should.
>Is anime finally dying?
I'm guessing you haven't noticed fujo shows sell well.
Just watch something else or work on your backlog. There is no use in crying about it.
Go read Handa-kun, it's actually funny and I liked it more than Barakamon
>this is the state of 2016 Sup Forums
Holy shit
>people who don't spend any money on anime/manga complaining about the industry not exclusively pandering to their tastes
Yep it's a seasonal chart thread alright. This is the worst season of all time? Last time you guys said it was spring, and before then winter, maybe fall will change your mind. Face it, if things were that bad you wouldn't be here right now complaining like you always do, learn to enjoy the excrement of seasonal with a nice shit eating grin like any anime wizard can or go work on your backlog.
Go back to /r9k/ with this shit you crossboarder shit
this thread is so salty holy shit
>implying a quiet season is a bad thing
The Fujo shows will mostly flop as the strongest couple steal all their sales. No big deal.
Time for a loli thread.
Fuck off back to facebook normalfags.
Can't wait till you realize all of the relationships you have are superficial and will eventually fall apart and then hang yourself when you realize you're alone.
>implying the return of berserk doesnt cancel out all the garbage and turn it into HYPE SEASON
There is way way more girl-aimed/girl-side demographic anime than usual for next season. Something like 10 or 12
>not having sex because Sup Forums told you not to
Hello newfriend.
>oh no, someone has a different opinion from me!
Sup Forums has never been your safespace, virgin tard.
Fuck off normalfag trash.
What's the state of your penis?
Untouched since birth?
the majority of the appeal in barakamon was naru and the comfy country.
Fuck off normalfag trash.
And here come the summerfags,like clockwork.
>bottom 2nd to right
Hey your English got better since last time, congrats.
Anything to get this awful thread deleted faster is fine by me so have fun getting banned in the process.
End yourself normalfag trash.
>prisma ilya
There hasn't been a new anime worth watching since Osumatsu-San. And that's not even a fresh IP.
>he thinks loli phases anyone and causes anything apart from you having to restart your router
You virgin newfriends are so hilarious.
Guess it's really messing with your brain when you realize Sup Forums isn't an echo-chamber for you permavirgins, huh?
>unironically using the summer meme
Sup newshit.
>I have neither seen nor spoken to a woman in at least five years.
Fuck off normalfag cancer you don't belong on Sup Forums.
>that one guy who spams the same 8 loli pics in every thread he dislikes
Whenever I think I'm hitting a low something like this always snaps me out of it
Read some books and get some proper vocabulary you dimwit.
Maybe it will help you get laid.
I do and there's nothing your impotent permavirgin rage can do about it.
>normalfags trash all over the place
Goddamn neo-Sup Forums is trash.
So are you saying you think the creator is so inept that they're incapable of making an appealing story without a cute kid and specific setting?
But that won't stop him from fighting for what he thinks is right
Bless his autistic soul
>It's a "virgin gets mad when called out and spergs out" episode
Fuck off.
Normalfags don't belong on Sup Forums. Go back fucking your disgusting 3DPD sluts trash.
I might be if it wasn't probably just another Gen Urobuchi diatribe for how we have concepts of justice all wrong, heroes suck and are doomed to fail at everything they try because the narrative says so and everything is just so dark miserable and hopeless.
If neo-Sup Forums is trash why are you still here?
Get out of that shell. Watch some youtube tutorials on how to talk to women. Maybe even try a dating website. Get laid. It will change your attitude.
Unless you're so autistic that you're beyond help.
To make the cancer like you fuck off.
>same old boring loli images
You're such a boring fuck, no wonder you can't get laid.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2005 so I call seniority. Go cry about being an incel somewhere else.
Weren't there faggots calling this the golden year or some shit?
Maybe I'm being overly optimistic but there's a bunch of shows next season I'd like to see.
>91 Days
>Amaama to Inazuma
>Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu
>Kono Bijutsu-bu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
>Nejimaki Seirei Senki
>New Game!
This nigga understands
Fuck off cancerous normalfags.
It's not working. When you realize that what are you going to do next?