Green neutral/unconcerned
Current WW3 map
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Erdogan will never send his army to kill other Turks. ;)
Sweden Spain Egypt India always had pacifistic nature.
As you can see western faggots, America is already dead. Putin holds Turkey and the tens of millions Turks who living in central Asia from the balls.
>Algeria red
bullshit map
>Russia fighting to defend North Korea
Stop this meme.
Implying panama cares faggot.
Algeria is a US vassal.
After the latest US sanctions Russia preparing a meeting with the NK council
>Russia Blue
>USA Red
Its a US puppet state for a century.
Pajeets would happily join the US side if it meant they could fuck up Pakistan and China.
>Implying Panama isn't the most important geographic location to control
Mexican intellectuals.
Because you are communists and globalists.
All the NGO here in Greece who bringing invaders from Turkey are Americans British and Jewish. And lets not forget that AMERICA JAILED THE GOLDEN DAWN.
my take.
90s map
A lot of things has changed from then.
then why is India and china doing brinkmanship, Russia showing almost no resolve for support or dissent. and south Africa is apart of the English common wealth, it is all but a formal alliance.
nothing has changed but the words used.
>South Africa
>on China/Russia side
>on US side
u wot m8?
India as a said its a pacifist nation.
They ain't going to fight someone alongside with the Brits. They despise them. Among China and UK, India will go with China if west keep pushing them.
South Africa WAS a white nation.
1993 end of apartheid
Dutch people need visa today to visit South Africa.
If you want to learn more about the end of American hegemony, you are free to ask.
If i was American, i would personally already blame the two parties and their jewish donors for the destruction of US.
>implying China and Russia would bother fighting USA starting a world war
>Implying all of USA EU allies would join in an offensive war led by Trump.
did it before.
nigger we're not concerned with your shit, only reason we wen't into WWII was to get our independence (we went against france but USA "convinced" us with the promise of negotiating independence)
We're more than happy to stay here, be comfy, and watch you retards kill yourselves over skin color.
>france is blacked
>grease neutral
>implying the NATO command structure isnt infested with Ameriboos
Any and all NATO ally will be on America's side the moment war breaks out. You are insane if you believe you can remain neutral.
>but USA "convinced" us with the promise of negotiating independence
That's why you are red. Marroco US shithole.
Half pop of FYROM are pro Serbians wannabe Greek Macedonians.
Turkey and India would most likely be in Red due to the "enemy of my enemy" factor
We don't have a reason to join war with the US and have no treaties to fight the other countries war.
Our treaties state that we can't support the other countries enemies, they don't state we must join the war.
>Any and all NATO ally will be on America's side the moment war breaks out.
Before the war brakes out, you will see many members to start leaving. EU member states already want to leave the NATO alliance.
The enemy of India is red (UK). The ally of India is blue. (Russia).
>with China
Huh talk about the mental gymnastics on that one
I'd like us to be neutral tbqh
You already supporting USA.
Asia gets rekt, I love black batches and tacos.
Open the map retard. India is green. But if they go to war they will choose to fight with Russia and China.
Mostly for joint training operation.
We ain't going to war for you fucks, not unless theres some real incentive (making morocco a NATO member would be a good start)
>china siding with russia
it's funny how you teenage fucks don't know shit about geopolitics
>Open the map retard. India is green. But if they go to war they will choose to fight with Russia and China.
You the ordinary Indians you are probably color blind or stupid.
India will never be on the same side with UK.
Norkorea is an unstable factor. China is only concerned with maintaining it as a bufferstate against American allies.
The moment they stop being useful they'll drop em. If China can gain something even remotely beneficial from turning a blind eye to the matter they'll probably end up joining in the curbstomping.
Kim's nukes were a means to pressure the UN into dropping the sanctions (like they always threathen war when they have a famine and want food aid). That way they can claim "Norkorea so strong. You see; they quake at the thought of war with us they even send us food!" It's all a show for their own people not to rise up against them.
Kim shit the bed with his nukes though. They were a pest at best but now even China is distancing from them.
If this keeps up you'll probably see a coupe soon as he UN has taken a hard stance on sanctions with Rocket Man
>Mostly for joint training operation.
Training operations with NATO because you are a puppet state. If you was blue, then you will make training operations with Russia.
Gtfo now.
>russia and china allying
yeah no
70% of Iraqis are Shia. The Iraqi government will be instant replaced if they go against Iran.
American Revolutionary War!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!
I love American99% and the U.S.
China, Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's, Japan's and China's monetary policies now!
China, Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's, Japan's and China's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan and Germany must reduce Germany's, Japan's and China's taxes now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!
As a result, Dollar value will rise!
The U.S. will have trade surplus!
Japan, Germany and China are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, China, FRB, top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Japan is the country which has been promoting Globalization!!!
American Revolutionary War!
No one wants to leave NATO. Show me hard evidence that they do?
As it stands now the NATO nations are still fully in America's camp.
When will you pay your debt?
>implying they're not just for political show
yeah sure m8
we'll wait and see if morocco goes to war for fucks.
Meanwhile Greece and the shitty eastern europe countries are going to be the field of war and get ravaged and called poor once the war is over.
>No one wants to leave NATO.
When you managed to pay your own debt.
>Finland fighting
stop this stupid meme, we've been neutral since WW2 ended and only reason for us to enter is that Russia attacks us and that isn't happening
God bless you and the land of the new rising son
so only some islands of Indonesia will be on America's side?
also this map is fucking retarted
>Meanwhile Greece and the shitty eastern europe
At your dreams maybe. Greece never had imperialistic doctrine. Only if they attack us we fight.
Remember that time that the rest of the world sanctioned the living shit out of us to install a terrorist organisation funded by communists? Did you guys really think they’d side with the west?
You still have no understanding of RSA, it would fight with Britain, at worst remain neutral
Finland had drills with NATO lately.
>at worst remain neutral
Its impossible to remain neutral. Chinese who support the SA government would never allow something like that.
Pakistan is blue not red. Afghanistan is red stupid Lithuanian. Pakistan is a great Chinese ally.
>so only some islands of Indonesia will be on America's side?
Im not whilling to spend 5 hours to mark all the islands. Only the major one.
Both you and us are in Nato, greekbro. Time to march for Zion.
lol you actually believe this?
Every EU country is gonna be fighting alongside the US and EU.
Westerners are dumb. Today Europeans have 70 IQ and black cocks in their mouths.
Jusa is dead, the US Generals knows it.
Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Slovenia are green
I highly doubt that this country would side with the west. The ANC is virulently anti-Western. They would side with the Chinese at the drop of a hat. When SA had a seat at the UN Security Council they constantly blocked any pro-American motion.
>Every EU country is gonna be fighting alongside the US and EU.
We was allies with UK but we never declare war against the Axis. Axis declare war to us.
So no, do not expect from Greece to fight the Orthodox Russian brothers.
This is the only option, you faggets. The most input we and China would make is importing some stuff to norks.
We and china are currently busy bringing down to dollar.
Just read the comments, these western subhumans have no idea about war.
The Dutch Neanderthal believes that SA will support the west ahahahahaha
The American deep state has Italians.
you moron. Pic related is the most realistic scenario WW3 will play out.
India, while historically a friend of Russia, hates China and doesn't hate USA at all. Pakistan has historically been a friend of the US although relations have soured recently. Similar scenario for Turkey.
The delusion is bizarre. They toppled a strongly western government and replaced it by a government made of actual communists. This government has been actively anti-Western since its inception. They have acted against western interests since its inception. They regularly declare their solidarity to China and Russia. They favourite trade with Russia and China over the West. What would make them support the West if things were to get hot?
>India, while historically a friend of Russia, hates China
Indian army using only Russian and French weapons. For the Hindu Russia is the only ally who can trust.
pay dentps greeks yuo are poor
If you're in European soil you're gonna have to choose a side.
You're either with the US or Russia, either way war is gonna come to you.
We're not in European soil, and i mean no one cares about sandnigger soil amirite? xDDDD
>>India, while historically a friend of Russia, hates China
>Indian army using only Russian and French weapons. For the Hindu Russia is the only ally who can trust.
India is a nuclear power thanks to Russia.
start building Sup Forums
>If you're in European soil you're gonna have to choose a side.
Whoever comes we are going to fight him and beat him like we did with the Italians.
>this maymay
the war was called cold for a reason
When American economy was healthy.
Today America collapsing.
I dont see a single reason for us fighting.
What for? Cold war is over long time ago.
Please explain this meme.
Wars have a way of sucking unwilling countries into their vortices.
We've done exercises with the Chinese. I don't see us being allies soon. We do exercises with the Russians.
Because Americans wants your natural recources.
>We've done exercises with the Chinese.
When? It was millitary drills?
The new conflict is between nationalists and globalists. The American establishment, despite Trump and common conservatives, is doing its best to bring the US to the globalists' side and antagonizing Russia gratuitously.
yeah and taking some oil from country with nuclear weapons is such a good idea.
This is lunacy, and noone will start this war.
>major islands
>not including java
Do you even geography?
technical error here, greenland is a sovereign state that is still technically part of denmark and essentially its entire defence is via denmark, so if denmark goes to war with someone then greenland follows suit. Also a decent amount of greenland is american military bases anyway so might as well chalk them up in red. Plus a shit ton of territories you got wrong.
Plus how the fuck is ukraine not gonna just cut out the middleman and fight the nation they are at the fucking moment fighting in the most thinly veiled proxy war ever? Why the fuck would they side with the country they are currently fighting? Plus India fucking hates china and if the pakis are siding with the ruskis then India is sending a nuke straight up their pooper. And you don't even have every EU nation in red. Why tf is vietnam not in blue? they are atm commies. I need to stop looking at this map its giving me an aneurysm
>america red
red china is blue
you had one job
why eastern/south europe are not green?
also why turkey is green?i think that turkey should play a great role in a ww3
Do you intend to tell me that the Spanish empire was a peaceful empire and south america simply died of their beauty when spaniards offered them cultural enrichment?
>Do you even geography?
Indonesia is green you colored blind pathetic prick.
"SA is red" fucking retard
Give us the fucking capitalism-goo Ivan, we will trade you vodka and potato.
kek that flag
Spain the "Empire" did not participate at the second world war, and they are not going to fight for the third one either.