As someone who does not live in the US

how does it make you feel that the US is by far the strongest military power in the world?

what's it like from your perspective?

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Pretty depressing when you realize how many retards think North Korea is a threat at all.

what country you from


>behind 7 proxies

>a fucking leaf.

germany hates it thats for sure.

Feels like we're the second coming of the Roman empire and our glory days are long over.

so you dont feel good about us being the baddest kid on the playground? why not?

Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner

the more I learn here the more it seems the US military has made the world worse with every action it has ever taken

you fucking defeatist

>mfw i feel the same way

Ihr seid die dümmsten, arrogantesten und widerlichsten Schweine dieser Welt.

Because young men sign up to fight for their country, but their country isn't fighting for them.

you pretty much pay for our defense, thank you very much

But the more degenerate version , with burgers

It is necessary unfortunately. Technology has gotten to a point where a few people being able to acquire high tech weapons can do a lot of harm. We live in a age were much of the world's population depends on oil and it's product whether it is food or medicine or what have you.
If someone where to pull something like what germany trying to do in the 1940s, the entire planet would be screwed.
What concerns me though is the perpetual russian enemy meme/gladio b/pivot of history. A lot of our foreign policy is centered on this one thing and I just don't see a good end to it.

kys bitchboy

I hope you keep it up or Europe starts to match America's military might. A country without a military is doomed. And the western world is gonna have a fight on their hands quite soon.

Wasted tax dollars :(

Feels great to be an american

every german hates the US so much, and they don't even know why. just a bunch of ad hominems


No problem
Just keep letting us plunder your natural resources.

pretty much

Just glad that the worlds superpower is an ally of ours and I like the american people

>Nothing bad would happen without a military.

Liberals really believe this.

I've lived in many places, including Pueblo CO and Colorado Springs and Englewood CO, very close to the most concentrated hub of destructive power in human history, and it had absolutely 0 affect upon my life whatsoever.

It's just maymays, it doesn't matter. One developed western country is pretty much the same as the next to live in, your socioeconomic status within it is what actually affects your life.

I noticed way more differences living in Arizona vs Montana then I did between Colorado and Alberta for example.

It's basically an abstract concept, since we've all known domestic peace for our entire lives, the only threats we've really faced are from criminals abusing the free movement afforded to them in open societies, not actual armies.

They protect us, because any threat against us is obviously a threat against them, so it's ok to benefit from it like it. And that guy who said that the US would not defend Canada is just playing politics. Trump wants us to spend more on our own military (which would be a good thing to do) and that was just a pressure tactic to try to achieve that. If any other country took military action against Canada, the US would stop it with their navy before it even got here

We still in the republic phase you fag


Eh, we could do better.
I mean, we can destroy cities and countires yah but. I'm talking launching missiles on a different planet, in a different galaxy & different space time. Not a money-involved-geopolitical-agenda like we do here on earth to places with ppl of color, but a mission purely based for science...anddd a way to put tax money to use cuz blowing up planets for fun in the name of sciene is better than putting it towards help for those ppl in need

>more degenerate
You don't know much about Rome, do you?

Doesn't mean jack to me. Sure, our nuclear deterrence has kept us and our neighbor to the north safe, but it also makes us a target. Meanwhile, wages are stagnant and our standard of living isn't any better than northern Europeans or Canadians. And don't even get me started on our fucked-up healthcare system.

But, all that said, there are plenty of "USA! USA!" flag-waving Americans, generally the type of people who are failures in some respect and are drawn to the idea of being part of the "winning team" even though they only needed to be born into it (see also: the "we won" Trumptards).

Why are the krauts so buttmad? You should have left before you became stock for migrant husbandry like my great-grandparents.

kys yourself today

>be me
>try to remember when my country was relevant
>load up Sup Forums through my high-speed 1Mb/s connection
>see thread about Americans
f-fucking degenerates

Mexico's right. America is the spiritual reincarnation of the Roman Republic. Despite the decline in virtue, there's a lot of inertia. Empire comes later. Listen to Dan Carlin's Death Throes of the Republic.

From what I've seen, they are no different than the liberals and hippies here.

>hurr durr fuck the police (USA) fuck you we're strong and you are evil
>something happens
>oh god help us police (USA) help! You are obligated to help it's your job oh god please help, send money and protection help!

Nice trips

there were all sorts of inferior people in Roman empire too

It's pretty much irrelevant to me.

You don't seem to achieve much with it, but I understand it keeps problematic countries in line as you exploit their resources. It's certainly not as if it seems to have actually helped you win any recent wars.

I mean, we all get it gives a lot of you guys a sense of superiority, but do try to understand the rest of us aren't raised to glorify war and so we just see you as rather odd and obsessed with it.

well you're our mates so it doesn't bother me

Pretty good

It feels good living right next door to largest consumer and strongest military. We make good money selling shit to you. We also get strong defence just by our geographical location. I feel bad for euroupe. Thank you America!