What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this image?

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this image?

Other urls found in this thread:


who cares

Aryan goddess.

1. meme flag
2. filename suggests shill agency
3. but you wanted me to think that
4. therefore ????


That her diaper probably needs changing because she's so full of shit.


happiness and spine-tingling levels of /comfy/


wife material

Hilary Clinton

Maybe for you, since germans are into scat.

Sex because I am male. Then I remember her voice.

she is awesome. don't give a damn if she does wear diapers, though i haven't seen any proof of that yet.
her and milo are both great. they're doing a shitload for the people at Sup Forums and all Sup Forums wants to do is shit on them both.

love (?)

>her and milo are both great

dude her grandparents escaped from nazis not because they were jewish, but because nazis were socialists and their government seized her grandparents trucking company, leaving them with nothing and totally fucked over. so they fled to the US. there were lots of groups that got fucked over by national socialism, if you didn't know, not just "the jews".


They are both shit. Grow up and this will be obvious to you

the left's worst nightmare

*giggle blush*

omg what an original meme you made there. never seen that one before. def takes some high level IQ to create discourse at the level you're doing it!

She looks like one of my exes, so hatefucking and leaving.


thanks, have another. and then go back.


lauren southern, milo yiannopolous, richard spencer, alex jones, and all of the rest of Sup Forumss favorite targets have done tremendous things for the white race, for their future, and for the west, politically speaking. what the fuck have you ever done, you pathetic, entitled, bratty faggott??

that the wall is going to hit her HARD




A pleasant seeming person.

Attention Jew whore

ive seen this exact thread a few days in a row now, its clear that its a slide thread and that op is a massive fucking faggot

Sounds just like her.

surely posting "go back to redddit" memes will save the white race, right?? we don't need alex jones, or milo yiannopoulos, or richard spencer, or lauren southern. fuck no man! we've got user here with his "go back to redddit memes!" he's single handedly saving the white race, didn't ya know?!?!

(note: 3 D's because the "r" website's name is apparently banned as "spam" on this shitty site)

It make me think about all of the mentally ill communists trying to take her down.

>brown eyes
>fake blonde hair

Quite the "aryan" goddess you have there you fucking cuck.

You don't belong here.

i know bro, you got me. you are totally BTFOing me, you know? i just feel so BTFO'd right now. you BTFO'd the shit out of me :(

Her voice is on par with mine

Lauren Southern, duh.
Also schizophreniacs, shills and diaper fetishists when it comes down to this place

whenever you're ready.

filthy spic whore

wheatfields and white identity

an e-whore attention starved kike


Diaper or not she is hot

coal burner

Im fucking diamonds.

if you even believed for a second laurens dumb enough to post diaper pics than you where never apart of the ass ravaging weve given the ops in the last like what idk like 5 years

A) Dream girl that knows she's a dream girl

B) Too good to be true, and she might fuck niggers on the side.

Either way, she's for baby redpilled types. I say use her as initiation/first wave red pilled bombs but beyond that she's just another gear in the machine like me and you.

Make up

attention whore

The picture was already proven false by an autist. Stop shilling for your "blackpilled" Praxis guy on twitter.

>this thread again

"Not another one of these threads"

White knight fin

>saying someone who approves of right-leaning journalists doesn't belong here.


yes this from here til eternity will be what i think of. and i fucking love it. definite wifey

who dat?

lauren is a total babe shes completely 14 and borderline 88 ignore the kikes and cuck mods

stop spamming this worthless trash here


Doesn't she look like this chick though?

I swear its the smile


Breed her

1. Shes pretty
2. Too much makeup
3. She looked even prettier with her natural hair color

>''Twenty percent off a Lullaby's! Just tell 'em Big Baby!''

Blood loss.

That whole video was her attention whoring
I would still slam my cock down her throat and smash that puss like no tomorrow

change your flag.

I hear the name Lauren Southern all the time but don't know who she is and don't give a fuck

I don't get this image. Doesn't she just mean her grandparents lost all their property and belongings? Just because most survived doesn't mean they didn't get fucked by it.

Why is she so popular with the leftists these days? What is it about her that frightens them so much? Genuinely curious.


Her sister

I doubt the left even cares about her that much, it's just that she's such great bait for anons
>this thread-75 replies already

not a virgin

Defend Europe
her and Brittany Pettibone are the only right wing talking heads that are actually DOING something, so they need to be shut down and slandered constantly




Someone the astroturfers are really afraid of
And a qt too

you poor impotent faggot



A massive smear campaign, OP is a datamining shill.

>lauren southern, milo yiannopolous, richard spencer, alex jones, and all of the rest of Sup Forumss favorite targets have done tremendous things for the white race
Get out CIAnigger

They really have in comparison to you.

Jeanne d'arc

Jews aren't white.

>Jews Sing: "I'm Not White, I'm Jewish"

Brittany Pettibone is better waifu. Not to say Lauren isn't top-tier either. I just think Brittany is more Sup Forums and Lauren is more Sup Forums and I've had a better run with animu watching, YA reading girls than gamer girls (not gurls) I can see myself chilling with Brittany Pettibone getting /comfy/ but I don't think I can keep up with the high-energy of Lauren Southern.

Literally who

fake blonde

Brittany is a reformed slut. She got called out on her interview with Angry MGTOW and admitted she "made some mistakes" sleeping with guys in college. She's just like the rest of them, only she's smart enough to use her #tradlife scam to milk patreon shekels from lonely betas

take psychedelics

Jews Divide and conquer. Many niggers want to be segregated from us as well, yet the jew pits us against each other. We must red pill the niggers,unite against the greater threat, then separate our people and live in peace.

Finbro the laurenfan

'reformed'? she's still on the cock carousel, it's just not profitable for her to be open about it.