Do you ironically side with Israel to trigger leftists?
Do you ironically side with Israel to trigger leftists?
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Sup Forums is not a hivemind FUCK ISRAEL.
No, I unironically side with Iran and Palestine to trigger cuckservatives and ziocons.
and he is not asking that, else his question would be does pol ....
the moment i saw leftist bash israel i started thinking (((they))) are not so bad afterall,, and then i realised (((who))) was behind bashing israel
I support Israel's right to exist because Pa**stine doesn't deserve anything. Also they hate mudniggers like I do.
Anyone who doesn't believe this is an islam-lover.
>unironically using the work "unironically"
>siding with P*listine
I side with Syria.
I entertain the thought of sincerely supporting them under (A) a genuine support of a displaced people with a long history and culture having a homeland that they deserve, as such things are righteous inherently and (B) because as they slowly realize this they will be THE source of revolt and recompense towards the toxic leftists Jews in Western countries and they will be our ally in signifying and disabling them with extreme prejudice, kind of like an inverse SPLC on steroids.
I truly believe Israel can become like an inverse SPLC and ADL and will actually help us weed out those elements of Jewish subversion in white Western countries. I hope it happens, and if it does or cannot I will support the nuclear decimation of Israel and the continuation of the policies in Germany in the 1940s.
>you can only oppose Jewistan because of Palestine
it's not that Jews deserve a country, but that the rest of the world needs a containment country for them
like /s4s/ is a containment board for redditors like
t. Jew
Jews and their policies are the ones importing unstable Islamic individuals into your country. You hate them because you’re being forced to live around them, but you didn’t stop to think who is the cause of this. I’ve had this discussion with countless friends but one day you’ll understand.
I side with Arabs despite what the majority of posters here say, they haven’t gotten a fair shake. I might not want to live around them but I don’t think anyone from the civilized worlds needs to go into their countries taking out democratically elected officials and policing them. They will destroy themselves. Also, unlike whites, Muslims refuse to confirm to Jewish norms like homosexuality, feminism and a healthy diet of guilt and high fructose corn syrup.
I side against every Jew, no matter the time or place.
>the rest of the world needs a containment country for them
Hell is always an option.
I side with Poland
if somehow israeli interests align with ours, so be it
this should be the way Sup Forums thinks
Deport All Zionists
I side with Palestine because I would be really fucking mad if Haitians took a piece of my country and then more, and more and more...
It's not so much that I support Israel, it's just that I want the drama over Palestine to end.
Better to let Israel decimate them entirely and be done with it, than to deal with this bullshit for another 1000 years or some shit. End the suffering long term by causing a lot of suffering short term. Rip off the fucking bandage.
There are just as many goyim as jews in the globalist superclass that want to destroy the nations and instigate a one-government world. This is the final redpill you need to swallow.
You know they don't just want Palestine, right? The greater Israel meme is true. If you have paid attention in the last year to the Zionists and neocons, they are now referring to the country of Jordan as "basically Palestine." Israel, in its current state, will always seek these wars. They were a massive force behind the Syrian involvements as well. The only way it will stop is if the older Jews running Israel die off, and the younger, dumber generation of Israelis take over.
I side with whatever kills more brown people.
ess4ess here you can keep him.
I'm pro israel but their zionists can fuck off out of my country.
>supports isreal
have fun watching your country getting filled with muslims
then we'll grant him asylum
This. I'm against Palestine and Israel.
I have enjoyed shilling for Israel, but I must do other things now.
Goodbye Sup Forums.
Yes. But for reals I don't like Israel either.
No israel can suck a dick. And i'm not even an anti-semite like the rest of these fuckers.
100x times this, I don't care about Israelis but as long as they kill muslims they are ok in my books
I hate Israel, but then they did torture my relative.
Israel is the only place where you can freely say your opinion about sandniggers without being fined, imprisoned or called "Nazi" by the establishment and media.
What a great country.
hesy the more they fight eachother the better
I would never side with the devil itself. I'm with Iran and I fully support their nuclear program.
>t. Ahmed
Death to Israel and every kike who denies Christ.
No, I do because I am not a hypocrite.
>Do you ironically side with Israel to trigger leftists?
I actually do.
the cycle of violence erased any moral high ground anyone held at the beginning by being the victim of aggression, but the original aggressors were the jews. and yet I support Israel because they fuck with muslims. were it almost any other people disposessed by the jews, I'd be decidedly anti-Israel.