>Europe is now in multicultural mode and Jews are being resented because of our leading role.
Daily Reminder
can someone explain to me what she meant when she said europe won't survive if it doesn't become multicultural?
what is it that europe can only survive through multiculturalism?
It was a threat.
sounds reasonable
Does anyone have a webm of gif of her from this interview?
Good. I can’t wait until riots break out and synagogues are torched. Hopefully now that Iran is months away from being full nuclear they’ll glass Israel in all the chaos and the rest of the world can finish the job at home. Disgusting rat.
She meant they'll start another war and kill tens of millions more Europeans if you don't accept your replacements.
Daily reminder that bitch looks kind of like terry davis
>some chad rejected a jewess this hard
Yeah, what did she mean by that...
t. cia nigger
For anyone on the fence about the JQ, its quite simply that in 100 years we will exists as whites or they will. They will wipe us out or we will wipe them out.
Either take the immigrants and die, or they will send and army and kill the europeans.
Is Spectre still alive?
So you saying we become the Jews
>parasitically destroy host
>host wants you out or genocided
(((They))) aren't too smart or (((they))) just can't help themselves. This is the only reason why Hitler should have won.
The look on that kikessa's face show the rotten fruit that the jewish mind bears.
Didn't this cunt bolt to Yidland ?
She has mental issues but instead being serial killer she is doing sabotage on grande scale.
Same kind of person like these jewish bolsheviks who murdered millions of people for 'the greater good'
>Without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.
I enjoy a multicultural europe. The muslims will help us against the jews
God, I hate that fucking turbo Jew.
Why did Hitler hate the Jews ?
> Then they go and do stuff like this
I wonder how much the Jewish race is tied to Europe, have they convinced themselves they really are an island?
yea, she lives in Stockholm, Sweden.
Mental disease.
Jews should join white race long time ago. They were accepted and welcomed, instead they isolated themselves and practiced sabotage of people who gave them shelter.
Jews and muslims are the same coin. We should throw them away before they will murder us all.
What did they mean by this?
my first day at Sup Forums a picture was posted with her adress. Sometimes I feel as a massive pussy for not taking the challange.
Atleast I produced 2 white kids instead of rotting in jail having to see the kids sing hawa nagila on Spectre day...
Other than heebs screaming shut-it-down, have the Protocols ever been properly debunked
Why do they do this, Sup Forums?
>This transformation that MUST take place
>calls for genocide
Oy vey
Yes. My proposed plan of action is
>join left-wing organizations and start bending them to our will
>ally with muslims
>use existence of Israel as symbol of oppression of muslim people fanning up antisemitism
>use muslims to drive jews out as they are immune to antisemitism remarks
>proclaim that Europe stands for rationality reason democracy and feminism
>enrage far left against muslims with that
>drive out muslims with antifa who are immune to racism allegations
>consolidate power, pogrom the fuck out of people who caused the mess we are in now
ETA for this plan 20 years, do we have that much?
You forgot,
>start every sentence with "Dear fellow Jews"
>I produced 2 white kids
Replacement is 2.2 per woman. Stop being a boy.
>tfw 3 sons 2 daughters
>one crazy lady
wow what concrete evidence
If you plan is based in Muslims trust and alliance then you are a fucking retard. The rest of you plan is utter bullshit too. Sort yourself out mate before I pull your fucking head in.
That's right.
just an isolated case goy
I love bricktop. Working on my bouffant hair to go with my yellow fangs and big NHS glasses
Daily reminder that you can keep posting her all you want but only thing you can do is whine about "boo hoo mean Jewish woman was mean to me, waa"
You ain't doing shit and that's why whites will go extinct.
I assume it was a rhetorical trick.
>Why do they do this, Sup Forums?
>Stop generalizing!
This was a one time event and a big misunderstanding. The challenges in Europe happened because Europeans were islamophobic and hateful. We need to protect real islam with more love for all, and take more african women and children who are fleeing the barrelbombing monsters in Syria. You don't want to be like Hitler who gassed 6 million jews just because an upstanding jewish gentleman denied him entry the art-school, do you? That was the only reason Hitler had for hating the jews, THE ONLY ONE. This is what hate and Trump does to you.
Love and tolerance for all, not hate. You counter-semitic racist polish bigot.
Best of luck to you then user, make us proud.
Besides the sick religious-ethnic identity laying ground for Judaic globalists and secular-communists? Gated communities have a lot to do with it. Ivory tower syndrome is fundamental to modern "liberalism".
>Hears no evil done to whites.
>Sees no evil done to whites.
>"What evil, goyim!?"
>"We fellow whites need more enrichment! Diversity is our strength."
>"Triablism is stupid, goyim! Everyone's special!"
>Lives in gated community, insular social bubble.
>Full tribalist denial or victim cry mode when confronted.
They plan on doing this in the States in the distant future once they've sucked everything out of them and Christian Whites are a small minority according to a Jewish insider. Thats why preppers are mocked, why all Jews want guns banned, why the FEMA camps are being built. They've done it before, they will do it again.
Hitler was the good guy fighting against these monsters, but we are brainwashed to see him as evil.
Tbh, I think they will divide and conquer themselves just fine without shilling.
>The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden
Its just an ugly old lady that hates everything that is better than her. Even if (((they))) win they will always be unhappy and she will die soon.
"The movement for world government is, therefore, contrary to human nature, and is not supported by the natural instincts of ordinary men and women. Its origin must be found in the basic instinct of some unusual breed of mankind; in the deep ingrained mental motivation of a peculiar people who, first, believe that they are destined to control the world and that it is to their particular advantage to do so; second, that they are a special people, apart from and superior to all mankind; and finally, that all mankind must be reduced to a homogeneous mass without special distinction or individuality; a robot, passive multitude that will serve the master-race without thought or question. Such a people would necessarily be characterized by a passionate instinct of exclusiveness in their relationships with each other, and an aggressive internationalism in their relationships with all others. They must present one face for their own people and an entirely different face for all others. Most of all they must have and continue to nourish a deep contempt and hatred for all people other than their own. They must have, as a cornerstone to their religion, an abiding sense of destiny in their mission. They must exercise a dual morality in which the right or wrong of things is determined only by the purpose to be served. Where their mission becomes unattainable by the sword and the engines of war, it must become not only proper and right, but mandatory, that they continue on their course with stealth and cunning. Ideas and ideologies become weapons of war to be used and discarded, and their strongest allies must be recruited from among their intended victims. Such a breed must be capable of the most complex treachery. They must possess the ability to appear to be all things to all men, and yet be only themselves. An indestructible nation, they must destroy all other nations."
obfuscating nonsense and/or a threat
I think it is more of the fact that Jews in Europe are getting attacked by the same Muslims those leading role Jews are bringing in, in droves.
But Jews aren't being resented. Everyone loves Jews. Say anything bad about the Jews and you will get banned on 99% of internet sites, your career will be over, people will call you anti-Semite.
Either she's lying or Europe is not yet in multicultural mode.
*the great prank
I really can't wait to start killing these people.
I dont even want these redpills but i cant stop coming here .when will this ride ends ,lads?
When (((they))) turn all of us into one brown, dumb and ugly, easily controllable race that will be used as cattle.
>Jews are being resented
by the 5%.
making your statement, objectively false.
If anything we succeeded in pushing the "jews not equal to Israelis" agenda in less than a year. while you peasants still operate on the
>muh saturn hexagon moloch
forever btfo.
she looks kinda cute desu
You were more subtle a couple of years ago with this shit.
Even JIDF became lazy, holy hell.
You shouldn't even exist anymore. Fuck America for BADLY misjudging that situation.
Honestly, I find myself agreeing with you just stay away from us normie Jews pls don't make me use my boom stick.
I thought she lives in Israel now