Girls Und Panzer: Der Thread

GuP thread
mistake thread

Other urls found in this thread:

First for owanon delivering the finnish potg

Posting best girl.

The ride never ends.


>Two weeks since movie subs
>Threads are still so active
When will it end?



right before season two announcement

What I mean is that by comparing Russian to Chinese in WW2 is already an insult to the Russians.

There was no country that performed worse than France in WW2, but now that I think about it, China may be on par with the French in this regard.

>There was no country that performed worse than France in WW2

You should read about what the French let their colonial troops do during Monte Cassino (our finest hour!).
It's fucking disgusting

When shitty season ends.

>There was no country that performed worse than France in WW2
I doubt that

>There was no country that performed worse than France in WW2
Italy did, and a bunch of smaller countries as well.


>What I mean is that by comparing Russian to Chinese in WW2 is already an insult to the Russians.
That's retarded. Nobody is doubting the achievements of the Russians just because Chinese were shit at war.

>but now that I think about it, China may be on par with the French in this regard.
Yeah, I was considering excluding France when I was referring to the achievements of the Allies, but they did defend Dunkirk admirably to allow the BEF to escape. So, they've at least that going for them, which is more than the Chinese have.

At least the entire Italy was not buttfucked by Allies unlike the French.

>Everyone else calls them some variation of "armor"
in Spanish they're "tanque" (literally "tank", like teh English name), also "blindado" (iterally "armored one", like the German one) or "carro de combate" (literally "combat car", like the American troll designation; amusingly using the obsolete word for car that also means charriot, like Japanese "Sensha").
TL;DR: Spaniards use EVERY nation's way of calling tanks AT THE SAME TIME

On average it takes 2-4 weeks for the average browser to get over the post show depression. Once that period has elapsed, the threads will devolve into complete circlerjerking and eventually collapse under their own weight.

And then the new season is announced and we start a new the circle of life.


Can you imagine how hot they must get when crammed together in such a small space that's small even for two people? And during a summer day, no less? I imagine they were soaked and dripping with sweat and pheromones. Their wet, salty clothes must have clung easily to each other as well which must have been awkward.

t. Armchair-strategist-san with already 100 hours in HoI4

Oyasumi ~boko

I know right? Vichy France was best France.

They look cool enough. Carbon coating.

I'll continue posting until you accept the one true list!

Look at how much ground France lost compared to Italy.

I can only get so erect.

Oy vey!

They lost no ground when all was said and done.

You guys like gore?

Just stating facts, user. You can dispute them if you like.

Also, what does Hol stand for?

>carbon coating on the inside
>affecting temperature

u r dumb

Hearts of Iron

>You'll never straddle a well greased drive shaft between two hot lesbians in the world's smallest tank

I want to violently throatfuck Arisu in a way that will suffocate her.

If she can make me cum before she runs out of oxygen, she will live, but if she can't she'll die of asphyxiation.

University team gets beaten by a thrown together high school team.

Seriously, how much must the adult team have sucked which lost to the uni?

Disgusting globalist.

We were originally talking about just the Allies to be fair. I think that user just got mixed up.


You just can't win aginst Nishizumis

Someone mentioned you could see Rosehip's back in the TV show. When was that exactly?

Both China and France are the Allies though.


>The M4 was designed to defeat German tanks though
Nigga doesn't know about tank destroyer doctrine

I don't have the link, but I remember reading an article about a new armor coating that lowered the temperature inside a tank by a couple degrees, on top of other things.

If stuff in real life can do that, I'm sure the GuPiverse's magic carbon coating can as well.

the KMT didn't do so badly with what they had in WW2

They were incompetently officered and had much worse training, equipment and morale than the Japanese, but they still managed to offer resistance all the way through to 1945 despite repeated reversals. The KMT won battles against the IJA and achieved a minor revolution in China's own image of the military as a result (before the Battle of Shanghai, even officering was considered a low-class job which the middle-class refused to do, after Shanghai soldiering became more of an honorable profession)

Yes, they lost a lot, but they didn't lose nearly as badly as in the First Sino-Japanese War, and pretty much everyone lost badly in their first outing against the IJA.

>There was no country that performed worse than France in WW2

Italy performed significantly worse than France in all aspects except, arguably, in naval warfare in the Med where the Regia Marina surpassed expectations by holding the RN off fairly well.

How is Paris relevant to Vichy France?

Stood on that tank, Culebra

The smell must be amazing.

There was a blue crusader visible on Gloriana's school carrier in the background, when they leave after their match. It's the Mk2 variant though, not the kind Rosehip commands in the film

Becoming an artificial reef is the best end for a tank.

After taking so many lives, it'll now be the house of many other lives.

I know, but user made the mistake in this thread of saying that France was the worst performer in WW2 on both sides, which simply isn't true. If you include the Chinese, the French weren't even the worst performers among the Allies.


Not very.
Have some Vichy then

Assam looks pretty Ayy lmao there.

>As far as I can tell, the republican forces had a bunch borrowed light tanks from other countries during the war, so you could probably make a team out of that.

Panzer I, T-26 *and* M3 Stuart in teh same fucking team

>where the Regia Marina surpassed expectations by holding the RN off fairly well.
For about a year.

He had the right idea but fuck him for crippling my tankfu for the sake of logistics.

>The KMT was not that bad, because they perform better than how they performed previously, oh ya btw, they have shit commands and equipment so not their fault at all

Even if they performed better than previously, it is still bad.

Logistics win wars.

>it is still bad.
Abysmally bad.

Post the versions with sad greentext

>Becoming an artificial reef is the best end for a tank
This has been one of the few things /ak/ has ever agreed upon

What the tank was designed for and how the tank was supposed to be used are not the same thing

The ROC had also only officially been around for 25 years when the war started, not including all the political infighting that went on during that period.

France and Italy were in way better shape at the beginning of the war, and still managed to do just as badly as a bunch of ragtag warlord forces with borrowed equipment.

He had the right ideea, but based on the wrong data.

>Der Thread

You could at least have made it into
>Der faden

Get the fuck back to KC with those pseudo-translations

It can have a bench seat. Anchovy looks like she's sitting higher than the others anyways though, which would imply she's over the drive shaft but they could have enclosed it or put in a seat.

The tank destroyer doctrine was the right idea? I thought it didn't work at all the way they thought it would.

This isn't Krautchan, which is a good thing.
And it would be Faden anyway.

Very true. But the WHOLE point of the discusion is original intent of design.
For the unbranded M4, it was not to fight other tanks, German or otherwise.
Amusingly, also mentions the 75mm gun of the M3, which was not "designed to kill tanks": was meant to put a gun able to kill tanks AND antitank guns


Or actually she might just have her legs up to clear the bellhousing.

>France and Italy were in way better shape at the beginning of the war

Frenchies were still buttblasted from WW1 and kept alive by donations.

Italy on the other hand was nowhere near ready to ender the war, mainly because they were still in the middle of being industrialized, their troops untrained and just generally lacking in everything.

>Is she straddling the driveshaft

Maybe, but holding up a developing power to the same standard as the rest of the Allies is a bit ridiculous.

Did you do that? It's hella cute.

France has a better excuse than Italy

>tfw once VR technology gets really good you'll finally be able to drive tanks with your waifu all day

I'd never be able to draw something like that.

Grown-up Bunnies.

You realize the main problem with that is the software?

>Clara's Secret has a TL mistake
"Corporal" instead of "Lt. Colonel".
You can demux, edit and remux, or you can use an hex editor to replace th etext (I love the mkv format)

>and still managed to do just as badly as a bunch of ragtag warlord forces with borrowed equipment.
They did badly, but not as badly as the ROC.


ROC was pwned by Type 89s, ffs!
inb4 "pwned", it's intentional

Why does the only mature one devolve

>Grown-up Cunnies.


I didn't know we were doing that. Nice.

>implying their cunnies have much growing to do anyway

No - we're not going to sexualise the bunnies in yet another thread. You guys are going too far recently!

Reminder that Yuuki's boyfriend dumped that fine piece of ass just because she liked tanks.

Why does Aya wear Erwin's coat?

Try and stop us


In the manga, Aya, Erwin, and Yukari crew the B1 against Anzio. I guess that's what the artist was going for.