How do we get a watamote season 2 made now?
How do we get a watamote season 2 made now?
What would it even be about?
Get Sup Forums to send the mangaka more dick pics
Why did people do that?
Buy the manga.
the year two class trip would be a great multi-episode arc
maybe if we get english volume 9 or Japanese volume 10 to sell out this fall.
It come out some time in November.
year two class trip That be at end of season 2 episodes 19 to 25.
year two class trip that would make a great 4 or 5 part episodes and people really love watamote.
puls anime would add on to year two class trip and make it better.
would you let Tomoko ride on your back?
Yes of course !
Yes I love I might really like.
Tomoko really need to fuck with TomokI more.
Get about 300,000 Japanese people to go buy BDs of the first season.
anime original plot
tomoko goes to america
Ask nico tanigawa what should we do.
Make new ova just for the west.
like a CR funded project?
New ova cost about $100,000 or more.
the kickstarter for the LWA OVA got more than half a million dollars.
It has to be Studio Silver Link to do that ova.
Unfunny moe with no love put into it .
The manga, retard
The manga, retard and year two class trip plus makeing fun of new anime.
no it should be anime original
Like episode 13.
Or from watamote anthology.
I love see this.
What gonna on with 4 chan this bing going on for pass 3 days?
Hello ?
Thread is ok it Sup Forums not working.
I don't think so
Season 2 never.
Can season get made now ?
never say never I seen show like watamote Come back
It's great seeing character development in Tomoko with her realizing that interacting with people is way easier if you don't care what they think about you but why was the voice actor girl so rude to Tomoko at the end?
I mean ok she wants to hide her power level but she could have said it in a nicer way than "I hate the anime you watch and don't talk to me in public about it", not to forget that Tomoko was actually helping her hide her power level by shifting the blame on herself.
Anime end way too soon we need one more season we have do something about it Sup Forums what can we do about it.
Did you see dub or sub?
I am talking about the latest chapter of the manga.
The chapter where Tomoko shits yourself.
What would you if manga end right there.
Oh shit she was actually quite nice about it, I somehow remembered her being rude.
Well then I'm glad Tomoko is making friends.
I can see she gonna bully Tomok.
Why is her younger brother taller than her and why does he have the same shit under his eyes?
Its genetic
Tomoko doesn't get much sleep at night like me do like see my Dark Circles Under my Eyes.
Both her mom and brother have bags under their eyes suggesting that it is genetic, but then again when Tomoko gets proper sleep she stops having them.
Maybe the whole family just has shitty sleeping habits.
Not as much as Tomoko.
I like Dark Circles Under tomoko Eyes it make her look really cute.
If she got a tan, would she become kinda popular?
About same.
On episode 11 rn. its pretty funny, don't see why so many of you love it so much tho.
If she rested her dumb head on my back.
That wasn't necessary. An explanation is all id like senpai
why cant you talk to me?
Even Tomako can squeak at strangers..
Regardless im gonna start episode 11 now, talk to you in a bit
How much did you like episode 11
Episode 11 really good look like you only have 2 episode to go.
she just cut herself aaand bumped into a girl... and bled on the sheets oh God senpai why
I feel really bad for Tomoko.
About episode 13 you have to go online look for it do not on on YouTube look at episode 13 because half the episode is cut out.
Hay crunchyroll people I know your looking at this thread can you put up watamote episode 13.
Its fine, the website im on has it.
to a certain extent id agree, shes innocent in a certain way (excluding the voice recording part, I genuinely felt uncomfortable watching that)
Dumb leprechaun.
Can you Please do this. this might help out get season 2 made.
Maybe Tomoko will get taller before year 4.
no, petite girls are cutest.
A millionaire with a lot of money would order the BDs by the thousands
Any one know a millionaire love watamote?
Maybe ask Robin Williams.
May he rip.
Fuck Robin Williams did like watamote he would had Help out.
>implying millionaires are frivolous with their monies
If we made volume 10 sell out would this help out season 2 get made?
It work for season 1.
get toonami to pick the show up.
We need to do something we need to support watamote buy paying for a month of Crunchyroll Membership and watching watamote and go buy watamote manga both in English and Japanese.
I'm sick of no season 2
She hangs with the slut now rite?
its not clear yet. it only seemed like a one time thing.
if by slut you mean aspiring voice actress and not yuu-chan ofc
The guy commited suicide last year so not a chance.
Kana Hanazawa ?
We need do something Sup Forums are you happy watamote only got one season I'm Not why the fuck is no one doing anything about this we need a season 2 now!
>last year
I love see more of manga animated like year two class trip or what gonna on with the manga now.
i havent watched the anime past episode one lol.
read all the manga though including tomomote and the anthology up to chapter 10
bullshit. post proof.
The guy is Sup Forums.
>post proof.