Do any of you guys know any good redpilled books? Other than this one of course.
Know any good redpilled books?
Other urls found in this thread:
sex and character
by Otto Weinenger
The Unseen Hand
Hitler's War by David Irving
Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
Taken by the T-rex
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
Quantum Mechanics by C. Cohen-Tannouji
It's hard shit, but at the end you will see the light
This is what I followed.
Take the left path.
My copy of The Prince came in today. Interesting, even though I disagree with the style of government.
Stop converting to Christianity south Korea, it's only a matter of time till the Christ cuck bullshit makes you "forgive" north Korea
turner diaries
Who the fuck is that?
read the real version, user
very strong, it knows our state of our nation, and the influence of (((them))).
i don't condone the acts in this book.
anti-breeder world
motto: "it's sapien to be homo"
no gay sex scenes
the Vedas, the Gita and Upanishads are missing brown; they are pretty enlightening, even for red pills
>I don't condone the acts in this book.
The Eddas and Sagas are missing in the Iron Pill
have you read it?
It talks about the day of the rope and shit, killing race traitors and kikes why wouldn't you condone that?
Never heard of plausible deniability?
Weirdly excellent suggestion, Jewish user.
What about it?
it's jihad level stuff; i don't think it's come to that. it may if there's a social collapse; but that would be a declared civil war.
I found mein kampf hard to read is there a tl;Dr version?
Very unapologetic. Minimal discussion about the regime he served under, lots about the troops hatred of communism and not the Russians themselves. Considered themselves the bulwark against communisms encroachment into Europe.
> Not taking the far superior right path
encouraging whites to have family's and stop with the white guilt would be a better route. Race realism and identitarianism are two other essentials.
>Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald
Traditionalism beyond evola's work. Rene guenon, Titus berkhardt, Huston smith, frithjof schuen.
It is like the opposite of post modern philosophy, critical theory, and integral theory.
Mein Kampf and GLR's White Power are a great starting point.
>Oswald Mosley - everything he's written, specifically The Greater Britain
>Corneliu Codreanu - For My Legionaries
>Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged, or at least John Galt's speech and the parable of the 20th Century Motor Company
>George Orwell - 1984, Animal Farm and An Homage to Catalonia
>Hans Hermann Hoppe - Democracy: The God That Failed
Ride the Tiger by Julius Evola
Impeachment of Man by Savitri Devi
Defiance by Savitri Devi
Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail
The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Morals and Dogma
after you read those books read these if you have read them before, now read (or watch these movies) with fresh eyes
a brave new world, 1984, Da Vinci Code, The
Bible, Angels And Demons, Inferno, They Live, The Matrix, The Usual Suspects
Many of these books you don't even have to read them all if you simply read my book where I mention and quote them and basically give the gestalt in my book which I linked to here
Ultimate redpill
actually the dhammapada is the ultimate red pill
Hello self-hating Jew.
Anything by Kerry Bolton.
>the only way to get a physical copy at a reasonable price is by literally giving money to the National Alliance
Not sure how I feel about this.
It's less that they're natsocs / white supremacists and more that I don't know anything about this particular organization.
The one you've not written yet, the node you're yet to forge, the hard fork of your mind not expressed in words, the cultural, linguistic, philosophical, economic, political shift you've envisaged but not articulated, YOUR truth that you're searching for in the past, here in the present that you wish to apply to the future, oblivious to the fact that it's redundant and only the reimagining...the reinvention of our world is possible through new thoughts, practices, words and concepts you've so far lacked the imagination to conceive.
amazon has hunter and turner diaries
>not printing on your own
>not printing a high quality costum cover
>not binding your own hard cover version of your favorite taboo work without giving money to shady organizations and being put on a list
Pleb. I have a hard cover of industrial society and its future I've made at home that I've made myself just because I hate that Theodore Kaczynski is referred to as "the unabomber" in the official print (which is also paperback).