Just got back from the polls where I voted for Merkel

Just got back from the polls where I voted for Merkel.

u mad?

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>where I voted for Merkel
For what purpose?


So she can rule for another 4 years.

Watch out what you say. Sultan Erdogan ordered all Turks to hate Merkel.

make europe strong and kill american hegemony.

Rest in peace, Deutschland.


Lol. Come back when you're old enough to actually vote, kiddo.

>she can rule for another 4 years.
Here is an alternative for you that doesnt fuck the rest of europe over with incompetent leadership:

Move to any country in africa, donate all your money to a random african person and life your life there.

If you want suicide by rape and to live in poverty thats cool but keep the rest of us out of it, please

Where exactly do you think you are, nigger? I hope your mother gets raped by a refugee by the way, she deserves it for not aborting you.

Best ironic FPBP

But Germany is doing pretty good thanks to her. Next year we'll have a 15 billion € surplus. Thanks Mutti.

>Terrorist attacks happening on weekly basis
>Crime rates at record highs
>least my GDP is a few points higher


No not mad at all, your people deserve what they are getting. All Germany has ever done for the world is act like a bunch of barbaric heathens. Hopefully the rest of Europe rides out the migrant storm while the krauts get pulled under into oblivion


what a non-white thing to say. consider not being so edgy, mongrel runt friend.

>muh derrorism


Stop being so friendly all the time, gee-whiz...


You know the US is the size of Europe and varries a lot from State to State.



Did you steal that line from some edgy autistic anime character?

Just got back from my wifes house where I prepped Mohammad.

u mad?

You know what the word "average" means?

>B-b-b-but merkel helped the economy

I don't care if you get raped or blown up. There's still eastern europe and east asia. Maybe slavs and east asians are the master race afterall. I regret that my family moved from russia to germonkey when i was 2 years old.

>Migrant rape gangs go unprosecuted
>Terrorist attacks are more frequent than ever
>BRexit because of all the migrant problems and unrest in the EU
>Vast majority of all migrants are not working

Wow, your definition of good really needs some work there mate

I could quote sources for all of this but i dont think im gonna bother, you already made up your mind and want to fuck yourself over

Btw: most migrants arent working so im guessing the 15 billion will be put to well fare

Not really, who else are you going to vote for? Shultz is pretty much worse. Germany is fucked either way.

I won't help you if you get enslaved by imam, just deserts i say.

You made the right choice.

>be 5.4 times more likely to be murdered
really makes you think

The turk approves of the (((German))) cuck

germany is the new africa.

Now make a chart comparing Germans to the primitive savages currently invading and conquering Germany.

No. Why? Because I want Merkel to win. The sooner Germany collapses, the better.

>BRexit because of all the migrant problems and unrest in the EU

Yeah, because it was the EU who forced them to take in all those Pakies.

actually fucking end yourself, also im not mad i live in Ireland it doesn't effect me

Germany is dead. Only a cucked pathetic shadow that the Soviets/Americans left over remains.

not really. I expect most germans to hate themselves.

>Debra Killallea

>The Brah Kill All Yeah

Truest form of blackpill, syncronicity at work everyone

>the German plan for revenge against Europe is to destroy themselves and replace themselves with arabs.

My gf also voted for her.

>u mad?
u 12?

>3.1 times more likely to be murdered
Thank god that its syrians coming to europe and not americans, those would really scare me.

so did her bf

Not really. Germany is long gone. I'm actually perfectly good with Merkel remaining in power. It's not preferable short term of course, but not entirely bad. I think things in Europe need to get way worse before they can get better and Germany is rest of Europe's glimpse into their future if they remain under the EU's thumb. The further the rubber band stretches the quicker and more violently it will snap back. They're so far gone that getting better by half measures would actually be destructive at this point in the game. Europe (and Germany in particular) needs a purge not just someone who will come in and stop the bleeding

People in EU nations need a long-standing, consistent face to associate with the EU's globalist agenda. Merkel fits the bill pretty fucking well.

>u mad?
I don't give a shit.
But your children will be mad when they're sold into islamic sex slavery because of your stupidity.

watch out she will dump you soon for Merkels Big Nigger Cocks. But a cuck like you won't mind, hmm?

>A german votes for an incumbent

Are we supposed to be surprised at this? You guys voted for Hitler quite a few times, and that ended well.

>Danke Merkel!
>f-f-f-fuck you burger

>TFW when you understand i only posted half the list :^)

Most Americans are of German ancestry, and German-Americans are more or less the same as Germans in Germany.
You're making the error of comparing American niggers and spics to Germans.
The way things are going, Germany and America will statistically equalize soon, because Merkel flooding Germany with third world garbage.

I'd sooner have Hitler than Prepbull

>Most Americans are of German ancestry, and German-Americans are more or less the same as Germans in Germany.
That is an insult to German-americans. You have no idea how shitty real Germans really are. There is reason everyone in Europe including we ourselves hates Germans.

You sound dangerously anti-semitic. Who wouldn't want a jew from bondi to run the country?

Where do you think all those judgemental American faggots come from? It's typical German behavior.

Wow, so many germans deaths on that list, 3 if i count correctly.
I have another number swirling around in my head, 3000, can you help me connect it to some incident?

No, merely disappointed that you failed to listen

Most crimes in the US are committed by Niggers, most crimes in the EU are comitted by Sandniggers, whats your point?

All the good Germans swam to England in the 4th century desu

>implying there were ever good Germans

>Still not getting the message
>Be me
>Wish more germans were on that list
You made Europe unsafe for everyone

Least you have multiculturalism now
Give it 10 more years at this rate your crime statistics will surpass ours :^)

Could you bring up the averages by race?

>Went there
>Looked up all the shit
>Made a big cross on the entire paper

Not one party is good enough for me so nobody is getting my vote

>so many germans deaths on that list
Merkel allowed the migrants into ALL of europe, you dumb fuck
Every post 2015 terrorist event is the fault of germans who voted for Merkel

Still safer than the US where it's normal to have shootings in "bad neighbourhoods" while here the news go apeshit over shootings on the other end of the country.


If you want to kill yourself that's your own business. Poor bastard.

Coincidentally the shooting all happening in nigger and spic "hoods"

Don't worry, Europe will soon be just as enriched as America.

>Still safer than the US
Not for long hans
>Be European
>Get blown up by refugees
>Be European
>Vote for more refugees
>Be german
>See terrorist attacks happening all over Europe
>vote for canidate that opened refugee pandora box


>still no response to this

>tfw your genetics came from this fucking country

all those gun deaths are black on white or black on black crime. without niggers america would have as much gun deaths as the UK

Germans are trying to destroy Europe since the days of Rome. They just changed their tatctics this time, since humanitarian aid sounds kind of cool instead of extermination and genocide.

you were taught to hate yourself and your nation/people.

its not your fault, little Kraut.

WE made Europe unsafe for everyone???? Fuck of you piece of shit. You fucked over Hussein, Mubarak, Gadaffi (who actaully warned us that this shit will happen), Ben Ali. And now its OUR fault?
You spent fucking$ on a war that did nothing more then to destabilize the Region. Merkel screwed up by opening the borders but you caused the fucking problem you parasite.

It's really great seeing you backpedal and throw out a new red herring in every post. You're slowly becoming one of us.

Too bad you can't just cherrypick and leave out American citizens you don't like.

>you were taught to hate yourself and your nation/people.
Judging by this thread this was not a wrong lesson. I think hating Germans is normal.

>America caused the problem
>Merkel allowed all the refugees into Europe

You have to pick one you retard


>thanks to her
She's reaping what Schröder sowed with Agenda 2010.
Brainlets like you can't even grasp how slowly most things in politics work.
We won't get to see the consequences of Merkel's last 4 years until a decade or two have passed. And the future Kanzler will be praised/hated for it by idiots like yourself.

If america would not have destabilized the middle east / north africa the people would have never made it close to europe. Fucking americans dont even get simple causality, wtf

Sorry, but this thread is about the German elections, not your crapfest where you showed once again you're a nation of retards.

It's almost like it was done on purpose wtf?????

"The movement for world government is, therefore, contrary to human nature, and is not supported by the natural instincts of ordinary men and women. Its origin must be found in the basic instinct of some unusual breed of mankind; in the deep ingrained mental motivation of a peculiar people who, first, believe that they are destined to control the world and that it is to their particular advantage to do so; second, that they are a special people, apart from and superior to all mankind; and finally, that all mankind must be reduced to a homogeneous mass without special distinction or individuality; a robot, passive multitude that will serve the master-race without thought or question. Such a people would necessarily be characterized by a passionate instinct of exclusiveness in their relationships with each other, and an aggressive internationalism in their relationships with all others. They must present one face for their own people and an entirely different face for all others. Most of all they must have and continue to nourish a deep contempt and hatred for all people other than their own. They must have, as a cornerstone to their religion, an abiding sense of destiny in their mission. They must exercise a dual morality in which the right or wrong of things is determined only by the purpose to be served. Where their mission becomes unattainable by the sword and the engines of war, it must become not only proper and right, but mandatory, that they continue on their course with stealth and cunning. Ideas and ideologies become weapons of war to be used and discarded, and their strongest allies must be recruited from among their intended victims. Such a breed must be capable of the most complex treachery. They must possess the ability to appear to be all things to all men, and yet be only themselves. An indestructible nation, they must destroy all other nations."


If germans would not have allowed refugees into europe, they would have never made it into europe. Fucking germans dont even understand this, wtf


Found the jew.

So did I.

but you still let them stay. wtf germany. build a wall or sink their ships or something other than give them money and citizenship. Best option is to fire up those ole concentration camps and get to work.

They already were in the southeuropean states. They already were in europe, do you get that? At one point Merkel said "Well, all Syrian refugees can come to germany" and Hungary etc. just said "Fuck it, you got brown skin? to germany you go"

>Russian ‘botnet’ promotes far-right messages in German election
>Russian ‘botnet’ promotes far-right messages in German election
>Russian ‘botnet’ promotes far-right messages in German election
>Russian ‘botnet’ promotes far-right messages in German election
>Russian ‘botnet’ promotes far-right messages in German election

you just proved my point dumbass
How are you this dumb???!!!!

You said we allowed them into europe, which is wrong. Are you retarded? Do you even know where Germany is? Its in North/West europe, it does not border turkey or the mediterranean sea

Why would I be mad that you're ruining your own country?

German who vote for Merkel are all chucks who have zero children. All of the chuck leaders of Europe are childless. It tells you they are all masochists that hate themselves and their countries.

Fuck Merkel, May, Macron and the rest of the childless leaders of Europe.

Support Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. They're the only ones with the courage to put a bullet in the head of every Islamic savage flooding in to Europe.

Fuck auto correct.


>chode gayass

OP is dumb little fucker