I would to learn

Sup Forums is a very strange place and I would like to learn your ways.
How do you know this stuff and how can people achieve these things when others who are meant to be professionals can't?
BTW I know a lot on Sup Forums is shit posting and autism but I really want to know how people can find these things out.

Other urls found in this thread:


Old police forces used to work very well because you had people from all walks of life there who had experience and expertise over a very large swathe of subjects.
Sup Forums works for the same reasons. A very large subsect of people who have skills and abilities mobilized toward a singular goal can accomplish things that modern day intelligence and police forces cannot.

Some people here are military defense contractors, intelligence analysts. etc. We are your postmen, your doctors, your pizza delivery drivers.

It's weaponised autism now fuck off.

It helps that in many cases the "professionals" don't WANT to accomplish things.

The professionals can do it too, even faster, if they wanted to. But their professions have imposed limitations on them. They have to follow rules and protocols and bureaucracy.

For example, cops can enter someone's house and snoop around for evidence because he needs a search warrant in order to do that. He might lose his job. He can't get a warrant because there might not be probable cause.

But any autist can do it, because he's not bound to follow the rules of his job, because he's not a cop. He doesn't need any search warrant. So he can enter someone's house and find something professionals can't.

>Some people here are military defense contractors, intelligence analysts

See, these professionals like military can do it if they wanted to.

* I meant to say "cops can't enter"

Can confirm the first part


>How do you know this stuff and how can people achieve these things when others who are meant to be professionals can't?
we're bored and its fun
lurk moar faggot

We do it for free

Lurk moar.

We don't live in a bubble

Weaponised autism of a group of NEETs with potential.

>Doesn't understand most security breaches come from insider attacks and gullible staff members.

Step 1. Take credit for everything.

Unironically this


The "professionals" are paid to do their shit. They lack the motivation and true skill. They will never compete.

Won't be long till we meme a religion into reality.

When will Shia give up and become /ourguy/? It doesn't have to be this way.

there are no doctors on Sup Forums, unless they are looking to diagnose autistic stupid fucks like yourself

Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us.

Now we have niggers.

"I ain't no snitch!"

i already unironically believe theres a frog god who makes all posts that get doubles, i just need some guy at a podium to tell me what to do and its all set up

my jew gf has a PHD and has used my computer to post on pol before. what now? maybe kill yourself?

PRAISE KEK - put this as your religion on the next census.

Every Sup Forums thread is an actual brainstorming-blackboard

1. Activate your almonds
2. Hack the Gibson
3. Weaponize your inner spectrum
4. Practice the old dark magick of memes
5. Achieve mental anarchy, break the condition

that isnt your gf, thats your psychiatrist, and thats not your computer, its the hospitals, and she wasnt typing on Sup Forums, she was making a change to your prescription

The frog is a mask for the great Ba'Al

Ba'Al is lord of the internet.

>jew pol jf

He already did. He spend that month in Finland browsing through pol threads, because when he was arrested by cops, yelling at them how many jewish lawyers he has, he told the black cop that he oppresses his people, and he told the white cop that his wife is at home getting fucked by Big Black Dick and asked him how does he feel about it.

And then there was this meltdown on Sup Forums day after his release when someone mentioned that the new Han Solo got the role because the director met him at bar mitzvah.

so you admit that a doctor has posted on pol before then? thanks

wait i only read half you post before i replied. you take that back SIR

Sup Forums is kinda like a superbrain

> Also don't forget the spider legs as he treads on the web.

Going to be a prophet and give it a try.
First I must search my people.
I'll leave my homeland and tread from west to east.
Find people to write their reason d'etre in the big book.
Then World Peace and the reckoning.

>"normies get out"
>"look how cool we are, normie"

nu-pol Säuberung when ?

The passion of untold numbers of rabbid autists accomplishes great things. Also fuck off with your e celb bullshit shill.

I'm a doctor.

Why do you think this place stays open while other sites are shut down? This is a three-letter honeypot and the autists here do all the work for them unknowingly. Sup Forums is literal slavery for everything they despise.

I got the power of Anime and God on my side.

Get out.

You just have to be willing to try. The big thing with those threads is that you have to invest effort into it. If you see a discord or something pop up make sure you participate, grab a lead of your own so that you don't double up, and follow it. Applies to pretty much every group polject.

Fuck off

How is this politics related

From what I've experienced being a long time redditor and now a newfag Sup Forums user, is that reddit are full of people acting smart but are actually idiots while Sup Forums are full of smart people acting like idiots.

Just praise kek aNd wait untill next week fOr da Real apoKalypse

The apocalypse will start in 12 hours.

I can tell you police forces can 100% get you, be laws prevent them from just arresting you, or obtaining information legally. they also deliberately not release information or that they even know this. "if it isn't written down, it never happened."

whats the point of being smart if you cant act like an idiot?

what kind of research are you currently conducting?

or are you here because you are scared that 1000 typing monkeys might finally write a book?

Sounds like he's still going through the stages.

I worked for NASA straight out of college for 10 years.

There are a lot of very smart people on Sup Forums.

There are doctors on Sup Forums


someone finally figured out my fight club quote


The power of kek
We do it because we want to not because we are paid to
We are motivated by the blessing of kek and not money

:-) I did write a book. Want a copy?

calm down J. There are all types on here. Just because you're stuck making maple syrup for fat fucks doesn't mean everyone is.


>BTW I know a lot on Sup Forums is shit posting and autism but I really want to know how people can find these things out.

how are people smart and stuff? Spend your time learning and doing something useful instead of watching kike shill vids like Vee on youtube and you might find out

All is revealed through Christ.

here is a copy on my google drive, won't be out in stores for a few months my editor is still working on it. Hope you enjoy it bruv

>How do you know this stuff and how can people achieve these things when others who are meant to be professionals can't

Now fuck off shill.

Worst cover ever. Are you really gonna print it like that?

Ive saved the link, and will download it when I get home tonight

Cover? It is just the manuscript bro of course not
cool hope you learn something bruv you can share with others

I recently aquired my doctorate degree In women's studies. Working on my masters in trans biology right now

Policemen used to live in the locality they patrolled and literally knew every person in their neighborhood. But with overpopulation and ease of transportation along with the niggerfication of cities, it has all gone to shit.

nuke the cities and ban houses on plots smaller than an acre.

I just double majored in negro studies and Jewish subversion

this in all honesty plus boredom make for lulz worthy goals.

Fuck off we're full.

just do the opposite of any thing jews do

First you must create your user name in order to collect Sup Forums gold

>he thinks we're acting

Capture the flag : Shia worldwide edition, was a result of restless young men who have tremendous potential in life but had been ostracized out of mainstream society due to the feminization of our institutions. You would have to actually find professional women to achieve what lonely autistic men did for free and at the expense of Shias sanity. Men simply enjoy challenges,adventure, pranks and puzzels inherently. Its why if we collectively werent muh diking over women or giving a shit about their opinions we would be living on mars by now.

Men are interesting in an infinite amount of areas versus women are just a hole.

Been with tons of women from all walks of life. Can confirm.

>"ih'ts weapon-arzed ortism now fook off"

Nope, just an echo chamber

i gave a knife to an autistic kid once
results were not the same

won't confirm or deny if somebody asked me if I worked at USGS

FPBP, that and we have a lot of drive built out of boredom

Motivation of pay is very different for motivation of belief.

Lurk moar.