Why are the lefts memes so plain & unfunny?

Why are the lefts memes so plain & unfunny?

are they trying to imply that Trump built all the nukes? Why didn't they just make Trump someone like Uncle Sam?

they dont get duel meaning. It has to be clear so nobody misinterprets the basic communication as racist. They need pre approved things to poke fun at. But crack a joke at those types of people and they lose their fucking minds. Remember that guy who said his name was Hugh Monguious? it was a 6/10 joke cause of timing and that got plastered everywhere.

They are too triggered to put any humor into anything, it's just pure hatred and contempt.
They aren't trying to be funny, they're trying to be the biggest virtue signaller of the day. To them, it's the most important thing in the world. It must be exhausting to be so humorless about everything.

Now hold on there with that comic.

I thought it was wrong to make fun of mental people? I thought they always throw a fit at Halloween if any little two-bit haunted house has an insane asylum theme?


But that's fuckin hysterical!!!
> crazy rocket man

le dotard XD

Wow this image is powerful.... It really shows you that North Korea is just innocent!

Using nukes as a deterrant against being attacked =/= using it with aggressive motifs
And before you pull the "he's using it as deterrent too!": it's true, he is. But Ghaddafi and Assad had WMD too, as deterrent (before handling them to an (((international commettee))) ), without using them.

Is the comic artist justifying Kim's nuclear program?

honestly it is unlikely Kim will ever use his nukes as a weapon, but if he's deposed someone might in the chaos. So it is much better if he doesn't have nukes.

Fuck off israel-puppet, gas yourself

All countries should be allowed to build nukes, its the only way for building world peace as there can be no resource wars.

In this situation I would have to agree with them.

>makes him look like an "innocent" kid
yep, thats what it looks lime


Because everything has to be about hating Trump. They don't care about America being provocative, they only care about Trump

holy shit this is horrible

I hope libtard downtown is whacked with a HS-14 and 300 kiloton RV.

>amerikikes shitting on Kim

because comedy is about truth. the left is about falsehoods.

are you so dumb you can't recognize hilldawg memes from lefty memes? BK kids is still the best hilldawg meme

>Why are the lefts memes so plain & unfunny?
Why do they condone Kim's crimes against humanity? Why would you ever pick Kim's side in anything?

That's the idea.

It's funny that you could see someone making this exact cartoon miles away.
What's the alternative if they were to insert their own leftist position? Smugly stand there ignoring NK for another decade or two, as they continue to develop their nuclear arms and openly threaten the west?

If Kim puts a man on the moon (and other countries aren't) I will unironicly shill for him in real life.

The left also killed sarcasm. You can't tell anymore if someone is being sarcastic or if they are really that stupid.

Because they are the moral authority in the media, thus libs have to be aware of what's the correct thing to say and not take risks on what to joke about.

Compare this to anonymous nazi larpers that have no restrictions on what to talk about

For example; here I can say fuck niggers without some triggered boss shutting me down

You picked a retarded political cartoon. It's like taking Mallard Fillmore and saying pol memes are stupid. The problem is you're a retard looking for low effort (you)s from people as stupid as you.

>you have lived to see liberals unironically argue for nuclear proliferation

Can I get off Mr. Shekelstein's Wild Ride?

The art of political cartooning is dying. Easy bait and a fear of being excommunicated for criticizing certain things leaves anyone who actually has any wit or insight in a cesspool of easy trump jokes just to maintain a paycheck

Once again dumb ass SJW's can't understand the situation. It's about preventing South Korea and Japan being nuked while trying to figure out what to do with N.Korea building stronger nukes.

Hell N.Korea threatened and launched duds all over the place to scare people. Why are lefties rooting for N.Korea? They hate Trump this much?

Just go ahead and post some non-retarded leftie memes...

I love how this comic implies that KJU is just a good little boy who dindu nuffin wrong. Leftists are a fucking plague


>Trump jokes
Low-hanging fruit.

I did say easy jokes didn't I?

Not realizing I voted for trump just to get nuked so I can finally have my own pet deathclaw...I shall name him MANGO!

All the good Trump jokes died with the election.

fucking Hilldawg is the only good thing that came out of the 2016 election.

You can mock the winner all you want, but he still won

Have you ever considered the fact that maybe political memes are just not funny?

>when hatred clouds your judgment so much you don't see any issue with shooting nuclear missiles over US allies and telling the US you're going to incinerate it



Why are the right's memes only recycled old memes or lame pop culture references?


>fat kim fat kim fat kim
>rocket man

>lol leftist are unfunny

this is the garbage Sup Forums actually believes these days. SAD!

But somehow I'M the one who's humorless because I cannot laugh at that bubblegum shit.


> Uncle Sam?
this. uncle sam would be much more appropriate. Good catch user, shows leftist idiocy/

Why are the left taking Kim Jong Un's side? Do they know who he is?

Not gonna lie, bootleg Hilldawg meme's were my favourites during the election.

Powerful... Really made me think and realize that North Korea isn't that bad.


Genteleman, Behold!

>Do they know who he is?

remember when Sup Forums didn't believe everything the fake news told them? now suddenly they take their every word. SAD.

Their value skyrocketed after the election.


im so happy we don't have "svenske tilstander" here yet

The left can't meme


Do I want to know who that is?

Why do I like Hilldawg memes so much?

"Shinji... "


Well. The left is completely fucking retarded. It's why they always lose.

They should have added something about trump having a small dick, that would have been funny

"it's funny because it's true" never applies to leftist memes

Left sucks balls, but Rocket Man is fucking based.


because they are made by people who have no idea how Sup Forums culture works and just go off of shit that was directed to them by a white board in a meeting

>Hildawg pepe
>co-opting a racist hate symbol
What was the endgame here?

>Why are the lefts memes so plain & unfunny?

It's because they are trying so hard to make us hate one man. They are the saltiest people on planet earth.


Because it makes t_d fags sperg out while also showing that the left can't meme because chinese NEET knockoffs are better than the paid shitposting by hundreds of shills.

It is the ultimate form of whipping out internet dick.


There's just something so artistic about Hildawg memes. Truely we've entered another age of memery


Yes, half our country has gone full retard

Why are the Left's memes so unAmerican?


Donald "Tiny Hands" Drumpf is a blustering moron and everyone knows it.


Kek pedo swirls nice

Because everyone is tired of America's fucking nightmarish imperialism except for neonazis.

Its absolutely amazing that the left is virtually defending rocket man... Despite rocket man threatening to murder millions up millions of liberals in Hawaii and The West Coast.

Holy shit these just keep getting better.

Why can't the right wing meme?


o the left is a spectrum all right

It really is a snapshot of how cultural marxism works. The truth doesn't matter they must shit on trump and western values regardless.

>people in government positions oppose Trump so much that it's like he's trying to have a boxing match while stuck in a straitjacket
>despite that the pic still shows lil' Kim as the weaker party
Literally impossible to stump the Trump

I liked how that one had an actual event behind it.

How do you even rationalize this.


what the fuck i love north korea now

Least they got the ass right...

I only hope these are all old as hell, if not then it's just sad sore losers.

Censored thoughts and hivemind. They don't say what they think is true or funny. They say what they think other people will like, for worthless feedback on social media platforms.

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What the fuck! I hate America's Nuclear arsenal now!