>they can see your dick
They can see your dick
who's the girl on the left? I recognized saber and Jeanne
Nero Saiba
I wish to make the alters into mothers
that's lancer artoria
Saber Alter Lancer. A Saber with tits in the Lancer classe.
>why is your penis so small
Anti-psychotics are a poison.
I never asked for this.
M-mordred-sama! Save me!
Viagra is your only hope
It works sometimes. It's okay. I await Gensokyo.
It used to be bigger too. I need a lawsuit.
Why do so many people like her? Isint she a pretty shit person in canon?
Merlin is a girl in Prototype, everyone else in the roundtable is a guy
So since Jeanne is the purest maiden in existence, is Jeanne Alter a monster slut?
Why would you say such a thing? Mordred is a good girl, its her father who fucked up.
First time i saw that mordred pic.
Jean wants to be in a jav
She is just misunderstood
This. She needs a stable home to raise her into a good girl.
Morgana please.
Red Knight was THE most chivalrous of the Round Table until King Pendragon bungled the whole Lance-Gwen fiasco.
Its true. If arthur had just ackowledged mordred as his daughter, even in private, camelot would not have fell.
Stop posting Morgana.
No. My king is just too cute not to post.
Arturia and Mordred family art is about the cutest fucking thing that has come out from the Nasuverse.
Actually it's the other way around, Jeanne is lusting after the dragondick while Jeanne Alter is the purest shit ever.
Isnt it just.
>they see your penis
>you say "You're going to LOVE this, trust me"
>What you're seeing now is my normal state.
>This is an erection
>This is what is known as an erection that has ascended past an erection
>Or you could just call it erection two
>i'm sorry that took so much longer (kek) than the others, but i haven't had much time to use this one
>this is an erection three
It really is. I want them to live happily ever after.
Sad thing is saber probably still doesnt love mordred.
>Jeanne is lusting after the dragondick
I never got this meme. It's almost completely fan fiction tier bullshit isn't it? I don't remember anything concrete about her wanting the cock.
She wants Sieg child.
I'd give a fucking kidney for a small slice of life series featuring Arturia and Mordred living together with Shirou and building their relationship together.
Hijinks, comical misunderstandings and heart attacks due to sheer cuteness would be abound
I think both just need time to get to know eachother better.
And Saber never resented or hated Mordy. The only reason she objected to Mordy demanding the Kingship was due to her thinking that Mordy wasnt ready for it or prepared for it.
Mordred sees herself as the rightful heir to camelot.
>Mordred excitable and happy in 21st century Japan
>gets overly entheusiastic for everything
>Saber attempts to be stern
>Mordy appeals to Shirou who she knows is a soft touch to get her own way
Shit writes itself.
Wanting to be something and being something are two very different things
She had some pretty serious issues but it's not like she was a malicious person.
Does Mordred have any doujins yet?
Morgana didn't give a shit about Mordred. Mordred was just a tool to her.
Arturia rejecting Mordred actually salvaged her plan. Before that, Mordred was actually totally loyal to daddy.
Would mordred be a little girl again or working out issues as adults?
I would support her claim to the throne. And ultimately, throw enough bodies at it and you legitimize your claim by force.
Arturia had no obligation to give the Kingdom over to Mordy and Mordy was not ready for the responsibility that came with it.
I never claimed otherwise.
Adults, though Mordy wasnt exactly old when she died anyways.
Both look in their late teens naturally anyways.
Why does this pic use the casual design of Mordred that was introduced in Apocrypha but the old version of her helmet and Clarent from Character Material?
Mordred really didnt give a shit about that, she just wanted her daddy to love her. She thought if she became king maybe she would get some sweet daddy love.
Gap moe? Idk.
See, these two would be perfect for a light hearted slice of life series where the worst thing that will happen due to their misunderstandings is that neither get any food that evening; not the whole Kingdom burning down.
>the worst thing that will happen due to their misunderstandings is that neither get any food that evening; not the whole Kingdom burning down.
This actually sounds adorable.
Mordred is ultimately the kind of girl who becomes a stripper because she wasnt loved as a little girl. Except instead of becoming a stripper she raised an army and attempted to overthrow her father.
The biggest sin of Grand Order is that there has been ZERO interaction between Mordred and regular Arturia. The closest we've gotten is MHX bullying Mordred in the former's Interlude.
Maybe in the Camelot chapter, but I don't expect Mordred to show up again there after being a major character in London.
Why not? Mordred is apparently super popular according to the last fgo poll.
How do you feel that Proto Merlin was confirmed a woman? It feels like Nasu's pushing the ArthurxMerlin as a love across all dimensions.
All your dick belong to us
>confirmed a woman
Wait what?
No she didnt. She did not even break top 10.
In prototype, you know with male Arthur, Merlin is a woman (the rest of the Knight Table Knights are male as they supposed) but Merlin is a woman.
He's a guy in FSN/Arturia's timeline and they are both may be autistically in love with each others.
Because Mordred was a hugely major character in London, and it seems weird that she'd get even more focus in another chapter.
There have been other Servants that have shown up in other chapters, but they either showed up as a totally different incarnation (Caster Cu in Fuyuki to Cu Alter in America, live Nero in Septem to Nero Bride in America), was a relatively minor character the first time around (Atalanta as an enemy minion in Orleans to an ally in Okeanos), or were a preexisting running joke (Liz showing up in Septem and again in America, continuing the "Battle Continuation" joke from CCC).
The closest we've had to that was Tesla appearing as the penultimate major boss in London, only to show up as an ally that I don't think the MC even meets in America, and even that was explicitly framed as a redemption.
>Liz showing up in Septem
Wait, my mistake, that was Orleans.
Merlin was always a guide/parent figure to Arturia in whatever form. Dont try to push some crack pairing.
No, in this series saber lily wanted to fuck merlins brains out but he was completely oblivious. That is canon.
Tesla was summoned by a mysterious guy (who is implied summoned every allied Servant): likely Merlin.
You're correct, but that's not really relevant to the point I was making.
Has Mordred gotten any good lewd doujins yet?
There's one where she fucks her Master.
Arturia confessed she might have been in love with Merlin before going off to Rome in Garden of Avalon. Merlin dismisses her feelings because "neither of them are human" but it's bullshit because the remorse of his answer to her confession causes him to feel sinful and get trapped in that Tower of Avalon.
Do you actually even read this and hear the cd drama? Their relationship wasn't platonic.
It is cute lewd though
She literally tells him "I might have been in love with you." He's not really a parental figure, that was Hector. He's a pretty incubus bishounen who lived in her dreams and was too autistic to have a grasp of human emotions until he realized he also loved her back. That's why he tried to sabotage her selection ceremony when he had come up with the idea in the first place.
So what are the chances of an apocrypha adaption?
This is his only form as Garden of Avalon establishes. She never saw him as a 'father'. He's too weird for that. He never harbored fatherly feelings either. He really didn't give a fuck about humans or people as individuals until Arturia came from but those feelings weren't filial.
Anime? Fairly high.
Manga? Already happening.
Damn. You made me night. I want to see my waifu in action.
ttn. アルトリア
>Shiroufag in denial
You know that now Nasu wants Saber to be Shirou's parental figure almost exclusively? He tends to try to forget Fate route happened and casts her as a motherlike figure.
>You know that now Nasu wants Saber to be Shirou's parental figure almost exclusively?
Yeah, no.
I'm not saying Saber didn't have a crush on Merlin when she was young, but what you said doesn't fit any official depiction of Shirou and Saber's relationship anywhere.
He said so in the UBW booklet. Saber is Shirou's parental figure in UBW and likely will be this way in HF before she gets blacked.
Garden of Avalon is a companion story to UBW, and also serves as the bridge to FGO (Merlin's last scene is about realizing they'll meet again when time itself is in danger). Pretty much establishes Merlin's and Arturia's weird relationship as more "main TM canon" than Shirou's and Arturia's Fate romance because Last Episode cannot longer take place with Solomon destroying all timelines and they not actually notice this shit.
Nasu made Sakurai genderbend Merlin in Prototype to establish the same dimension cross ambiguously romantic dynamics. If anything, in Saber's VN, Merlin is like the "main heroine" who is a constant, while Shirou and Ayaka are side dishes of branch routes.
Jeanne Alter is a miracle.
>because Last Episode cannot longer take place with Solomon destroying all timelines and they not actually notice this shit.
You're retarded.
There are a bunch of other Nasuverse series that are continuing on completely undisturbed by Solomon's bullshit, because he's going to lose and things are going to go back to normal.
>The Saber in the Rin Route is a mother in a certain sense, positioned sort of as Shirou and Rin's guardian.
Welcome to the revised TM canon.
First time I've seen that one. You're welcome user.
No, Solomon officially destroyed all timelines. Plenty of the Servants you have, including Waver, aren't from FGO timeline but post-FSN. Solomon disturbed ALL TIMELINES THAT TOOK PLACE ON EARTH. The world ends in 2016 everywhere on Earth now.
Nasu has retconned shit again, see Ataraxia which was supposed to take after Fate route before he retconned that with Last Episode. He retconned it again.
Mooncell people got scott free because they were in the moon.
Merlin literally sees this future in Garden of Avalon. It connects to what Nasu wants to be the main TM story.
What doesn't connect? Fate route.
And then Solomon gets his ass kicked at the end of Babylon and shit goes back to normal
>It connects to what Nasu wants to be the main TM story.
>main TM story
No such thing.
I don't think you're getting what I'm saying: Shirou and Saber reunion are side story tier. Merlin and Arturia reunion are part of the main TM storyline Nasu is building up. Whatever they get lovey lovey or not. He's established as THE main future before it happens.
Nasu stated that FGO is the story he wants to leave as legacy if he dies. Yes, it's also mean to cover all TM in scope while the rest are just self-contained shit.
>Nasu: From the start of the planning phase, I thought, “FGO has to be this grand story where every single character from all the Fate/ series until now would show up, or else it would be pointless.” To put it extremely, “even if I die, I have to pass this on to the next person… Actually, I should just pour all of my wealth and assets into this” – that was how I felt, so I had to put in everything up until the core setting of the Fate/ universe.
Then goes on about including the rest of TM. Point is FGO is the 'core' of Fate/ franchise now.
But Nasu doesn't even throw money at FGO, Sony does in terms of funding
>so I had to put in everything up until the core setting of the Fate/ universe.
>Point is FGO is the 'core' of Fate/ franchise now.
That's not what that sentence means. He's saying he needs to include EVERYTHING, including details he's been holding back on like Grand Servants. That's what "the core setting of the Fate/ universe" means.
Does it matter? Nasu loves it.
That pretty much takes it the core of Fate Franchise while Fate route has become a little too distant to be included.
>That pretty much takes it the core of Fate Franchise
You could make that argument, and I'd actually probably agree with you, but that doesn't mean it retconned away everything else or somehow made it all irrelevant.
She's a more lively version of Saber. She has bigger boobs, is aware of her sexuality and follows less of the pure warrior personality traits without giving off the slut vibes. Depending on your tastes she can either be a worse version of saber or a much more fun version.