Can you stop the anti-Jew horseshit? Not all Jews are globalists you fucking retarded assholes...

Can you stop the anti-Jew horseshit? Not all Jews are globalists you fucking retarded assholes. Many stand with Trump and Breitbart. Stop being cringey assholes.

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> Not all Jews are globalists you fucking retarded assholes. Many stand with Trump and Breitbart.


I'm not wrong, plenty of Jews in Breitbart comment section expressing disgust at the NFL.

>genocide the one race that gives you unconditional support
those jews are just realizing what most will realize soon enough
they done fucked up

You could make that argument for anything. Hell, you could probably say that about progressives.

Yeah, it's fucking retarded. For example, Mickey Kaus is a prominent immigration skeptic and he's Jewish. I guess some people just like to be uber-edgy and roleplay as Hitler.

I know, I'm just bored and am making 0/10 attempts at trolling people. Forgive how pathetic I am.

Jews aren't a monolith. Some are bad globalist guys and a lot are just normal. this board is just full of autists.

>here's 1 Jew that nobody really cares about and he's anti-immigration

>see? I told you guys jews are based! who's Emanuel Celler? never heard of him.

If we don't make anti-semitic comments, how are we going to get Madame Fuhrer elected in 2020? We have to paint Trump as anti-semitic and there's no way a guy with a Jewish son-in-law and Jewish daughter and who is family friends with Netanyahu and who has many Jewish friends and who supports Israel more than any other President in American history is going to do it himself.

We have to be the anti-Jews here or the Trump=Hitler thing is going to run out of steam. Don't let the Jews replace us, guys! 14 words! /ourguy/ is the President! White supremacy is the law of the land!

but trump is a contradict yourself burger

Can you stop with this bigoted antigoyimism?
Its current year for fuck sake.


i wouldnt even care about any of it if it weren't for so many jews being the leaders in movements to dilute white populations.

>Many stand with Trump and Breitbart.
They can stand with Trump and Brietbart from their own country. All Semitic colonists will be expelled from our nations.

a lot of dumb people are on our side, they just hide in the corners of the internet like here
People like to suck Hungary and Poland's dicks here because they are "last bastion of white people" but fail to realize, or rather ignore, that both of them are very friendly with israeli jews, especially Hungary.

So what do you want? Extermination of the entire group just because you think some of them are evil? Stupid.


ending Jewish domination of the fed (every head and deputy-head of the Fed has been Jewish since the 1960s or 70s) and Jewish (especially Israeli-American dual citizen politicians) overrepresentation in American politics would be a good start. Jews are 2% of the population but something like ~10% of the house and senate. No other group is so vastly over represented. And then there's AIPAC which is a whole separate issue.

But hey, keep kissing Jew ass like a good goy, don't let me stop you.

Ben Carson is based but his existence doesn't make niggers as a whole less shitty. The same goes for Jews. Just because there are a handful of them that aren't complete shit doesn't mean that jews overall aren't a menace to humanity.

True, even hitler allowed honerary aryan jews

>believing that being Jewish is an automatic disqualification for a job

Jews are not monolithic, retard.

>2% of the population but something like ~10% of the house and senate

No shit, it's because they tend to be smart and hard-working.

Then don't come whining to me when this country is thoroughly BROWNED from poor immigration policy or when your paper money becomes worthless or when you get drafted to die in some middle eastern shithole for Israeli interests. You've been warned.

They aren't part of my people either.

Interests might not overlap, instincts of preserving ones people might be present.

I hate our immigration policy as much as you do (but for different reasons). Doesn't mean I have to blame "the Jews" for it. Rich gloablists, maybe, but there are a LOT of gentiles who want open borders. Why not use a class-based argument instead of a flawed ethnic/religious one?

naziboos are retards. pic related was pushed by the nazis as part of their propaganda and it turned out he was jewish.

this, even I was getting into the neo-nazi group think bs but then I pulled back and realized it was just me starring too long into the abyss.

>class-based argument

King Jew Marx has seriously poisoned your brain if you're unironically advocating class-based conflict here. I wouldn't have to blame "da joos" if the problem wasn't always "da joos". Jews are the sole reason why the "melting pot" meme exists and why the Statue of Liberty has that plaque saying something about "give me your tired and unwashed masses blah blah" (Israel Zangwill and Emma Lazarus respectively). Jew Emanuel celler is the primary reason we're witnessing a dramatic demographic slide in this country. Sorry you're too much of a pussy to identify and label the problem as it is, but I'm not.

And all put the tribe first. So fuck off shlomo

Only good kike is a dead one.

only good kike is a dead kike.

So you're just going to alienate the Jews that are fighting for us? That's like saying "historically mostly all the slave owners were white so all white people want slavery"

Times change, people change, not all Jews are still clinging onto the failed dream of multiculturalism though many still are.

Regardless if a Jew wants to cross over to our side, why stop them?

>So you're just going to alienate the Jews that are fighting for us?

Name one Jew who is "fighting for us" who is not a Zionist or pro-Israel. I'll wait. Good luck finding one on kikebart.

aCTUALLY THE EXISTENCE OF JESUS AND THE TRIBE of Judah proves your faggot ass wrong 'cause they WERE jews but they reformed. You have zero int

Most diaspora Jews are liberal and hate Trump. They are well known to support gun control, open borders, multiculturalism, feminism, etc. The ones you're talking about are definitely in the minority.

Breitbart is jewish

Breitbart = Jewish

idegaf if they are pro-isreal as long as their racist to non-whites. Many people in Trump admin are Jews. If you're gonna cling to this idea that Jews will eternally torment and screw us over then you minds well change yourself because there will always be Jews in politics and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

>many stand with Trump

Yeah, because he's a hardcore Zionist.

I'll consider be friendly to Jews when they stop trying to cuck Europe and allow white countries to be as ethnocentric as Israel.

Breitbart is just part of the kike's 5d chess game rn.

I wish you were capable of more nuanced thinking. Rich people, regardless of religion, naturally want to increase their wealth. These days, a good way to do that is to import cheap labor from the third world.

Also, some well-off people want open-borders simply because they feel guilty about their privilege, not realizing that open borders can have bad consequences for people less fortunate than they are. This kind of excessive generosity and self-abasement has its roots in the (not particularly Jewish) Enlightenment. Empathy is good, but in this situation it can be taken to an extreme where it becomes counter-productive.

Of course some Jews are well-off. But the immigration problem is the fault of the upper class in general, not a Jewish conspiracy. And of course not all rich people deserve blame, either.

its Jewish yes, but it has been accused of anti-senetism for calling out Globalist Jews. Also Bannon himself is not Jewish.

>idegaf if they are pro-isreal as long as their racist to non-whites

So, as expected you can't name a single one. And this is why you'll always be a good goy slave. Kinda weird how you openly profess to being racist against non-whites, but the thought of excluding or reducing the influence of Jews based on their race has you triggered. Why is that? How big is your nose by the way?

Is that not what they are trying to do with the PRAISE act and all the deportations? That's what this whole administration is about.

>g "historically mostly all the slave owners were white so all white people want slavery"

Fun fact :
Historicslly almust all slaveowners were jews.
Whites having slaves: 0.2%
Jews having slaves : 40%

I know your speechless now.
It's not my fault that every second jew held slaves and almost no white did.

It seems trump is doing good things for is he a zionist?

You're a cuck trying to appeal to some sort of moderate crowd. You're the reason why Jews will always dominate the fed, always be overrepresented in American politics, always have our foreign policy in a stranglehold. You're the reason why your grandkids will grow up in a country that more closely resembles Brazil than the old United States. But hey, at least you have a nuanced opinion, right?

>2 Jews
>not all Jews
Sorry mate. It's like with the Africans. You not only are predisposed to try and fucking kill us, you actively are trying to.


When you meet normal everydays jews they have the same greedy mentality....people stick with their people

Thing is, I don't give a shit if Jews are "overrepresented" in politics as long as they don't implement bad policies. Jewish people have a wide range of opinions and worldviews, believe it or not. You're fighting the wrong enemy.

>Thing is, I don't give a shit if Jews are "overrepresented" in politics as long as they don't implement bad policies.

Okay, well they're overrepresented right now and were for most of the 20th century. Did they implement good policies? Was the 1965 immigration act a good policy? And if they haven't been implementing good policy this entire time, why the fuck do you think they would start now? Have you heard of Chuck Schumer or Bernie Sanders by chance? Debatably the most prominent Jews in contemporary American politics? Do they support good policies?

fuck off jew

if your greedy kike parents have given even one cent to Israel, or if you support anyone who has, you are part of the problem

you ignorant fucking diversions, that is why we hate you

>It's not enough to be white
>Can't be from shit tier Europe countries like Italy or Spain
>No kike's allowed either
>/pol logic

It's exhausting

What happens when the bad ones are rounded up?
Will the "good" Jews still have the same views?
Hell no, they'll cry "anti-Semitism!" "Nazis!"

So this is what it's like to have a goy?


>Can't be from shit tier Europe countries like Italy or Spain

Of course you can. This is just a meme started by divide-and-conquer kikes and sometimes echoed on pol for guaranteed (You)s. Jews, however, are not white.


>Ashkenazi Jew diaspora migrates to Poland, Ukraine, Czech Republic in 100AD
>Generations later of mixing
>Still not white
>Meanwhile Spanish and Italy full of Moorish blood

Nobody cares, shlomo. Jews aren't white, never will be. Most of them don't even consider themselves white, they think of themselves as a minority.

Yeah, not all jews are sionists.
Just like not all blacks are niggers.
Not all people are antifa nazi terrorists

Dude it's just a joke. The intelligent ones know it's not all jews. We know the names of the specific jews to blame, we don't have to stereotype the whole race. They are more nationalistic, and do tend to help eachother out more than normal, but one can forgive that. It's the Rothschild's, soros fault, not some random jewish office worker or some jewish deli owner or someshit.

obviously every jew goes through training camps since birth and taught 4d chess and how to destroy civilizations.

What an awful pose for a model, she looks like an owl

FWIW, Pew research says 90% of American jews consider themselves white

I don't have a horse in this race but our lil debate is interesting. I think the USA also considered Jews to be white to let them in and boost population in 1700s.

Andrew Breitbart was a Jew

The Jews lied about the holocaust to the entire world. If there's anything Sup Forums hates more, it's a liar. Sup Forums stands for truth.

Jews will say they're white when it's convenient for them, and then say they're a special unique non-white minority when that's more convenient. It's part of their duplicitous nature.

Have you heard of the Sayanim? Look it up.

WTF i love joos now

>"Most jews don't consider themselves white"
>"Ok actually yeah most do but it's because they're duplicitous"


>not all jews
>not all jews
>not all jews
kys kikes

wow I'm eternally btfo, how will I ever recover from this? seriously though this point is tangential and not really related to OP, my final say on the matter is that most Jews will tell you they're white if it's convenient for them at that moment or they'll claim non-white minority status if it's more convenient in the given context.

Just trying to rustle you up, seemed E-Z.

Interesting topic involving past migrations tho. Pretty much all of Argentina consider themselves white, but maybe also hispanic when convenient? etc

And then "hispanic" implies ancestors from Spain, which is europe, which is "white"...ow my head

anyone else not anti-semetic but still thinks the holocaust was exaggerated?

You people are liars. All of you. When Trump rose because of whites, Jews worked deliberately and furiously to stop him, and when they couldn't, they worked deliberately and furiously to co-opt him and the movement from various vantage points. Your tribe got rid of virtually all whites in the media and plots deliberately to remove whites from any important position that it possibly can and put all Jews in their place. You don't really believe in merit, you believe in getting benefits from the tribe by protecting tribe members even when they act wrongly so they will do the same for you. You talk shit about blacks and other races but scream bloody murder if anyone points out Jews doing things and go on illegal and immoral censorship sprees. Just look at the freakout over Valerie Plame calling out neocon Jews. You are dirt, parasitizes on civilization, and it will be your undoing.

Trump and Breitbart are kike puppets you retarded fuckdumpling. Just like how Stormfront was a Kike honeypot to get names for Main Core.