
So I was brought to this potato nigger shit hole by my working class uneducated parents. I want to go back to my native country, but the problem is I received all my education in English, and my native language is still at the level of a third grader when I'm supposed to be going into college, I can speak, read and write my native language but every few words, I have to stop and think of a word that corresponds to the one in English. Also, my parents are really against me going back to my fatherland.

listen to your fucking parents retard

user, I thought we had something special

tbf I only mean "potato nigger shithole" as a meme, and I actually like Irish people but I still want to go back.

>this potato nigger shit hole
Couldn't tell which Eastern European shithole you were talking about before looking at the flag.

Go back! Imposter spud nigger.

I'm not imposing. I don't want to be Irish, no offence to the Irish people tho.

Same KEK

funny since both of you are brandishing meme flags

Try to work for some years in Ireland to have money, Poland is awesome, but economy sucks.

We want you to go home too

There's only one way my friend, liberate your way out.

stay and strengthen polish identity in ireland
learn polish language and use it

we need to overtake western europe before muslims do it

poland is a shit hole compared to ireland.

Language isn't an issue if you already know the basics, user. You'll learn all you need pretty fast in an environment where you have no other choice.

Belarusians and Ukrainians after a year of studying Polish in Łódź are able to study in Polish. 2-3 months and you will be fine

>Also, my parents are really against me going back to my fatherland.

Go back you untermensch

We never asked you to come here, you people are useless

They both say that they didn't bring me all the way down here just so I can go back and ruin my life. When I tell them that I never really asked them to bring me here in the first place anyway, and ask them how exactly getting a good education and after that a good job would ruin my life, they try to change the subject. I actually have no idea why they are so much against their own country.

Gabh suas ort féin,mar sin de caithfidh tú dul aras

You need to be 18+ to post here. Otherwise you can't complain when you're living with your parents.

Typical diaspora. Still thinks that without good connections you cannot get a decent job. Well, times have changed. When was the last time they were in Poland?

yes, you all have to back

Take a trip there faggot. Try not to view it through rose colored glasses or idealistically and look at it objectively. If you really see a clear benefit to going back that is worth whatever sacrifice you'd be making to go back there - then go for it. Also, nothing is permanent. Why don't you go stay there for a while before you make a decision. See how hard it will be to spool up and integrate again. You may hate it?

alright whats the topic here? you are a special snowflake, we get it? you want tips to learn the langauge or something? then just go to int.

Out of all pictures you could have gotten, you chose to go with some arab. Pretty ironic if you ask me.

Yep pretty much. We go to Poland at least each year but don't stay longer than a week. I think it's because they don't want me to feel at home too much, which I do, from the very moment I get off the plane.

Now that's what I call rational thinking

Next Time you see your parents - tell them that your friend from Poland called them dwulicowe zjeby

>I think it’s because they don’t want me to feel at home too much
Which uni will you be studying at?

Poland is soon to be like Venezuela. There is no good country in Europe. You people bought cheap pride that is propagated here by Poles of Sup Forums who have a completely wrong view on the country. Poland is very divided, pretty wobbly and generally weak. The West has colonized Eastern Europe economically, so EE can't really make much moves on its own

I feel like I have seen this post hundred times already

My parents said that they will pay for my education as long as it is in Ireland, but I have talked with my grandparents from Bydgoszcz and they said that they would have no problem with me living with them so long as I'm still studying. I have been working some jobs so I can afford a ticket to go there when the time is right, because as far as I'm aware education in Poland is free, so I was thinking Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgosczy.

we have potatoes in Poland

And, can I say this... best potato of them all?

Nice try Hans, but we know it's you.

Just pay the reparations.

pretty much every bigger technical university in Poland has also international fields of study that is being taught in english only. At least those most popular ones.

western europe will be like venezuela soon...
and we will still be the same in worst case

Hardly any similarities between both economies. I'd love to have an economically right-wing government in Poland, which is not going to happen in the nearest future, but constantly talking about how Poland is going to become second Venezuela is retarded. Our economy may flatline or get strangulated by excessive taxation or regulation, but won't deteriorate to this extent. With all that being said, I wish the current government would cease to look up to the Tories in UK and stop implementing retarded socialist policies.

>Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgosczy
Frankly, I’ve never heard of it before, but according to the Perspektywy ranking

>Kolejna kategoria, „uczelnie akademickie”. I znów najwyżej z uczelni naszego województwa sklasyfikowany został Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, który zajął 10. miejsce w Polsce (pierwszy jest Uniwersytet Warszawski, drugi Uniwersytet Jagielloński). Znacznie dalej w kategorii „uczelnie akademickie” uplasował się UTP w Bydgoszczy (przedział 51-60), a Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego zajął miejsce w przedziale 61-70. W roku ubiegłym dwie największe uczelnie naszego miasta uplasowały się na tych samych lokatach.

But as usual, it is up to you, not up to the university. I think that you can also try
>You will not pay for my education and I will study in Bydgoszcz or you will help me and I’ll study in Warsaw/Cracow/at the better university

> because as far as I’m aware education in Poland is free
This is true, unless you wanna study part-time or in English.

He's a Ukrainian subhuman. Ignore him.

How many points did you get on your LC?

You can study IT in Poland with basic Polish, I guess.
But you have to be at least somewhat smart for that (115IQ up) and like it. Also if you don't have Polish citizenship it might be pretty complicated.

>polacy za granica

I got 550 exactly.
I do have Polish citizenship, hell I don't even have Irish citizenship because I refused to get one when my parents told me to apply for one.

butthurt irish negros