Polish and frens thread

since last thread was deleted from 1st page after discussion went after jewish plans about Poland, I start this
-Pic related is Polish minister of finance, he is somewhat gifted in art of pulling money out of thin air
-he is allied with jewest jews of all:new york jews
-he is also in party that is against jewish plan to ruin europe with shitskins
does it prove that there is more than one kind of kike?
israeli posters can I have your opinion pls

Other urls found in this thread:


Morawiecki is a descendant of Polish-Lithuanian Lipka Tatars.

Kikes were always infighting when they are sure they are safe. Remember Joseph and his brothers? Jacob and Esau and all other bible tales? Or when Solomon's Kingdom dissolved into Judah and Israel?

In our case Marxist Jews are fighting against Zionist Jews. PiS is only against refugees, because otherwise their program would be too similiar to other parties.

not really
PiS is an American party (means: Israeli)
while PO is German

this is more than just PiS vs PO, it is Germany vs the US

I prefer american over german
americans did not fucked us over yet
I got on board o MAGA train and I truly believe he will do something important, compared to king nigger and Bush
>germany vs US
it happened before, it will happen again

Read Studnicki and Cat-Mackiewicz or even Józef Beck memoires. No one fucked Poles like Poles themselves and we shouldn't believe in foreign messiahs who will save us, build a country for us, conquer our enemies with us and so on.

And current day Germany isn't even ruled with germanocentric goals in mind - otherwise they would import these hundreds of thousands of refugees to their rivals and not themselves.

>No one fucked Poles like Poles themselves
I think those "poles" who fuckef Poles over was not real Poles but people like tusk, foreign agents etc
and fuck germany

Poland wants to nationalize the media... no more foreign ownership. Jews hate this!

not really though, idea to nationalize media was scrapped
and I think there is more than 1 flavour of jew, in Poland there is jewish infighting

>otherwise they would import these hundreds of thousands of refugees to their rivals and not themselves

They imported them to Germany to wake up national spirit in Germans - and the first effect of this we can see today.

>They imported them to Germany to wake up national spirit in Germans
wrong, that is to fulfill Kalergi plan, or that other plan made by some jewish italian

>some jewish italian
Financed by the Rothschilds.

>Kalergi plan
His plan was to make these changes peacefully and without ideology such as islam, to change Europeans to the half-negroid race
When you have a clash of cultures then it leads to the military conflict - and a rise of nationalism.

they are all financed by rothshilds but not all kikes are rothsilds
I truly believe that while jewish agenda is to rule over goyim, local polish jews are opposed to that agenda, with the notable exception of that commejudean from Razem party

Well, you are right, but still - but these foreign agents didn't have power from nowhere. We literally sold our country to foreign powers in XVIII century.

And there are still Poles, who want to fight in jewish wars, because Poland is First to Fight.

You don't import tons of exotic aggresive people to awake your own folk. Even Plato and Aristotle taught, that only tyrants hire foreign mercenaries or bring foreigners to keep their power by dividing society.

>didn't have power from nowhere.
they have power from either germany or russia
right now germany finances PO and .N, different parties in germany financees different parties in Poland through different foundations
>First to fight
we are very bloodthirsty nation, I do not see a reason to not fight in jewish wars for sheckels and prosperity like good hired gun if we want
fite me

sage this conspiracy loon

How Germany or Russia gave power to nobles who elected Wettins? Or to Rydz-Smigły and Beck?

How we were rewarded for fighting for causes of other nations? "Good publicity" isn't really a profit when we weren't really independent for more than century. We aren't very prosperous, Our elites were killed and our heritage destroyed. No one ever paid us much for fighting.

And if Jews will promise to pay us to fight other Europeans should we accept? The idea to accept that proposal would be ridiculous.

is it really conspiracy?
we may not have knowledge about all stuff, and it is painfully obvious that Rydz was played by perfidious albion
>how we were rewarded
we were not, but what is other option? to stop existing?
correct me user if i am wrong , but we were in shit position to start, and we are in shit position now
what do?
>paździoch w Witcher TV series
netlix may cast nigger as Geralt

creative accounting is not "art of pulling money out of thin air" you moron

your post is so jewish it makes me scream OY VEY

Since 1918 we don't have any other option than to side with one of our neighbors and wait until we are strong enough to strike and assert power. Prussia for centuries was doing exactly this and it paid off for them, culminating in 1871.

For Eternal Anglo (and USA now) we were and always will be bargaining chip in their politics - we can consider them allies only if we are certainly sure that they WILL help Poland.

Alas, we don't have bright future - no country has. If we don't want to perish (either by chink or arab hand) we must unite with other Europeans and I don't mean anything like today European Union. Political concepts of early XX century have no use for us now. Although such union is for now just a dream, because almost every european country is controlled by (((them)))

>Alas, we don't have bright future
dark future is better than no future
look at germans, no future
look at romania, it is shit but it will rremain to be shit for another 100 years
also I truly stupidly believe that right now Poland is in right place geographically, everybody wants to be between russia and west

Calm down matherfuckers, nobody cares about Poland, except us. (oprócz nas)

>nobody cares about Poland
I think you are wrong
we may be irrelevant in all matters but one matter:
we are in very imporant place geographically
between "west" and russia, between north and south
even fuken chinese wants a cut here

Siding with the lesser evil is for cowards and faggots.

We pride ourselves in being loyal to only ourselves

Even if it means being absolutely raped by powers around us

Jezu Chryste nowy kolego, 1) paragrafy 2) kant

I can be ruled by Zionist jews as long as we have peace and maybe a little bit of prosperity. Some user told me yeasterday that Israelis want come back to Poland when they exploit "their" lands. This would be a comfy fate for our qt country

>as long as we have peace
Polska nigdy nie będzie miała pokoju aż po koniec czasów

is the only thing I get from that

Nothing will happen here untill The Great European Jihad, and im not sure that this will happen in our lifetime

it will happen in next 1 years
get fit because you may not survive
it was not a meaning I tried to convey
it was more like
>Jesus Christ, my buddy what the shit?
do you have Polish backrouund uma delicia bro?

Im in the peak of my phisical as well as mental capabilities. I dont want that but if the day come ill stand my ground

everybody will and if somebody is not in its peak it means nothing except of less chance of surviving
but lets hope it wont come to that


co ty odpierdalejszyn
moja kapcza zachowuje się dziwnie

Na zakończenie thredu wypada zacytować najlepszego współczesnego internetowego polskiego filozofa:
"Ja się modlę codziennie do Pierona, by zesłał krwawą zemstę na rządzące świnie i ich przydupasów, aby mieli swój srogi wołyniec, aby groby ich zasranych przodków zostały zaorane, aby ich matki kurwy, jebane suki sowieckiego chowu, przeklinały w męczarniach dzień ich narodzin. A tym zasrańcom co cudem przeżyją tę rzeź, by rodzące się ich bękarcie potomstwo, to były same niedorozwinięte umysłowo potwory. By geny czerwonych zasrańców i ubeckiej opriczniny zniknęły ze Sławskich Ziem."

nawet nie podałeś kogo cytujesz ale to zdecydowanie nie polak, sorki

I was listening to Pimsleur Russian and then out of curiosity I listened to the first episode for Pimsleur Polish and it seems that they are really similar and have a lot in common. Is this really true? And if so is Polish a easier Slavic language for a burger to learn since it doesn't use those alien runes?

They have a lot in common, but there are some major differences. I can understand maybe 30-40% of Russian - and Russian is not an easy language to learn, but Polish is a special kind of pain in the ass. Poles can understand fairly easy Czech, Slovakian, Croatian and Serbian. Ukrainian and Belarusian are in-between Polish and Russian (something like 30% Polish 70% Russian)

>but Polish is a special kind of pain in the ass
Yeah I've heard that the morphology is way more complex. So then maybe I should just keep listening to the Pimsleur Russian for now. Sorry bros.

Even the pronunciation is way harder in Polish - I have literally zero problems with speaking almost fluent Russian or German, but Russians cannot pronounce correctly our ś, ć, ci, si, dź, dzi sounds. We had to make our language as hard to learn and pronounce as possible because of the partitions - if we wanted to check if someone is a true Pole then we just ordered him to repeat, for example

as hard as possible*