I can't believe it's actually working

I can't believe it's actually working.

ESPN is diversified beyond football. They won't go out of business even if the NFL doesn't get its shit together.

>be from the flyover states
>Texas, Nebraska etc
>be mostly republican, conservative, Trump voters
>be ultra patriotic
>live and breath NFL football
>see a punch of whiny over paid football niggers disrespecting your countries traditions

Absolutely right this is not going to go over well.
Once you lose fans it is very difficult to get them back. Just look at what happened to pro-baseball after the player strike in the 90's.

Burgers /NHL/ now

The people actually watching football probably barely know what Twitter is. So all the sjw shit surrounding this is total virtue signaling from people that don't even watch the sport. This is going to bite the NFL in the ass so hard.
Bunch of ungrateful peices of shit

Why do you care Leafbro? Hockey is the most based sport, why do you want the Burger cucks to come in and ruin it by taking it mainstream?

How can they go out of business? US government gives them everything for free, tax exempt status, and free stadiums that taxpayers shell out for.

If you don't already know that mediamatters pushed this a day early here and other places

I got a bridge to sell you

>How can they go out of business?
Their shekels all come from TV. Low ratings, the advertising Jews don't want to hear it. In public, they are big supporters of the kangz. But when it costs them shekels "oi vey goy, it's just business!"


I'm a Califag, but you're clearly know dick about America if you believe this.

Media matters is dumb as shit.

Yeah, corporate welfare in your ultra capitalistic free-market society is great isnt it? But you wouldnt want single payer health care cuz that would just be socialism, amirite Burgerbro?

>Sup Forums got black people to bow to them

Never change :^)

Actually no. ESPN has paid billions for broadcast rights for live. Professional sports. Low ratings means that ESPN can't sell ads at the prices needed to pay for the broadcast rights. We literally can put them out of business

is it true that the nfl doesn't pay any form of tax because it is classed as a public service

>professional sports
Notice how that includes sports other than American Football.

>Im a Califag

Please so the world a favor and KYS.

Texas obviously isnt a fly over state based on the number of electoral votes it recieves but it gets very little attention during the Federal election because it typically goes red. How many visits did Hillary make to TX? May as well be a fly over state then, faggot.

It's true. Leafs were right.

You should pay closer attention to what's happening to ESPN.

>ESPN is diversified UNLIKE football.

Explain #TakeAKnee
Google only gives me post-news about it and I can't find where it all started from and why?

Why is football players kneeling a sign of protest against racism? Isn't kneeling submitting?

>using google

>kneeling over white on black violence
>black on white violence is 10 times the issue
>the whole premise of the protest is a lie
in essence, fuck niggers

ESPN doesn't broadcast NFL games except Monday Night Football, you fucking retards. Netflix and Hulu are what's killing ESPN, not you stupid fucks.

The only thing hurting ESPN is cord cutters not paying for cable. Nothing you do will affect their revenue streams. ESPN broadcasts one NFL game weekly. The other 13-15 games are on CBS, NBC, NFL Network.

Daily reminder Barack's half-brother is based af

looks like "niggers on ice" will be the next hollywood production sport

That diversification means shit when minorities across all professional sports start taking knees. There was some beaner in the MLB today who took a knee.

If you think this will stay contained to the NFL, just wait.

Texas is the next target of the Reaganesque mistakes of amnesty. It's almost there already. Without a wall, Texas, the quintessential conservative big state, will go blue (permanently) in 10 years. The Right is on the verge of never being relevant until the COLLAPSE. Trump, whether we like it or not, is the Western Right Wing's last hope.

Start up some fake internet buzz about an alternative "pro-American" football league forming. That ought to scare the shit out of the NFL...

You guys....
Can we get these damn nogs to evade their taxes?
Can we tell them to not pay their taxes because the tax dollar goes to trump/the "racist police" (even though he said he wont take a check)?

Yeah, like basketball and the Little League World Series.

I guess It's time for Vince McMahon to unshelf his XFL files.

Time to go after sponsors

NO they are cricket and rugby fags now.
No adverts.
Lotsa beer and partying.
Lots more

I gave up on hockey back in 2000 when the Flyers dropped a 3-1 series lead to the Devils. Haven't been able to watch since.

I'd be willing to convert to rugby. Maybe lacrosse.

Nah, they gave up tax exempt like 2 years ago so they wouldn't have to disclose salaries.