Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!?

Just finished watching this after seeing some of the threads, I've not heard any whisperings of a second season, did it not sell well? I know the LNs are still going strong so is there any chance for it to give them another boost, the latest novel only charted for the first week after release.

Other urls found in this thread:

Known problem in LN adaptation.
Anime studio needs to pay everything for production and promotion, but at the end, the only one got boosted is the LN sales, which Anime Studio doesn't have a share in it.

I was under the impression the publisher generally fairly heavily subsidised them seeing as they're often such good advertisement, that's a shame though, it was really nice to watch and I'd have liked to be able to watch a second season together with Sup Forums

>the only one got boosted is the LN sales, which Anime Studio doesn't have a share in it.
But since they don't get a share in the BD sales, that doesn't really matter.

Rokujouma has the issue of a lot of things all starting to happen at the end of where the anime left off, I'm not sure they could adapt things and have a decent stopping point without either leaving a bunch of things unresolved or going into anime original territory, neither of which are particularly desirable.

13 seems like a decent enough stopping point, but that would be impossible to get to without either doing 2 cour or 1 cour + 7.5/8.5 movie. And it would still be rushed with the latter.

I don't know, it would depend how long the movie would be, because they managed to adapt it fairly decently into 4 hours worth of drama CDs, so I suppose a fair bit more would be cut, but they could probably re-use a fair bit from that as well.

Well, did say I might post more next thread, though this will probably die seeing as it's not long after the last.


Scene 02: Days of Training (

By Kiriha's reckoning, Harumi had no talent as a wicked woman. Not a speck. With her overflowing good will and kindness, along with her calm aura, she was the exact opposite, bringing to mind a holy woman or affectionate mother instead.
So Kiriha had thought it impossible to make her into a wicked woman, however, just because something may be impossible, that didn't mean she wouldn't try, so she had made preparations.

"These are... a script and an outfit?"

Harumi and Kiriha were sat on either side of the table, and on the table was a book and a complete set of clothes.

"That's right. Changing your personality is close ot impossible. So we'll create the character, 'wicked Harumi' and have you learn through playing her."

Kiriha's idea was not to teach her how to be wicked, but to teach through having her play a role.
Harumi had experience with acting, and even if she couldn't learn how, she could use the lines as a basis and act like a wicked woman.
Fortunately, Kiriha had knownledge and experience of the assumptions and questions Koutarou would have and had made several plans since Harumi had asked to become her appprentice. This was the most likely to succeed out of them.

"I see... I certainly won't have much reluctance doing this."

Harumi nodded firmly as she flipped through the pages. Harumi herself didn't want to truly become a wicked woman, she wanted to be able to go back to being normal Harumi whenever she wanted.
So learning it as a role, which put a clear divide between them was something that was easy for her to accept.

"By completely changing your appearance, we won't need to change your self."

"But it might be hard to keep up the appearance..."

best invader

Harumi was a little uneasy on this point, it was ideal if both your body and mind were one with the character you were playing, but Kiriha completely denied that.

"Being a wicked woman is to hide your true intentions in the first place. There's no mistake with the method."

"That might be true."

Kiriha's words quickly changed Harumi's mind. A wicked woman was someone who led men around whilst hiding their true intentions. So they were keeping up their appearances to begin with.
As a result, Kiriha's proposal was easy to do, and both her body and mind were in line.

―――Besides, Kiriha-san's true feelings are that she likes Satomi-kun too...

Kiriha generally led Koutaoru around but Harumi knew well where her true feelings lay. Kiriha paid attention to her surroundings and hid her true intentions but Harumi sometimes caught a glimpse of them. Harumi carried the same feelings and her personality led to her looking at her surroundings often so she didn't overlook the hints of her true feelings that Kiriha let slip.
The type of wicked woman she wanted to become was the same as Kiriha, so she agreed with Kiriha's words here.

The clothes Kiriha had prepared were provocative and exposed a lot. The faric itself was the opposite of Harumi's image, black, and decked out with fur and embroidery. Accenting it were several golden accessories. Overall, it was an amazing design.

"I-isn't this too extreme!?"

Harumi had put on the clothes and her face had gone a bright red as she twisted in embarrassment. She even wanted to escape Kiriha's gaze, and she was the same sex.

"It's still on the quiet side."

However, Kiriha flatly shook her head.
Kiriha was right, the clothing was only extreme compared to Harumi's everyday wear, her normal outift was just prim and proper.

"But my underwear is— I-I don't think that's normal!"

"They can't be seen directly. Underwear being visible in glimpses in the gaps in clothing tickles men's instincts."

"Even if it's not directly, I'll die if these are seen!"

"You'll show them in the end though? Prepare yourself."

"That's not now, and normal underwear!"

To Harumi's strong morals, this outfit was one she couldn't walk around in, as embarrassing as being naked, and it would set a bad example for the children of the neighbourhood.

"I've just got to ask you to bear with it."

"That's impossible!"

"We can only cover the parts you can't do with clothing, or shall we try strengthening your skills?"


But Kiriha's matter-of-fact words gradually calmed her down. Harumi was aware her skills were inferior, and couldn't deny something she'd asked to be taught herself.
Finally, she took a deep breath and stopped moving.


"Have you calmed down?"

"Yes, s-somehow..."

"Getting used to this is part of your training."

"I think I might die of embarrassment before I get used to this."

Still red-faced, Harumi looked down at her clothes.
She couldn't help being embarrassed imagining being in front of Koutaoru like this. That itself was an issue, but if Koutaoru thought she was strange, she really might die then. Harumi was seized with fear that she might have been rash.

"The die is already cast, prepare yourself, Harumi."

"R-right, I'll do my best."

Kiriha immediately rebuffed Harumi's weakness as it showed. Stopping here wouldn't cause anything to happen, and it would make all of Kiriha's preparations worthless. Harumi, with her sense of responsibility couldn't let that happen and motivated herself again.

Once Harumi's clothing was in order, Kiriha moved on to instruction, starting with the basic of basics, how to stand.

"...So, standing upright like you normally do is bad."

"Then what should I do?"

"First, move one of your shoulders forwards just a little."

"It's like a stance."

"Then, place your hands asymmetrically."


"You want the image of your entire body being unbalanced, you're going for a psychological effect."

"This is difficult..."

Kiriha gave appropriate instruction and corrected Harumi's stance, which gradually moved from its honour-student-like bearing to an aggressive woman's.

"Like this then?"

"Yes, that's right over all... but..."

If the stance was right, there would be more sex appeal than usual. However, Kiriha shook her head. For some reason, she couldn't see that with Harumi.

―――The stance should be fine... so why doesn't it look like that...?

From Kiriha's experience, even though her stance was ideal, Harumi still felt as friendly as a dandelion. It was an aura that rather than men, would fascinate pre-schoolers.

"...Let's try changing your expression."

Kiriha stopped instructing her on her stance and began instructing her on her expression. An impression wasn't just formed from the stance, so unless she brought several factors together, she couldn't reach a conclusion.


"First, look in the same direction as your body."

"So now that I'm in stance, instead of straight ahead like before, over here?"

"That's right. Having your face at an angle rather than straight on is more like it."

"I understand, like this?"

"That's right. Now, cast your eyes down and..."

With Kiriha's instructions, they began adjusting Harumi's expression. There were more fine details compared to the stance but Harumi kept going without a word of complaint. Thanks to that, several minutes later, Kiriha's ideal flirtatious look was complete.

"Like this I wonder."

Now that it had gotten to a certain point, Kiriha took a photo with her phone, making Harumi frantic.

"D-don't leave photos of this please!"

"If I didn't you wouldn't know what you looked like would you? The places I want to show your are out of sight."

"...Delete it afterwards please?"

"I will, trust me."


Kiriha would keep her promise. She'd delete it when she was done looking at it. Thinking of this, Kiriha showed the picture to Harumi.

"You look like this overall."

"Well... It feels a lot different than usual."

Harumi hadn't had many pictures taken of herself, but she'd often had her picture taken with friends in tourist spots and such. Compared to those occasions, she had a more erotic ambience. Harumi could clearly feel her change and was fairly satisfied.

―――But... her impression is still weak... I wonder why...?

Contrary to Harumi's satisfaction, Kiriha once more shook her head. Her appearance had completely become a sensual pose, but it didn't fit somewhere.

"Karama, Korama, compare this to my image with your optical sensors."

"Right, ho-."

"Leave it to us, ho-."

"Kyaa!? The haniwa were here too!?"

"We were, ho-."

"We saw everything, ho-."

"Kyaa kyaa kyaa!!"

When the haniwa appeared, Harumi's posture and expression crumbled in the blink of an eye. However, they'd seen it from the start so they used the iamge they already had and began comparing it to Kiriha's pose.

"Ignoring differences in size and shape, it's essentially the same as you, Ane-san, ho-."

"There's no difference in the pose itself, ho-."


"Guys, you'll delete that data, right!?"

"We'll delete the recorded data, ho-. We'll protect your privacy, ho-."

"But we can't erase our memories, sorry, ho-."

"Uuh, I can't tell you to delete that."

However, watching her make noise with the haniwa, Kiriha understood the reason.

"Her eyes...?"

The problem was Harumi's eyes. Harumi's eyes didn't convey a strong sense of purpose, they were gentle and kind, eyes that felt like they drew you in. The reason she felt as kind as a dandelion was her eyes.

"You won't show your memories to anyone else, right?"

"It's okay, we'll only show Ane-san, ho-."

"But it'll be archived when we're overhauled, ho-."

"It will be duplicated!?"

"Harumi, look here please?"

"Eh!? Ah, right!"

Harumi stopped talking with the haniwa and looked at Kiriha as she asked. The question 'what's wrong?' floated in her eyes. Kind, gentle and honest, eyes that disqualified her from being a wicked woman.

"Now could you glare like that?"


"Yes, it seems you're not aggressive enough, so even if you look like a wicked woman, the impression is weak."


"You could say provocative or sensual too. The pressure on your opponent is weak."

Wicked women had to be able to affect their opponent just by standing there. However, Harumi was fundamentally passive so that was barely there. It showed even in her eyes, a consideration for her opponent, understanding eyes. She needed eyes more like Theia's challenging eyes. She didn't have those so her being a wicked woman didn't fit.

"Umm... like this?"

Harumi tried glaring at Kiriha, she lowered her eyebrows and slightly narrowed her eyes. It should have made her appear considerably more aggressive.

"Well, in name only... I know, I'd like you to try thinking of me as an enemy and glaring."

"An enemy..."

Latest volume got translated.. like yesterday? Get to work.

This is the last part of 2, I'll probably do 3 at some other point.

When she said enemy, she immediately remembered the battle from a few days ago. However, a little after that, the form of an enemy from Alaia's memories that she'd faced 2000 years ago appeared. Biorbaram Maxfern. If asked for an enemy, there was none more so than this man.


Harumi persuaded herself that rather than Kiriha, it was Maxfern in front of her. Someone that had tried to kill Koutarou, she couldn't forgive that. And so, Harumi's aura changed suddenly.

"Harumi, that's a little wrong."

But it brought forth a result Kiriha didn't expect. Rather than feminie charms, it brought forth the cold beauty of a princess. A clear mistake in the selection.

"I don't know who you're thinking of, but try thinking of an enemy you can forgive a little more."

"An enemy I can forgive..."

Floating in her mind were the evil magical girls, Crimson, Purple and the others, relatively forgiveable enemies. However, their dark clothing brought to mind a completely different enemy.

'Fuhahahaha, what a shame, youngsters! I'll be taking this cute girl as my wife!'

Clad in black and pointy armour, from the upper echelons of the underground people, Baron Demon. He was the enemy she could forgive most.

―――If Harukazeman hadn't come, what would have happened... He'd have taken me, and then, at the church...

Remembering what had happened about a year ago, Harumi stared at Kiriha.


"...Harumi, you'd forgive that enemy anything, would you try a more normal enemy?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll use a different one!"

Harumi frantically shook everything about Baron Demon out of her head and began searching for a new enemy.

―――T-this is tough...

Kirha was perplexed. Like this, it would take an extremely long time to teach Harumi to act as a wicked woman. Harumi really was fundamentally unsuited to it.

I'm always somewhat wary of reading LNs, they often don't read particularly well and it's disguised in the adaptions. Never quite sure whether to blame translator or author, or both I suppose, is this at least written/translated nicely?

I love this dragon

I love all of the girls

I want to marry Kiriha

Clan a cute

The translation is pretty good, and the translation rate is considerably faster than any other LN, as well as the fact that there's still plenty of LN material to cover.

I'll probably give it a look then, I liked the story so I'll probably manage to get through it

I really like the LN version personally, but the author has a really bad habit of going out of his way to unnecessarily repeat, and explain things that would be easy to infer from what the characters are thinking. It gets really irritating after a while, and almost seems like it's just there to pad the length of the novel.

It would actually be a shame for people to miss out on the novel though, since characters like Maki and Clan that seemed like villians-of-the-week are actually pretty awesome once they get time devoted to them.

>“Sakuraba-san, does Satomi-kun want to see naked girls? In that case I'll...”

Yurika on the last page!

Oonuma too busy for S2

Is vol 15 about Clan?

I hope it's about Clan.

Not really, underground stuff

The fact that volume covers often won't 'match' the content is a common issue for the series.

Thanks a lot user.