My predictions for the Nisekoi ending.
My predictions for the Nisekoi ending
I don't care as long as the personality-less doormat moeblob loses hard.
I will celebrate it like a fucking faggot if OP pics actually happens.
I was a Marika shipper but at this point Chitoge is the better option.
Onodera is a cute and nice girl but she really deserves something like the OP's pic for doing fuck-all
I will both celebrate all tears from onodera's fag and chitoge's fag, if either of them wins, or both of them loses.
Touma is a slut, just by the way.
>actual kiss
>not "we've been going for a year right now, but I'm not quite sure if she's ready/wants to hold hands"
Isnt Kosaki ahead after the last chapter?
Accept it sissy asian girls, you can't compete with white women
>could have won from the start
>had a friend pushing her along
>is the promised girl
>still fucks it up
They spent a lot of the recent chapters invalidating the locket. She's not ahead unless Raku picks her, and all sign point to Chitoge instead.
>Both of them lose the Rakubowl.
The resulting salt from the OnoderaFags and ChitogeFags would be legendary.
Well she did win the in the oneshot (though she was the only girl), so technically she did win from the start.
>Onodera is the promised girl
She is?
muh dick
Yep. Chitoge gave Onodera her key and she made the promise with Raku.
It's pretty much a death flag for Dera, since Raku has been saying for a while that he doesn't care about the promise girl.
>she did win in the oneshot
>she isn't in the oneshot
keep telling yourself that, Onodera is going to win no matter what
shouldn't you be masturbating to child actor feet right nos?
raku died in heart attack in next episode and at the last moment surrounded by his girls he say "i love...." and passed away. the next thing happen is a royal rumble between them all on who gonna fuck his dead body. The End
Im still waiting for some alien abduction incident because at this point collectively forgetting all of this while still keeping the reminding accessories around must be the work of aliens or something similar.
This is pretty good.
who's the one on the left
A youtuber who raped someone and died i think - not sure about the rape tho
>I will celebrate it like a fucking faggot if OP pics actually happens.
I just want it to end already. Marika lost.
And what is this pic supposed to mean?
He is a rich boy who hates girls or something like that because they dont want to fuck him - I think he died or raped someone and then died (YouTuber)
I can't wait to see every get mad when Onoderas little sister wins.
It's too late, she already got the character development haircut.
Chitoge+Ichijō = Shitty Person / Ichijō+Onodera = Japans Prime Minister
As if i know what retard user-kun means
Being this delusional, just like the yuifags.
As an OnoderaFag, It would be actually the best ending for me.
Onodera doesn't have any chance to win anymore, my only hope now is Shitoge losing too.
Chitoge leaving her husbando and Onodera trying to get consolation prize from emotionally broken, uncaring Raku?
Ya'll be eating shit when Raku chooses both.
Nisekoi Civil War
Captain America - Ondera VS Iron Man - Chitoge
Im team Iron Man Chitoge
At this point I don't even give a shit who he ends up choosing, but it's probably gonna be Chitoge, Naoshi doesn't like Onodera, dunno why but she has never shown any love for her, at all really, if she could make it so that the Nisekoi goods are only Chitoge centered she would do it.
Who is spider man?
Who is thor?
Who is black panther?
Who is hulk and ant man?
Elliot Rodger, the "Supreme Gentleman" Permavirgin who shot up a sorority at UCSB.
He'd probably prefer the doormat then.
>being this delusional
If Onodera doesn't win I'm gonna eat my own shit.
What do you mean? What would be the point of Raku's development in that direction, then?
Is he going to find Chitoge and Onodera and go, "I don't care about the promise. I love you, Onodera." And then be like, "Oh, you are the promise girl? That worked out, lol!"
It would totally undermine his development.
Also is he seriously going this far to look for the girl just to tell her that she's cucked?
Time to face it, Onodera is finished.
Does this count as ntr?
To be fair he did do that to Marika, but then again he's not in love with Marika like he is with Chitoge.
Well, it's basically canon that he hates Marika at this point.
No he doesnt. Marika is going to win because she is best girl.
Are talking about Komi or Raku?
Raku values Marika as a friend.
Y-san please stop, you are far better for her than Raku anyway
Honestly, as an former-Onoderafag, I want to see her get cucked.
Onodera would have won the Raku literally any time in the first 200 chapters of this shit, but she refused to do a damn thing.
She deserves to lose.
Isn't Y-san literally a faceless old man?
Raku isn't exactly a shimmering golden trophy but he's infinitely better than the alternative.
Does anyone here read Magical Patissier Kosaki? Is it good or just a cashgrab?
It's even worse than that. This last chapter shows that she had ten years, almost thirteen if we count what the manga covers, to make a move. But she chose to do nothing.
What are you talking about? Y-san is second best boy, and he isn't first only because he hasn't appeared outside popularity polls
Placing Raku 3rd? Understandable.
For all the faults this manga has, I dont think it dragging on because of inaction by the characters is one. Onodera couldn't have won because she didn't know she had a chance of winning. She's playing the game blind, and as far as she knows any of the other girls could have the key. Shes completely unlike pic related, who is a complete fuck up that threw away her win.
But that is Claude. Shun being best boy doesn't even need to be said
It's not NTR, they've been a confirmed couple ever since the one shot. Stop being delusional, Onoderafags.
I just want a clear winner.
Do you guys really think Chitoge is going to win? I'm a Chitogefag myself and that last chapter was too brutal to read.
I feel you bro.
After an arc where Raku decided that the promise isn't important and that he only has a childish crush for Kosaki, were Chitoge not to win he'd be saying goodbye to his career
Minori didn't throw it away, she willingly bowed out from the start because she prioritized her own personal life goals over a potential relationship, she was just kind of a bitch about it because she refused to give a straight answer.
Onodera's situation where she laid dormant with zero competition for over a decade is not even remotely similar.
That's the point. Contrast.
If you have a really happy moment after months of smooth sailing it doesn't mean as much. If there's a happy moment after a sad moment you appreciate it more.
The flashback conveniently allows for a moment of despair just before the end that (since it happened in the past) doesn't affect how the characters currently feel about each other.
>Claude informs Tsugumi of what happened
>Raku is just about to make his decision
>Tsugumi, fearful of Chitoge getting hurt runs in and kisses Raku to stop him talking
>Tsugumi & Raku live happily ever after
Well instead of that last point, we'll probably get another (minimum) 10 chapters for Raku to regain his bearings, give Tsugumi her own rejection scene, and pick Chitoge.
Liking Tsugumi -> literal homosexual behavior.
Did you make this edit, user? It's good.
Claude is actually another thing to consider. I doubt Tsugumi will just beat him outright. And there's no way Raku will end up having to fight him for Onodera. That makes no sense.
NTR is the only thing Komi can redeem himself
Onodera + Claude OTP
If liking Tsugumi makes me gay, /lgbt/ couldn't contain my faggotry.
it is funny people hate Rockkun but still want their character be with him..ironic desu
do people actually think there's going to be one winner and not some bullshit at the end?
It's only gay if you'd suck her dick, user.
Knowing my favorite girl won't end up with him makes me happy
There is NOTHING hotter than a half-dressed girl, with her curves being slightly covered by her shirt, leaving just the right amount of things to imagination.
God, I'm just gonna go masturbate right now.
>fapping to a girl, who looks like a boy, dressed as a boy
You sound like a prancing la-la-la homo man, user.
Don't fucking care. Where's my fucking Nisenisekoi.
How is it that there's so many faggots in harem threads? It doesn't make any sense.
She tried several times, but status quo kept fucking her over.
I'm happy.
That doesn't explain all the time before the story when she had free reign on nabbing Raku for herself and did jack shit.
Wake me up when Tsugumi wins the bowl.
Kosaki may not be my favorite girl, but she's the one I want to fug the most.
That's funny, kiddo
Well it's already a precedent that leaving that place induces memory loss, so here's to the next 200 chapters.
it's beautiful how now that they've been given a false hope, the crushing defeat will be all the more painful for onoderafags
she doesn't need a boyfriend. don't see why the viewer would care at all unless he self inserts
>short hair on a girl
>guess it must be a guy, it's gay to like that
>long hair on a guy
>it's not gay because the long hair and dress make it okay
this is why i hate twisted concepts of femininity. not because I'm a white knight, nor a tumblr landwhale, but because it justifies fucking retarded shit like this