Is it just me or Dragon Ball Super is written like some shitty fanfic?

Is it just me or Dragon Ball Super is written like some shitty fanfic?

It's like if Toriyama got mad after years of nips joking about how weak DBZ characters are compared to all those powerlevel series like Dies Irae so he suddenly introduced multiverse and universe busting characters.

And now we are even getting edgehog Goku. It's just bad.

He was forced to write it, why would he even care about quality at this point?
Dragon Ball went to shit after Goku grew up anyway.

This is a kids series made for kids.
What did you expect?

You really think kids care about DBS? It's for the oldfag fans.

>This is a kids series made for kids.

you're the reason kids grow up to be idiots.

What was the point of Mai dying?

Why is future trunk's hair blue now?

Toriyama stopped caring decades ago, DBS is an exercise in getting as much money out of nostalgiafag manchildren as they possibly can

I wonder how far DBS powerlevels are going to go.

In many cases hair gets darker in middle ages before it turns grey. But it could also be used as stylistic device to emphasize his mental development over the past years. Although Toriyama is a scatterbrain I don't think he does this without a reason.

maybe he's permanently a god ssj :00

Use the catalog you fucking retard

To fit the bright color palette on the series

Seriously this is just some stupid buzzword retarded people spam when they don't like something that's happening in a series and are not bright enough to put forward an argument.

well, we've got a guy who's already destroyed 6 universes.
So I'm guessing that means above TTGL already

>You really think kids care about DBS? It's for the oldfag fans.
Why is it even kiddier than the original material, then? Nostalgia cashgrabs tend to be edgier for the now grownup fans.

Its just you

what is even the dragonball canon?
Does this follow the manga or the original show? Is it the tv show or Kai? Which movies are canon? Dragonball gt was supposed to be an official sequel and then it got retconned. Who even gives a fuck at this point.

You are 20 years late

Call me when he actually does anything on screen. Or when DBS stops looking like trash.

No. It's a term people use when plot has the quality of garbage.

i like how you just proved him right

Dragonball, Z and Super are all the same canon. Movies were always their own separate thing.

If you know that GT isn't canon, I don't know what there is to be confused by.

dragonball Z anime has an arc that is a sequel to one of the movies which supposedly isn't canon. There's no distinction between dragonball and dragonball z in the manga.
My point with dragonball gt is that something can be presented as the official sequel and then disregarded right after that. The new movies were also supposed to be canon before getting remade in a shittier way inside super.
Going by that logic anything outside of the original manga is fan fiction

You do know that shit like dark Goku or DB multiverse existed in fanfiction since forever right? And Super is using those ideas.

Beerus is the best part of super though.

He's an archetype that appears in almost every VN with godlike beings.

They've been past TTGL since BoG arc.

Wonder how long it'll be until Omni-King is not the top god anymore.
Used to be Kami, then it was King Yemma, then it was King Kai, then it was the Grand Kai, then it was the Supreme Kais, then it was the God of Destruction, now its Omni-King. Wonder how long until we get Mega-King or Ultra-King.

Are you dumb? Its plot is obviously 1/10 trash. New character designs and characters in general, too.

Utter kiddy shit you should ignore as a fan.

Don't listen to some braindead children here (you should also avoid Sup Forums if you can).

All I can do here is hoping they won't do the same shit to One Piece once the main story is over.

But DB and even DBZ had way more charme and even depth. Way, way more. The whole Sayian => Namek saga, for example. All those little subplots, Vegeta as a whole was amazing.

I think that's what OP is asking for.

>mention it's past TTGL level
>instant TTGLfag butthurt

TTGL has the worst fucking fanbase by far.

Well the omni-king is already Living Tribunal level if not more. He can probably create anything and destroy anything. Just as an afterthough it's canon that he destroyed 6 universes in an instant. Maybe his powers are turning thinking into reality or whatever, you don't need to be "STRONK SSJGSS GRADE 5". We know for a fact that DBS will have around 200 episodes. So it's only a matter of time till we see someone even stronger than him.

How long till we see some super-omnipotent form of the Super Saiya? Like the TRUE super saiya or some shit.

If my gut tells me anything, next time we see someone REALLY flashy he is going to be very VERY powerful. SSJ3 for instance was flashy and shit but didn't accomplish a damn thing. SSJB is very subtle but is monumentally more powerful than SSJ3. Maybe the more subtle a transformation is.. the stronger it's actually is.

>the Suepr Saiya

But it's true. Final battle in TTGL had them throwing galaxies around. Meanwhile battles in Super are crap.

>Suepr Saiya


>consistently at the top of the charts

yeah, you stupid fucking gaijin

kek absolutely agree m8. The writing is fucking AWFUL, but it is kind of weird how much this series just jumped up in power and really does feel like Toriyama got sick of Goku losing to superman so he made this broken ass character, I don't think actually think that btw but it's just funny. It'd be like if the creator of One Punch Man resurrected his series years later cause saitama's power level is still vague and in the new series has saitama do dimensional warping punches. This series feels like that, and honestly it's probably the main reason so many people even watch it.

>This series feels like that, and honestly it's probably the main reason so many people even watch it
People were crying after the second Death Battle because they wanted (and still want) a rematch after Super ends. It's fucking retarded

It was made to sell merchandise to kids. Toriyama and Toei don't give a fuck about powerlevels or otaku shit like Dies Irae, I have no idea why you'd even think that.

>And now we are even getting edgehog Goku. It's just bad.

It's the best thing to happen to the series in a while.

The omni-king is not strong. Did you miss everything Whis said about it? He's not a fighter. You're not supposed to be stronger than him. He's simply the one true deity there. He creates things and makes them vanish. He's pretty much Shenron with unlimited powers.

Considering DB heroes is very popular, yeah

Do people seriously consider something like OG DBZ deep in the first place? That's laughable. I'm sure the retarded, highly analytical Eva fans would be laughing at such a thought.

You guys are like Smashfags on Sup Forums.

kek I doubt anyone considers DBZ deep or even the old Dragonball either. But they were fun well told pulp stories, which can't be said for this trash heap.

no, it's a kids' series made by adults, who probably are aware kids that grew up that were fans would also be watching it.

it's juvenile tripe, old dragon ball ironically had more things for an older audience

>But DB and even DBZ had way more charme and even depth. Way, way more.

Pretty sure depth is a form or some portmanteau of the words deep and length.

just because it's a kid's series doesn't mean it should be garbage. Stuff like Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, Little Nemo, Looney Tunes, Alice & Wonderland, Tom and Jerry etc. are written for kids but are enjoyable for all ages. DB Super is only enjoyed by kids cause it relies on them being ignorant of better stories, adults (who have good taste) would realize it's shit.

>just galaxies

How sad, TTGL a shit

>future trunks have blue hair
>present trunk have purple hair

fucking why?

Yeah that's great, the giant robot was 9999999999999....99999999 meters long or something, Except it moved like it when it was around a dozen meters or so high at the beginning of the series, when it supposedly wasn't, and it threw around galaxies like they were solid objects (they really aren't).

Can you imagine the ramification of a robot over thousands of light years in height, width, etc? You wouldn't be able to see all of it. To even move it would need to move faster than the speed of light and that would definitely not look like a smaller robot moving on earth. However Gainax just chose the "tell, don't show" approach just basically flat out said it was that size when it was for all practical purposes, just a normal giant robot throwing around discs. There was no sense of scale and really nothing spectacular.

I don't even like Dragon Ball or any of its spinoffs, by the way, I just think tards like you need to be put down,