The best plan ever

If I had absolute political power I would just sterilize the bottom 10% of people with the lowest IQs every generation, after a few generations the average IQ would skyrocket and we'd have a nation of super geniuses

that includes you in the 10% right?

obviously you are not included in them.

IQ doesn't take into account creativity, pro-social behavior, altruism, empathy, etc.

Well done, eugenics advocate, well done.

But was creating an army of genius-tier IQ nu-male millennial cucks PART OF YOUR PLAN?

If I had absolute political power I would add sugar to bleach

>nu-male millennial cucks
>high iq
they're livestock tier

No need to, it's not like OP has ever had sex in his life.

why not the lowest 90% or even 99%?


To be fair, we could breed for physical prowess as well you bastards, I don't want a nation of manlets

>IQ doesn't take into account creativity
IQ correlates with creativity
> pro-social behavior, altruism, empathy

>sterilize right off the bat

That's cruel. I have a better, yet more effective plan (let's say average is 100):

1) Defective people are sterilized or euthanized
2) "Functional"

gotta take it slow or the population will die out

we could incentivize high IQ peeps to have more babes too someway, I don't know how, maybe a purse of some amount of money for each child born

A nation of geniuses would suck. They'd spend all their time fighting over whose turn it is to clean the toilet.

so you'd deny 10% of the populace the motivation to do labour that children are?

I was just thinking of tax cuts and such too, I like your thinking. As the average IQ grows so will the criteria

Why not just clone the geniuses?

Embryo wars when?

Who will enforce this? Who will stop the sub 100 IQ people from just ganging on and/or killing off the elite?

Breeding whites for raw intellect gets you Jews.

>sub 100 IQ
>killing off the elite

Won't happen.

Or you could have more babies genius

Jews have negro and arab DNA though.