Is there any hope for Canadian professionals

French Canadian just wanting a future for pregnant girlfriend and future kid. I want to leave Montreal and Canada as it is getting invaded by welfare refugees that dont contribute anything to Canada and rich chinks that drive up home prices.

Is there any hope for me in the US?

I have a degree in electronics engineering, 4+ years of real electronics design experience. Am 28 years old and speak perfect english.

It seems all of my field related good jobs in the US require you to be a US citizen or at least a non-white foreigner...

All I want is to pay US taxes, get a decent wage for honest work, pray to God and vote Republican.

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J'ai vécu un année de ma vie au BC pis j'tais content quand chu revenu. T'es pas juste blanc, t'es Francais. Si tu va au States tu ne va pas etre a l'entour des tiens. Reste au Quebec. Si tu veux un endroit avec moins de migrant bouge dans une plus petite ville que Montréal. Ils sont plus conservateurs, et plus Francais.

Attend trois mandats complets de Trudeau et ça va être fini la majorité blanche même en région

you are trading welfare refugees there for welfare spics here. also, nig nogs. if that's an improvement to your current situation, go for it.

and before some other burger that might live in one of like, ten places that don't have niggers or spics shitting up the place, let me tell you that there is no awesome pure white America. This place is for the most part a big shit hole with a few good places. There's no light at the end of the tunnel anywhere in the west now, except Poland, and Poles are fucking poor retards.

the difference is your government doesn't actively despise you for being white.

Tu dis n'importe quoi. Les minorités ça va dans les grosses villes. Même a Québec c'est encore 99% blanc. Dans les villes plus petite encore c'est pareil, ya pas une minorité a l'horizon. Les états unis sont 52% blanc et la tendance va vite vers ce nombre diminuant.

dumb rotie can't even write french properly

tu devrais rester chez vous criss de francais

vs te coucher Amir


J'aimerais bien ça aller en région mais je trouverais une job avec un plus petit salaire que j'ai en ce moment. Pour améliorer ma condition je vois seulement les states

Tu devrais savoir, comme dit, qu'il n'y a pas de « blanc ». Il y a des Anglais, des Français, mais personne qui est « blanc » (un peu comme de Maistre a dit sur le sujet de l'Homme). Quand les Anglo-Saxons disent « blanc » ils veulent dire tout simplement quelqu'un qui peut s'assimiler a la culture Anglo-Saxonne facilement (voila la raison qu'ils débattent si les Méditerranéens ou les Catholiques sont blancs).

Soit fier d’être Québécois/Canadien Français et déménage a n'importe autre coin du Québec et tu verras qu'il n'y a pas d'immigrants qui restent la.

Faut choisir entre un salaire plus élevé ou la culture/tradition de tes ancêtres. Un choix facile, selon moi

This is an English board you stupid frogs.

Additionally, what field are you in? You might be able to use the TN visa.

>parle bien francais
pick one

Ta tout à fais raison de dire que tu gagnerais plus au States, en plus la vie coute en générale moins chère la bas. Mais ils sont pas Français. Sous estime pas la valeur d'être parmi les siens. Comme j'ai dis t'es pas juste blanc mec.

I'll be proud to be from Quebec the day there is a economic right wing separatist movement. I won't be proud to be a french Canadian as long as left wing governments are in power in QC


Yes, as an engineer you will have no problems. You can apply for jobs freely in the US, then once you get one you just mention TN visa at the border. Just have your paperwork sorted out. It lasts 3 years but you can renew it indefinitely.

Additionally, you can apply for a green card while you're on it with careful planning.

>il se plaigne du français des autres
>il ne peut même pas prononcer le nom de son pays

Vraiment, mec?

Governments come and go, but there are more important things in life that do not change

Ils devraient êtrent heureux que la couronne Britannique leur a sauvé le cul a la WW2

Just keep applying for jobs dude, put "TN Visa Eligible on your résumé. They don't want the hassle of getting visas for Indians, but there is virtually no hassle in getting one for you. So apply anyway and mention it during the process.

Thanks for the tip m8, I was wondering how easy it was to apply for TN visa

Why are you in Montreal? Move to Quebec City you homo. We just moved here from Toronto for the same reasons you were complaining about

Pourquoi votre manière de vous exprimer, à l'écrit comme à l'oral, a l'air si débile ?
J'ai l'impression d'avoir affaire à des enfants de 8 ans

It's very easy, but it can depend at which order crossing you use. Many have over 90%+ approval ratings, Pearson International is near 100%

>anglo filth moving to my french bastion.

Why would anyone want to move to a place that's not with their own. You realise the french and the english fought for centuries between themselves - that's not because we're the same.

Retourne dans ton pays, Kevin

I'm french/norman you faggot

Yeah man, it's going on like 1000 years of conflict now. From the Norman Conquest to the Hundred Years War to today

Stay home m8, the streets are dangerous at night

Yes, come to AZ and help us fight against the invading brown scum and we will call you one of our own.

Like i'd know you weren't an anglo living in ON, in any case welcome back home.

Déménage à Québec si tes pas content de Montréal mais reste au Québec on va avoir besoin de toutes notre monde dans les prochaines décennies

I had hoped that it would get easier for me after Trump got elected. He talked about a point based system at some point if I recall correctly.

Aucune idée, mais les femmes FrOnçaises nous adorent alors...

I grew up in Northern Ontario(was half french half english).. Family was in Quebec prior to that and came from Normandy in the 1500s prior to that. Ancestor was Kings Notary in New France so he was more or less in charge of the place. Both sides of family from Normandy

At this point in Canada's existence I don't think we should be infighting. As an Anglo I have to support Québec since they are much more based than the cucks that control my province. When I went to university in Montréal I voted for separatists every time because I believe Québec would be better off on its own.

Je te comprends gros! J'aimerais ça un avenir au Québec mais avec Trudeau et aucun parti de droite qui fait du sens au Qc je vois aucun avenir

Yeah idk what the fucks going on on that front. At any rate, we have legal open and concealed carry so you can properly defend your preggo gf, plus nice winters.

Je suis Franco-Americain, mon Francais est plutot mauvais, mon experience professionel est dans l'ESL (English as a Second Language) mais j'envisage de faire un bootcamp de coding... est ce que j'ai un avenir au Quebec?

>was half french half english

En fait, moi aussi

Il est où le débile de Westmount avec ses photos de Bouchard? :^)

this thread highlights every reason why the rest of canada hates frenchfags. Die, arrogant scum

Je sais que les professeurs on bien la misère à ce trouvé une job, mais en ce qui concerne la programmation, ya plusieurs grosse compagnie au Québec comme CGI ou encore Ubisoft qui font énormément d'investissement.

Who gives a shit about politics, the demographics, food, culture is way better. Quebec City puts any other city on this side of the planet to shame when it comes to architecture and culture

It's also lowest cost of living major city on earth. We got a 1bdrm here right in middle of old Quebec for $700/mo , in Toronto we were paying double that for similar accomadations.

I feel you bro. Thing is with the US so many jobs require you to have security clearance... So you must be a US citizen.

Other than that lots of recruiters or companies are too ignorant or lazy to sponsor you on a TN Visa. Many don't even know what it is, more don't want to be inconveniced by sponsorship or take the miniscule risk.

Keep trying. Target international companies in the US or one that employs non-citizens.


Fucking Anglos

No, I meant the city itself was half french half english. Both my parents are of Norman stock.. but yah went to pure french school until 9th grade and then pure english after that..

Dude there is already enough Frenchs from France in Qc, stay in the US if you got citizenship and work at a nice French restaurant

You should look into Salt Lake City. The culture there is very hardworking and in many parts it is extremely conservative as well as religious. The economy is booming, in particular the technology sector with "Silicon Slopes". Housing is very cheap, as is healthcare. Your work insurance will likely cover your whole family.

mec c'est pas de ta faute si la province est maintenant de gauche. Ya des projets pour l'indépendance du Québec mais ca va prendre beaucoup de campagne d'informations auprès de la population pour que ca passe.

Stay the fuck away from the US french faggot. Go live in France or French Polynesia

It is very easy to get one but most US companies are ignorant of how easy it is and are not open to persuasion. I'm talking like 80%+.

Move to Switzerland, nice standard of living 93% white

Stop voting for Trudeau you fag

>Doesn't die in Paris from jihadis
Pick one

De droite sociale ou de droite économique ? Si t'es de droite économique, tu devrais lire Quadragesimo Anno, ça donne un argument vraiment intelligent pour un économie qui valorise les travailleurs:

Je ne l'ai pas vu depuis longtemps

No stay there and crumble before blowing away in the wind.

Actually I don't vote Trudeau tho, modern Canadian politics are just too much of a mess to even bother

>je tolérerais les Canadiens Français si seulement ils parleraient exclusivement l'Anglais

*be french canadian*
*vote communist for 80 fucking years*
*threaten to leave despite being the poorest shithole in the country, and treasonous politicians give you endless gibs*

mother fucking

Ah pi on a un discord Québec Sup Forums pour les intéresser 5K2dR7


I would tolerate french canadians if only they would not be so fucking smug about their shitty culture and think they're better than everyone. Literally everyone hopes you fags become your own country.

Yet you made a big ass unity rally in Montreal just before the independence vote

stay mad faggot

On a une discord pour Quebec, tien:

Obviously the reason you think that way is that you think your culture is superior as well. You don't see me getting angry at you for thinking that (I know it's a typically Anglo-Saxon attitude), so why is it wrong for me to think that my own culture is superior?

I don't think my culture is superior. I am of entirely different culture to Canadian culture all together. its just that Frenchfags think they're better than everyone else and try to be special snowflakes. I am mad cause you fags need to GTFO if you think you're so special and different. Wait, you wouldn't survive on your own and you know that, my bad.

Quebec has 5% unemployment, you don't know what you're talking about

Imagine if people didn't have to know French to get a federal job

Yep. The bilingual requirement for government job really means "be a francophone with half-decent English" it can never be the other way around. Quebec dominate the government sector, now ask yourself why they are such leftist cucks... They want to keep their jobs.

Jelly anglo suhuman

Say whatever you want we all know the french menace has been a perpetual thorn in the side of Canada since it's inception