Is autism the next stage of human evolution

think about it
>the smartest people of all time were white and would be VERY autistic by todays standards
>we thrive in a high tech environment while it destroys the mental health of NTs.
>Sup Forums
>high functioning autistics are EXTREMELY smart and OVERWHELMINGLY WHITE!

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

i know you won't believe me but the race of Aryans your Hitler loved had high percentages of autistic-like people. These were the people that inhabited Atlantis before the comet stuck 11,000 years ago.

the gifts of autism are for white people. the therapy school i attend is almost exclusive,y white, but cucked as hell thanks to the bleeding heart landwhale sjw teachers who are doing this to be progressive. there used to be a redpilled kid there but he moved away.

Why are most autists either very far left or very far right?

Autism just means you've let the current world completely shatter who you are deep down as a person.

we are only far left because the programs that are supposed to help us are also sjw brainwashin
g factories, i know this firsthand. when we go full fash, its because we are naturally extremely smart intellectuals thirsty for knowledge and truth.

Its actually those loose Neanderthal genes still floating around in our dna. And yes, slight autism is a huge intelligence booster.

Where did they come from? And why was htiler interested in the first place?

sadly that power comes at the price of being able to fit in with society.

The problem is that autism isn't actually a specific condition, but more of a general label used by mental health specialists to describe someone who is weird in ways not otherwise diagnosable.

Some people considered autistic are just disinterested in social interaction, but others are completely insane and struggle to even speak.

You need to refine your definition of autism. I can see high functioning autism being of benefit, but that kid that sits in the corner making beeping sounds ain't gonna win any prizes, neither is the genius that beats his head against walls every time he doesnt get his way. These are actual examples of people i know with diagnosed kids. If that is the power of autism i think we can safely do without it.

>the gifts of autism
>therapy school
Hitler would have killed you first.


Birth control causes frontal lobe damage/disorder in women.

(Talked about this in many different threads: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ )

Chemicals cause autism in men.

When you were just 100 people tribes others looked after you and arranged for your needs and wants, even if you were a little weird. Meanwhile you grew up to be a real good hunter with an instinct for patterns in nature. The tribe arranged for you to deflower as many little cuties as your penis could handle cuz it really benefitted the tribe having hunters around smart enough to track woolly mammoth and understand the tactics of Cave Bears and Sabre toothed cats.

Low functioning autism is not a good survival advantage, it is a disadvantage in this environment.
High functioning autism may be a survival advantage.
High IQ is always linked to advantage in this culture of technology. So long as technology keeps developing those with high IQ can expect an advantage.
Those with high functioning autism could expect to do well in their respective autismo obsession if it is related to technological advancement. Not really because of autism, more just because of the "high functioning" aspect in my opinion.

you need a sonichu flag OP.

They are not good with nuance, or the 'grey' areas.

Hi Frank

You should look up the diagnostic test for autism. A nurse showed me the forms they fill in for checking. So many boxes checked...boom, you're an autist, and a lot of it was shit all kids do, any neuro-typical kid having a bad day could be diagnosed.

can confirm birth control makes women crazy

It may make them crazier, nature made them crazy.

Yup. Can confirm. Women off birth control are almost rational human beings.

>implying they even knew autism existed in 1933
whos the retard now?

it works by making their hormones overload. of course it makes them nuts!

No, because autists reproduce less or not at all, and often cannot function properly as social mammals.

>Sup Forums

oh you precious thing

It was the last stage of evolution while we were still evolving. We are now devolving as global IQ tests prove, so OP is wrong, but for the right reasons.

no, autism is evolutionary failure.

you wouldnt be using the device youre posting with without us, dude! computer sience is and has always been pioneered and dominated by, autists even though they werent diagnosed until the about the 90s when medical research on the topic started developing. not to mention all of the greatest scientists who ever lived were highly autostic by modern standards inluding nikola tesla and isaac newton just to name a few. we would be centuries behind without good ol' autism!

Autistic people don't breed, so no.

hard to evolve without having kids.

since when? im not talking about drooling retards. im talking about socially awkward but superintelligent nerds who eventually learn to make it in society and have families and normal lives.

Autistic men are late bloomers. They come into their own later in life. They usually procreate well into their 30's and even 40's. The three smartest men ever born all had fathers over the age of 35 (Swedborg, Leibnitz, Goethe). Its actually a pattern found through with genius level intellects. Older men, younger women would probably be how civilizations are built. Its the guppy like mindless reproduction found amongst same age couples that pisses it away.

is that Antarctica?

Only autistic people should have the right to vote

>the smartest people of all time were white and would be VERY autistic by todays standards
Do you have any source for this claim?

>is autism the next stage of human evolution

No, its a reaction to social conditioning in modern society where children are raised with little time spent with their parents, little time spent playing with friends, little time spent outdoors and over exposure to television, video games and phones. Combine that with permissive parents who encourage any behavior no matter how bizarre or socially unacceptable and the end result is that children don't learn how to behave socially and become autists.

Literal autist here. I just became a wizard this year. I have no friends and I am underemployed.

This shit is a curse. Normies make fun of you or view you as inferior. I am not a nazi or white nationalist. I just notice shit due to my 'tism. So its either accept the normie lies or shitpost with nazis.

Women hiss at you if you try to talk to them too.

Anyone who says there is any benefit to beint an autist is either lying to you or themselves.

CRISPR will make all of this irrelevant one day so lets talk about the future and not the past. dumb faggots.

>Women hiss at you if you try to talk to them too.

ikr? it is absolute hell. its just the price of intellectual superiority. i have nkticed that for the most part non autists are stupid. REALLY fucking stupid. all they seem to care about is how many friends do i have on kikebook or how popular ami and this extroverted mindset rules their entire life. its also kind of sad. they have their shortcomings, but we are less common so ours are viewed as strange. the reason normies hate us is because we dont follow their ego driven behavior patterns and they are too stupid to see through it all and stupid people hate and attack what they dont understand. all they worry about is if they can get the new iphone so their friends wont reject them or if their life is as good as someones instagram page.

not me

on a more positive side, all non autists are more or less the same. they are the same car with different options installed. if you can figure out what buttons to push those mindless nt drones will love you. go read some psychology textbooks and you can have them wriggling on a line

I need to learn more about Goethe. What little I have read about the guy was fascinating. Got any good sources so I can learn senpai?

i'm slightly autistic as proven by the video games i play and i don't ...

Who am i kidding i don't fit in well at all.

People born with Autism also have a greatly reduced chance for cancer. Chances are it's an evolution to combat the rising cancer rates.

Mentats are the next step, drug-enhanced high-IQ savants who train their minds to think like a computer. It's the greenpill answer to technocracy. Anarcho-primitivists were only half-right, it's not all tech that's bad, only thinking machines. My hope is that as things get worse due to computers the potential for a Butlerian Jihad will grow and the age of the mentat will begin.

because always inside basement

thats only fun for a limited amount of time because you get them to act a certain way its not real nor authentic, you are just making them do things you like all the while knowing these people have no souls. it also helps to know that adults don't have friends, go be a nazi party member but don't bring up sonic, if you the sonic autist club don't bring up nazis, you can't have everything at once

>trying to tell yourself your autism makes you special
Kek. Fuck off retard.

I need to know more. Any good websites or forums on this, bro?


You can train yourself to be highly sociable and functional outside. But it's suffering and takes years.

Music, humor and going out with people older than me helped me tons. People don't believe me when I tell them I've always considered myself shy and introvert.

Dood ... no comet in 11,000 bc, that's when the great flood was. Also the Caucasian mountains are "Atlantis" bc it took awhile for the floodwaters of Black Sea and Caspian Sea to recede after the glaciers melting (glacis melt = big flood)

we are the intellectual ubermensch. i have in fact noticed that they are all a bunch of mindless soulless drones who only live for shallow, meaningless social acceptance and only what falls under that umbrella. we are really the only self aware people these days. its like society isnt worth fitting into anyway.

Absolutely my friend, absolutely

This. Fuck outta here snowflakes.

Autism was made up by Jewish doctors to sell pills

I think it's less about some mystical ability you've been endowed
with, and more about a lifetime’s worth of experience with a brain
that forces unconventional thinking.

Most people are smarter than me, but they don’t have the same
drive that pushes me to figure things out.

It doesn’t matter how fast you figure things out if you can’t/won’t
invest any time in it.

this hit pretty hard user
please try and keep it more positive
That's more like it. Agree completely user. There is nothing wrong with me, I am simply disinterested in social interaction and have been given a diagnosis to explain symptoms not otherwise explainable.

this. a intelligence without knowledge is like a car without gasoline-it gets ylu nowhere.

Just read Dune, Frank Herbert was redpilled as fuck. I know it's fiction but the novel will blow your mind with possibilities about how to run an advanced society without computers. If more people here read it I think Butlerian Jihad (destruction of all thinking machines) could take off as a meme

I'm very autistic yet at the same time apparently really charismatic.
Seems like if I focus hard I can be Avery charming man. (Learned it from movies)

What chemicals cause autism in men? How do a few women end up with autism too? Is it linked prenatal exposure to testosterone?

Autism is a genetic mutation caused by post-war chemicals. It was super rare until world war 1 when heavy metal toxins started causing birth defects in europe.

The US and UK realized there was a serious divergence between the kids from affected areas of chemical warfare and normal children around 1920, so the Rockefeller foundation decided to start tracking and identifying these kids; particularly because of how good they were at pattern recognition, math and abstract planning (4d thinking, lateral analysis). Large sums were spent in the buildup for world war II on identifying these neuro-atypicals to put them into advanced programs for training. Post-war, there were tons of darpa programs designed to explicitly try and force higher IQ's and more autists to be born. Which is why certain chemicals such as iodine were injected into the food system which could encourage stronger brain development.

Are all autists relevant ? or are they all able to function ? No. Think of the standard autist like a Mutant from the X-men. Some of them can write code for pacemakers or design a new form of surgery. Some of them just like to sit in a corner and talk about trains. Others plan whole war doctrines while taking a shit. The problem is normie society is not wired to deal with Autists so like all tribes of human outcasts, there is a natural urge to leave and find your own kind. Which is how MMO's and communities like SA (4ch) self organized. Much like how proto-cultures started when Sapiens left Neanderthals behind. Sapiens still interacted with their "normie" cousins, but eventually started their own society. We are just witnessing that moment in the past 30 years. It will accelerate over the next 30 as user's grow up and gen_4 user's (Millennial kids, 4th generation with the internet) start to come of age.
related redpill; ask Stan Lee where Chris Clairmont got the idea for the "X-men". Excelsior goes really silent when you bring up Project Alexander

the autism birthrate is exploding so fast we will be the majority by 2025. then women will have no choice, 4channers, far righters and genius nerds will finally rise! we are the ubermensch. the normie cannot compete with us on an intellectual level, they can just spout their unintelligent drivel to more people since they are so likeable

That's fascinating. Do you have a source? There's a rumor in my family that a WWI vet ancestor of mine was affected by poisonous gas and infected several subsequent generations.

Doesn't this support the idea that vaccines are behind autism? It wouldn't surprise me if this was all intentionally done with any means possible. Also do you think the Jews will try to reverse autism now that high-funtioning atypicals are establishing self-aware communities that intend to overthrow the existing order?

the higher functioning autists are the ubermensch. our superintelligence is driving us to national socialism and other far right ideologies. if we go to the gym, we will be super strong AND super smart STEM pioneering, world building beings. weaponized autism is the manifestation of this. we are the only ones capable of doing battle with the kikes and we will win!

My power level is off the charts and I scored perfect on the ASVAB but they won't let me in because of my acne
So, your obviously bullshit fiction is bullshit. You won't be able to name a single person "placed into an advanced program for training". When was the last time you ever heard about some recruiter going to someones house to recruit them for the mil? People are not sought out and "placed" into advanced programs almost ever in life, this is fiction that you believe because you've watched too much X-men. 99.99% of employed people have their job because they applied for it of their own volition, not because they were recruited into and brought on by some men in suits that visited their home.

I studied Goethe with a pre-eminent scholar (~60 year old Cincinnati Jew a la Jerry Spring to be exact), but he dropped dead of a heart attack right after, so idk what to tell you. He always yelled at me for being too loud, but he really liked me deep down, he wast just a nebbish yid.

>How to destroy civilization as we know it ina s single step

Sonic and Hitler would have gotten along splendidly. Besties for sure

CRISPR will be reserved only for the (elite)

Though people with autism face many challenges because of their condition, they may have been capable hunter-gatherers in prehistoric times. Today autistic children are fed by their parents so hunger does not guide their interests and activities. Because they can obtain food free of effort, their interests are redirected toward nonsocial activities, such as stacking blocks, flipping light switches or collecting bottle tops,

I'm not at my home PC but you can look up the Rockefeller archives, New england journal medical archives and their early work in journal of neurochem on why they made the IQ test and neuro boosters. You can also look up the old league of nations notes as to why they put iodine and mercury in water/injections to boost IQ and extend the life of IQ causing chemicals back in the 20's.

I dont think the direct reason for vaccines was autism. Ford, Carnigie and Rockefeller foundations spent money to cure Polio and Smallpox and documented it pretty heavily.

Yes, mustard gas, sarin, thalimide babies were all heavily mutated. Many people, generation 6/7 babies now still carry atypical markers from their great great grandparents.

>11k years ago = 11k bc
You realize we're in 2017, right?

I hope you're right, I'm worried about the autism rates starting to rise in the jews and shitskins. Will they be getting more geniuses now?

Civilization is older than computers

no, and not to our level. a trained monkey is still a monkey. the only reason any become smart is because they use our tools and knowledge to do so.

With the inbreeding rates of shitskins the past 1000 years, they need as little autism as possible.

Cool. Nobody can verify your claim of a high ASVB so its irrelevant. You can however look up the facts that there were non-LARP project groups founded by NGO's to study the effects of heavy metals on child development and UNICEF / League (Health Council) which ratified boosters. So I'll leave it at that.

As for the programs, Gifted private schools and government subsidized training groups are established as a fact. Google it. I'm not saying they are all .mil, however some of them definitely are. I used the x-men as an analogy to describe autistic spectrum disorder. Some autists are very useful, some are fucking useless.

The X-men concept itself was derived however from how some of these schools operated. You can read the history of Marvel Comics and it's a whole chapter wedged inbetween the Jim Shooter and Ditko era's. The name "X-men" was taken from the old OSS program, and camp X (in Canada). If they called it the J-men, it would have been killed by the censors.

will read dune, thanks for the rec!

They kept testing me, they did not label me as autistic. I was put in classes for slow people.

Later I gained a group of close friends, they where all autistic.

every person I dated turned out to be autistic.

It is a common insult for my coworkers to say I am autistic.

The things I am obsessed with became my living as an adult. So they are just mad I am more skilled then them

Now I am going to marry and the activities will serve the partnership well.

Still not sure I am autistic but I do love autistic people deeply because they are the only ones who tell me their real feelings, therefore I dont have to figure them out.

You speak the truth.

Hitler would have harnessed autism in such a way that we would never be able to joke about >german efficiency



I think it's just humans adapting to changes in society. High-functioning autists enjoy doing repetitive jobs for hours on end, don't need much social interaction, learn quickly, and can mentally sort knowledge in a way that makes them an encyclopedia on whatever subject they feel like learning. Those are all huge advantages in the modern world. If not for most jobs still requiring a social aspect, they'd be running the world.

High functioning psychopaths will eat the autismos for breakfast.

he probably was autostic

(((social aspect))) its just the jews way of keeping aryan super geniuses out of their power circle. we would mop the floor with the kikes if we could overcome the communication problem

No sunlight, no (((fresh air))), no problems

But what about Tay

We would be, if we ever got to go to space.

or its because we exist on a higher intellectual plane than NTs do. we have conversations to learn and share as much information on a topic as we can, to share ideas on a topic and dissect it, to exchange as much info on a topic as possible like a thread on Sup Forums. nts have conversations only to bond and feel accepted and as such they are willing to hide or sacrifice their own ideas and beliefs to gain peer approval. these people are intellectually brain dead. normies are fucking stupid. they are so dependent on their fragile ego based on peer acceptance that they will do anything to get it to the point of self destruction. when that fragile ego is shattered, they become maniacally depressed, which is why you see so many cyber bullying victimes offing themselves. dont bother trying to talk politics with one. any topic that requires deep original thought will be like steven hawking trying to teach quantum mechanics to a toddler. they will just look at you like youre the stupid one and get angry with you because actual discussion of thought makes them uncomfortable, especially when its not on their terms. theyre just not worth talking to unless you need to, like at work for example. but outside of that theyre all braindead soulless drones.

Seriously, what would happen if humans move on to space?
In what ways would humans adapt to space?

Autism is caused by fluoride and mercury vaccines

This, they are like NPCs of a game, just a pawn.

>evolution "failing"
>a species "devolving"
evolution cannot fail, it just selects for the best individual survival tactic in a given environment. Evolution "failing" would be a lack of any change, instead of a change that you don't like. Low IQ is a bad thing to happen, and autists don't reproduce, but the proper term would be "dead end" not "failure". Like a fish that adapts to eat only plastic which dies as soon as we clean up the ocean, causing species death

if we get ahold of a psychology textbook we become the sheperds and they the sheep. we can play to their insanely extroverted desires to gain an advantage if we know which buttons to press. giving them the ego and praise they crave is the easiest way to manipulate them.