Literally no interesting anime this summer season

>literally no interesting anime this summer season
What the fuck is happening?


They are at least 2

Is this your first summer watching anime? They're always worse than springs

>this is the worst season ever!
Every fucking season. Why do you people never shut up?

>doesn't understand what digging deeper hole means
Everything before wss better, everything forward will be worst such is nature

Is anime dying or are we just growing up?

>not watching all the new SoL moeshit every season

Fuck off. The endless supply of moeshit is what keeps me alive.

>it's my first year on Sup Forums and I had no idea this spring was way above average and now my expectations are skewed high

>not watching the AOTY

You're growing up. Move up to books and manga.

it's dying mate. the anime is dying

Pretty much but at least berserk will be bad enough that it's fun/funny to watch.

>this spring was way above average

Love Live senpai, smdh

>Anne Happy
>Kuma Miko

>not watching anime after it's done airing
waiting a week between episodes is suffering.

I can only watch anime when it's airing, for some autistic reason.

Probably autism.

Every damn season there is at least one fag like OP. Every damn season.

I'll admit it's a bit of a slim season this time around, especially in the shorts department, but if you can't find at least 10 shows you want to watch, you need to get the fuck off Sup Forums.

Mediocre anime is a lot easier to watch when its weekly.
I can't even finish decent anime off my backlog.

Newfaggotry is happenning.
>abloobloo nothing good is on!!!!

Every fucking season, and yet you never fuck off. This season was one of the best in recent memory and people still did it.

I dunno about you, but I watch it as it airs for two reasons: one, to keep up with the threads here, and two, because it helps me keep track of time and days of the week.

Reading the next season list, I always think that it's going to be terrible
>harem shit
>shounen shit
>SoL shit
>rehashes and cliches up the ass
Then I actually watch the shows and everything turns out better than expected.

People don't actually watch anime when it's not airing right? What's the point if you're not watching with Sup Forums?

There's no discussion to be had unless it's an anime original and those are extremely rare. Everything based on LN/manga will have faggots spoiling everything so you might as well just read the original works.

You can atleast look forward to Hishiron gifs.

All shit. More like
>Flying Witch

These kinds of threads are just recommendation threads.

there's never any less than 5 really good shows, or 10 shows worth watching, and I'll usually average between 15-20 shows whether it's all the way or not regardless, out of the 40-50 that have been airing the last couple years

It also for anons to vent out their frustration in the form of bitching and moaning.

What? Summer line up is better than springs one.

>Mob Psycho
>New Game
>sequels everywhere

Just because Berserk is going to suck ass doesn't make it an automatic shit season

Jesus christ no.

They should realize anime is like any other fucking medium out there - most of the yearly output is forgotten quickly. How many super memorable games came out last year? How about movies? You could probably think of either less than 5, or 5-10ish. Same thing for anime.

Still though I have much more fun watching a 6/10 anime than I do a 6/10 TV show or movie. I don't know why that is, but maybe because the medium overall between many works tends to lack the obnoxious tryhard nature very common to AAA games and movies.

Compelling argument.

See you next summer