Who else /anarcho-primitivist/ here?
Who else /anarcho-primitivist/ here?
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Commie shit.
Ethno-transhumanist here. Looking forward to the war, pinko faggot
sup bro
>accidentally invent farming by shitting out seeds on fertile soil
>pack/tribe lynches you
>the lynches the guy who started the mob for inventing lynching
>using a computer
I start in a week
anyone who champions any kind of system other than capitalism is a delusional retard
Sure you do, pal. Sure you do.
that about sums up most anarchofags honestly.
Reporting in
Farming wouldn't have been possible without the exceptionally stable climate which developed at the start of the Holocene around 10,000 years ago. In my opinion it was kind of a fluke of environmental circumstance that wouldn't have occurred under normal circumstances.
Also, quality of life for early farmers was way lower than it was for hunter-gatherers. Farmers worked longer hours than their ancestors, succumbed to diseases much more frequently, were like half a foot shorter due to malnutrition, and likely lived shorter lives too. That's not to mention things like slavery, taxation, war, multiculturalism, and all of the other things which developed as offshoots of civilization. In light of that, maybe they'd be right to lynch the guy who invented farming.
Techno-primitivism. Understand and account for your needs and limitations as a biological organism with a specific evolutionary history. Use technology to support those needs, not fight them.
what do they even believe in? no tech whatsoever? caveman? how do they feel about metals?
>*grabs rock*
>*teleports behind you*
>In light of that, maybe they'd be right to lynch the guy who invented farming.
"I'm going to stay where ya sleep all day, where they boiled in oil the inventor of toil, in the Big Rock Candy Mountains."
Well, in theory, sure. As a pragmatist, I recognize it ain't gonna happen, so I'll stick with homesteading.
>"Sorry, didn't see you there"
Derrick Jensen's books aren't bad.
Hilariously, his organization is now target #1 for trannies, because his lesbo sidekick is a TERF.
Strange times.
I'm here to kick your asses
I'm deeply sympathetic to an-prim, having spent weeks at a time primitive camping and hunting/gathering, it's maximum comfy. The inherent problem is that it's unworkable short of a complete and total societal collapse and even then, agricultural societies will eventually reform.
I can't wait for the Luddites to be purged
With your infinite jew techno magic, can't you just give us a forest preserve to ape around in? You can laugh as we fuck on logs and eat fish.
One would think, eh? But remember: transhumanism is the best idea ever so even those who don't want it have to be forced into upgrading :^)
Why not traditional Anarchism with an Identitarian twist? Something like Anarchist Spain except a strong ethno-nationalist feeling.
No, you would be wasting valuable resources that could be put to better use elsewhere.
Just like communism right?
Your entire "ideology" is pretty much just a slightly more extreme version of the Amish.
Do this first then come talk to me.
Your point being? You ever churn your own butter or fuck a goat? Shit is cash.
Don't you mean anarcho-faggot ?
What do anarcho-primitivists think about feminine boys? How will we survive?
I have actually met John Zerzan before in Olympia, WA.
I think it's an interesting idea but I have bi polar disorder and need my medicine badly. I would basically be left for dead.
spoken like a true commie
Most of you are vegan. So it wouldn't work even if you tried. Most anarchists are scrawny. You need a chieftain to lead and fight off foreign humans from taking your resources. You hate nationalism/tribalism though.
I'm thrilled that your finally using your brain for new ideas though. It's cute.
An healthy forest with resident primates *is* a resource.
Interestingly, Derrick Jensen has severe Crohns. In his books, he talks about his medicine stockpile, and that he'd be glad to die once it runs out if it meant the dismantling of industrial civilization.
You're asking me to justify the existence of ecosystems? Holy shit. Read some fucking ecology.
since we're talking about the far future, who says we will even be biological?
Having 95% of the world's population starve to death so they can LARP as cavemen.
I call that degenerate, and immoral to completely remove all of nature.
Fucking leaf. Spend a week in the Atikaki, Quetico, or Kluane and LIVE.
degenerate is a buzzword, but limiting humanity's potential for some misguided reverence of nature is foolish.
That wouldn't be war. Slaughter of primitives is just clearing land of the animals.
The only ones that will benefit from any transhumanist advances are rich chinks and gooks.
>hurrr only rich people will own computers
What is there to protest as a primitivist? Just go live deep in the forest where nobody will ever find you.
The general public is permitted to purchase technology far below the level of the oligarchy and power structures. So by the time you get your weeabo cyborg body, the oligarchs will be doing things neither of us can conceive of.
Pollution, habitat destruction, wildlife extermination, climate collapse
Also, even on BLM (no, not bklvsmatter), land, which is much more libertine than Forest Service, you can't just live freely.
literally fucks trees
Yeah, he's a bit cringe. But since most of our governmental leaders fuck kids, a tree-humper is at least an improvement. Zerzan is better. But "Endgame" is a quality work, and "Deep Green Resistance" (the text) taught me a lot that is applicable to the Right, kek
meanwhile in reality
>typing shit on internet forum with compooter...
You might doing it wrong...Do it right please. It'll save both you and me...but most me some cringe.