New Kingsman Movie


The Left, intolerant as ever, is throwing another fit now and it is over this film. They're labeling it (((misogynistic))). The more cucked, more Islam-loving, race baiting, white hating the publication, the more they hate Kingsman. Who here has seen it?

Breitbart review is worth a read:
>Men behave like men: with guns, baseball bats, fists or rapier wit. They dress like men too: Cowboy hats for the Americans; bespoke Savile Row suits for the British. Women behave like women: devious, decorative, dangerous. And rippling beneath the surface are a number of robustly conservative subtexts. One is: Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem

>‘Because we don’t have a bunch of Hollywood suits telling us what to do. If we did, I promise you wouldn’t be liking the movie,’ says Vaughn, listing all the things that would never have been permitted in the first Kingsman film by a conventional Hollywood studio: the comedy violent massacre in the Baptist church; the exploding heads; the scene where various world leaders get blown up; the swearing; the complicated plot; the post-modern references.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off with your viral advertising kikes.


saw it last night.

It was good fun. Had some flaws, and not as great as the first. However, it was still a comfy ride.

Look, kike is scared Gen Z aren't looking to (((Hollywood))) for entertainment

The president did literally nothing wrong desu.

Are you sure about that? Because they criticized Brexit.

WTF now I wanna see the new Kingsman.


and i'm including this fag "kingsman movie" in that statement. it's not "art". it's just horrible that our culture has become so artistically bankrupt that even something like this becomes too offensive to the lefty establishment.

>Kingsman thread
>No one is posting the church scene with the badass fight that would have been nothing but a shakey camera if anyone else did it

I saw it yesterday. I don't see what's so mysoginistic about it. The main villain who holds all the power is a woman.

kingsman really lacked diversity
sorry but a movie with mostly white guys just shouldn't be allowed anymore
nor is a maculine white guy even believable anymore, can't they get Sam Jackson or someone actually tough irl?

I demand all of Sup Forums boycott this movie

I thought these were generic corny action movies. I didn't realize they made the left so asshurt. Lel.

No, sorry, cant spin it for us. I dislike Trump at this point, but the whole president thing was just shoved in too awkwardly.

Although ill be honest, dude really wasnt too bad. Would vote for.

why did the white male kill all the church-goers?


>any movie that DOESN'T star a trans disabled POC battling white supremacy is an everything-ist

Loved the first one. I'll like this one, if liberals hate it.

> Reasonable post

> LGBT flag

What kind of alternate dimension am I living in???????????????

>art produced in 2017 does not exi-

But they orgasmed over the church scene in pt one.

The movie was pretty shit tbqh - terribly bloated, one too many subplots and obnoxious as hell.

The President and Whiskey did nothing wrong.

This movie was really good, worth a watch.

>kingsman really lacked diversity
yeah they did skip over the dirty muslim ridden streets of London...

>Bunch of white evangelical christians getting gunned down by a gay heretic with a black jewish boyfriend

Literally their dream

They were Presbyterians.