Russia Releases Photos Showing US Special Ops At ISIS Positions In Syria


What does pol think?

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Al Qaeda = CIA = ISIS = This is new to you?

Fuck off slavshit

ZOG government is sick. Evil.


>grainy photos with no markings



get this to alex jones. i want to hear david knight break it down tomorrow

Absolutely shameful. Why the fuck are "we" helping mudslimes.

White people will be regarded as a myth in the future. 911 marked the start of a war that will end with the population of USA and Europe replaced with muslims and every white person regarded as evil as a nazi.

The american people are being played like the nazis during ww2. Our leaders are not fighting the muslims, they are leading the war against us.

September 11 will be a new holiday to be celebrated as the D-Day of the war against the great Satan, white america. This is the project for a new american century. A replaced population with them still in charge and you as the villain.


If you are employed in the US it means your tax dollars go to welfare for illegals who don't get taxed, and also to fund child soldiers, slavery, and wanton murder in the Islamic state.

these are painful


Fucking greater Israel.

This is big news......ISIS and US forces fighting together WTF?





I think that I need a better source, pal.

is this bulllahiyt reAL?


ISIS done captured a shitton of our equipment from the Iraqi Army. All thats seen in this pic is our equipment, not our troops.

>russian propaganda cartoons
>implies russia isn't a democracy

What in the fuck this is autistic

Every time

this level of propaganda is so shitty, that you might be a coprophile




Don't scratch the surface of Silk Way Airlines as you may not like what you find.....

so,what does that talentless picture is supposed to teach us? russia shits on its neighbours? do you think it's a good thing? why are you such a coprophile?

These are really bad and just glorified countryballs which is already a reddit-appropriated meme.

Vomit inducing.




Silk Way Airlines...

Silk Way Airlines...

Silk Way Airlines...

Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights

Russia Ball seems to have forgotten his crumbling economy and rampant alcoholism.

Do you fuckers actually believe a foreign country with hostile intentions to your own fucking country over your own government?

Fucking unpatriotic cunts, get the fuck out and go live in Moscow for the rest of your shit life



I don't see anything.

Could be a decent thread, but this faggot with cringeballs ruined it.

lol I love these

COME ON user, do you really believe that your the USA would create, finance, and support a group that cartoonishly represents everything that would allow for a JusTwar(tm) in the middle east and therefore shut up the assholes who ask too many questions about our middle east adventures in defense of Israel?

Get out of here you paranoid schizoprehnic!

Hey you even know about the Dilyana documents?

Silk Way Airlines...weapons flowing in under cover of diplomatic coverage?

Wake up and smell the coffee..

This is the end of our current zero sum game, in an infinite game you can only play forever or attempt to flip the table

>Russia with shades

It's like he's trying to be America or something

Syria is not a just war....well at least you must be happy IRAQwas destroyed due to the Weapons of Mass Destruction.....

Millions of people slaughtered when it was the Saudis that financed and ran 9 11...

As dual American/Russian citizen, I can confirm how hilariously true these spicy may-mays are. You can even tell by the butt hurt they cause. Everybody's mad that Russia is the only white country left with no mountain of debt.

As a finngol/merican, gibs back Karelian clay faggot.

This is so long known n well documented for literally years now. Where the heck do you live ? Behind the moon ?? Or do you read mainstream news or something ?!

Yep it's so nice your entire family moved to the US


Oh look, someone is trying to slide the tread.... CIA sellout communists live and in action...

George Carllin nailed it decades ago. Mixed feelings about his routine because he helped sellout whites by attacking one of our last real cultural connections, our religious centers
This is theft
Also knocking down what was once a formidable opponent

>Weird balls
Jesus, what a cringe


What the fuck is this

Stfu cia leaf.
Noone believes u no more at this point.
U sold out your country and now u have no country no more that could belive u.
Give it up. U have lost. You destroyed yourself by destroying your host.

Meme warfare, friendo?

Nice cynism right there.

some will survive, they will be successful, the majority brown and black countries , which will be every country in the world, will be at endless war, with no economies, they will starve and war until there is nothing, than the whites will retreat from the shadows and rebuild, then communism dies


>Silk Way Airlines

You just figured this out now? He's literally running a shadow government from his house in washington.

Who has a link to the Dilyana document dump?




>This also helps explain why in June of this year, SDF forces allowed ISIS terrorists to peacefully leave Raqqa and head towards Deir ez-Zor

whoah, so all the fighting in Raqqa over the last 3 months has been CGI

Do you have a link to the Dilyana data dump?


No shit, everybody and their mother knows this and has known for decades. The problem is we cannot do anything about it.

We escaped communism and dangerous times of anarchy for the American dream, just to see the same bullshit ideology infect the country we defected to. My parents worked their way up to the top 1% from nothing. Now they are watching my generation as it plunges into degeneracy, debt and unemployment. The capitalist system that aided my parent's economic mobility no longer exists for their children.

>muh russia

Shills trying to slide thread.

A bunch of sand in a circle?

Where is the ISIS? Where is USA? What is this nonsense?

Hey OP. Are you trying to nig me or something?



We recently took a long trip back to Russia after not being there for many years. We kind of regret leaving because capitalism seems to be booming over there. No minorities, little to no debt, strong sense of community, feminine women, masculine men. Everything America used to be.

How do these pictures show anything?

Read the article...

Also the photo used us not the one from the article...the one from the article is different, more defined and outlines positions better...

Also read up about Dilyana. The journalist who went to Aleppo and discovered crates of ISUS weapons then methodically traced them back to CIA....

Also she documents that backs all this up.

so much weird shit happening between isis and the spooks in the US these days, like those ISIS commanders being flown out of syria to afghanistan, like, what the fuck. Is anyone even in charge?

Only post that makes sense in the thread and not one reply. Sup Forums has become a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing autists


Trig if Brue.

>photos of something
>read up on ...
>documents back it up

Nigga you ain't got shit.

Should we be surprised?

the trips of truth are nothing new

everyone should know already that isis is a CIA mossad joint venture. i mean they even apologized to israel after accidently attacking their troups, and i think attacked israel directly once even though taking back the holy country from the dirty jews should be top priority. instead they attack fellow other muslim. they are always seen with western equipment and vehicles too.

Archived it


This is old news. Why do you think there has never been a single documented attack on Israel by ISIS even though they are in the region?

Read the article.....

Do you know about Silk Way Airlines?

Do you know about Dilyana?

Do you know the US which controls the dam is releasing water to raise the Euphrates river to protect ISIS?

The Syrian army is trying to get on the east side of Euphrates to fight ISIS. To thwart them US is raising the water level.

Freedom fighter


What are bridges, what are elicopters or airplanes

I don't get the meme. If you are assuming that I am a Jewish-Russian immigrant, you are very wrong. My family is Germanic-Russian.

>mfw people from Sup Forums try to talk about the middle east