why is Japan a safe country?
Why is Japan a safe country?
Because we don't have jews nor niggers, you dumb cunt.
Strict policy on Immigration and strong nationalism. NIPPON BANZAI ICHIBAN!
Why commit crime when you have waifus?
Because Mama China's loving touch is being stopped by the US.
because your leaders aren't actively trying to make it an unsafe one for the native population
Because we nuked them into unconditional surrender before the JEWSSR could take half.
No niggers and mudslimes.
The same can be said about every country with a homogenous population with strong nationalism.
But Japan is even more superior due to its people and culture, honor and love for their culture comes naturally there.
As opposed to Germany where kids are thought they are monsters who need to repent from elementary school.
>japan starts up a new police force known as weeb patrol
Because you don't arrest the Yakuza and they self-police all crime that is unsanctioned brutally.
a horrible lack of 'minorities'
That's because you cover shit up
>you will never live in japan
>you will always be surrounded by muds and niggers
Pride and shame.
They are taught right from wrong and feel shame when doing wrong. If they're hell-bent on it they go to yakuza, but even then they'll feel some guilt.
It's the same reason homeless people are so clean and their makeshift houses so well kept. Pride.
There's just nothing to compare to it in western civilization. It's too bad you hate yourselves, and maybe that is the consequence of order.
Pretty much. The Yakuza almost completely run Japan.
Don't worry. Japanese believe in reincarnation, so maybe you'll luck out next life. That's what I'm hoping for.
Yakuza finally have things locked down.
0 test men
very few niggers and muslims
high iq homogenous country
Red pill me on Japan. I hear from people who argue that immigration is good that Japan is actually in the middle of a crisis because it is losing population and is growing stagnant as a nation because noone is doing low end sector jobs or soemthing.
I think you're overstating it, the State allows them to operate because it's beneficial.
Oh look it's the gook poster
Japs are safe because if you don't work you die and they are taught that work is the best fucking thing in the world. They neglect their family, friends, food, and even their own health just to put in overtime to impress a boss who is only impressed for 5 fucking seconds before you need to repeat. All those fucking animoos with the parents never home are actually true to life especially with women joining the work force more and more.
Japan is a safe country but it's also a souless place if you are not a deadbeat or Otaku and if you are foreign it's just plain shit
All the men are either too busy fapping to tentacle porn or have no time to actually commit crimes because they spend 26 hours a day at work
Japan is a draconian nanny state that has literal thought police, I dont trust any media out of that nipPrison state they just cover up all crimes dont report it
Or whites so stay the fuck out
aka no blacks
they're not black, they're an ethnostate, and they have very little migrants.
this basically, it's really our fault they have any leeches at all (sans Koreans)
Japan sounds like a horrible place to live. Shame culture, heavily closed society, people aren't even capable of relationships so the population is declining. Who would want to live like that?
It hasn't learned to be multicultural yet.
Because Japanese court is hell and if you get in it you're guaranteed a guilty verdict.
>Japan doesn't have whites
sure mate
Also if you are white Japan is a great place to vacation as the women are fucking horny and desperate. A fat balding White guy can walk away with an 8/10 because the women are almost never given the dick
Fbpb end thread now mods
peaceful, level-headed and not completely fucking stupid men
It's fine. Weebs with strong yellow fever just wish that Japan had more immgrants (them) to impregnate Japanese wimminz.
Its 99% the same race
Its not black or Muslim
Fairly wealthy
Low unemployment
Culture that demands conforming and not standing out
Its an island were illegal goods are difficult to come by
plus the Japanese actually tend to like white Americans. It's usually niggers and spics that cause trouble because they don't understand how culture works
No Islam + good genetics
Low Testosterone
Yeah and the few whites they have push more diversity, act like niggers, or are worthless weebs
No refugees
There's the nigger behavior
That sounds like something I hear mostly about Canadian vloggers and English teachers
didnt some marines kill and rape a bunch of people in okinawa?
Because their criminals are in the government
A true paradise
It was a nigger marine.
Its safe but that doesn't mean theres no crime. Corruption is wide spread
An old teacher of mine in high school used to lament how safe England was
when he visited with his new wife in the mid 60s. It was so safe you could walk around most of London late at night with little concern for safety. Now it's a cesspool of stabbings, robberies, grooming gangs, acid attacks and driving while muslim.
>diversity has consequences.
will you accept me and my white skin? hajimashete
I dream about learning Japanese, going and living in a pod-like apartment (one you can stand up in fully at least), and just spend my days gaming and only working part time.
English teachers cry about Japan not opening up to niggers
White niggers through fits when they're not liked and when they find some places won't let them in
Weebs think they're Japanese and understand Japanese culture
I wonder why.
Weebs are niggers inside out.
Japan doesn't need you, ya lazy weeb
Whites are seen as niggers in Japan. And for good reasons
>those jealousy
feels good
Japan is the modern world's promised land.
>working part time
foreigners tend to be very miserable working in japan
Don't forget you can't even visit the country if you've been convicted of anything, at least if you're from the USA.
Three servicemen kidnapped a schoolgirl and took turns with her for a few hours in a rented van. Then the commanding general said something like she deserved it. Bad, bad PR.
That's what we heard about. The rest is kept quiet.
Okinawans fucking hate the US military. Partially because of incidents like this, partially because the USA turned Okinawa to fucking tarmac, and Okinawa is the test bed for flying coffins like the Osprey.
Okinawans really got fucked over.
When I was in Japan for two weeks, the only problem I ever saw was from black foreigners in Harajuku...the ones who stand on the street and try to get people to buy their shit. The Japanese themselves were absolutely lovely people though.
A sense that they're all in it together and they're working together for their mutual benefit.
They make their inmates work
Marines and Sailors do that on the regular, that's why the naval base in Okinawa is always on lock-down and generally why its considered the worst post to have.
aka no shit sherlock
Wrong. I am in the process of obtaining my graduate degree and becoming fluent in Japanese. If I succeed, I apply for the "highly skilled workers" visa and obtain permanent residency.
Bye bye United States, I am coming home
While i concede it's undeniably safer than any analogous western nation, crime being underreported, as well as police corruption and gangs are still rife throughout Japan.
Any given night in roppongi there are literal roving drug induced rape gangs of african migrants(?) / tourists.
>shame culture and heavily closed society
>a bad thing
Sure beats living surrounded by nogs or arab oe juus
You don't wanna become a criminal in Japan. I know. I played P5.
Like yours ?
Only when weebs go in with unrealistic expectations that naturally don't get met. Otherwise, it's pretty fun
the jews
>Three servicemen
You misspelled "niggers".
I had the same experience. fucking ugandans.
I actually lost my wallet in akihabara and was totally fucked. it had all money, cards, id, and shit. A store owner walked me like half a mile to the police so I could file a report, and by the time I finished filling it out a cop came out the back room and handed me my wallet with everything still inside. Unbelievable. Would never happen in any US city.
Oh I wonder... It mustn't have anything to do with no shitskins or jews, because that would be politically incorrect.
>Red pill me on Japan.
It's a ridiculously oppressive police state. Imagine how the cops treat the people while "hunting for things to do", you basically get harassed at every corner by bored cops looking into literally everything. 100% CCTV surveillance coverage, 100% communication surveillance, and so on.
Meanwhile the actual gangsters in "those" parts of town can do whatever they want of course.
But the Japs are used to living like cattle so this is perfectly normal to them. Unfortunately it's becoming normal in the rest of the world too, I thought America would be against that, you had a good start in the late 90s/early 00s, but no one seems to give a shit anymore.
Why are African countries such a shithole?
So... how about busting yakuza and getting rid of it?
aka kys
>Japan is a safe country
>Japan doesn't accept muslim or nigger immigrants
I wonder if the two are somehow related?
>underreported crime
>police quickly 'resolving' cases
>Yakuza completely infused with legal businesses and politicians
It's not an anime utopia you retards think it is.
Wigger trash needs to stay out as well. You're not welcome here
What were the crime rates back when places like Sweden and Britain were still ethnically homogeneous? What are the other most safe countries in the world, also homogeneous?
>muh underreported crime
>muh Yakuza
hope you look japanese, otherwise you'll never fit in.
>People who have no idea what they're talking about spewing bullshit.
Wow it's like I'm on Reddit
Yes Japan is going to be losing population in the near future assuming the current trend. But never base a theory off the CURRENT trend.
The work culture sucks in Japan right now, partly because the country is still run by the baby boomers. As a result, people, men and women, work a ton of hours and barely have time to mingle and have a family and kids. As the baby boomers die, this will change ever so slightly.
Not to mention, Japan's government and media outlets (TV, news, and anime) are pushing a lot of content on younger generations now about having a family and kids (pic related). Considering how collectivist Japan is, it's probable that younger people will feel socially responsible to have kids in a few years, or face a certain degree of shame from society.
And even if the population stays relatively stagnant, why is that such a bad thing? People always talk about how overpopulation is such a problem, but then demand that countries with declining birth rates start pumping out children or immigrants. I'm [almost] convinced at this point that it IS a Jewish plot to fill first world, high success countries with easily manipulated niggers. Why the hell does Japan need to start mixing cultures? I want to go to Japan again to experience Japanese things, not American or European or African or Arabic things.
my jappy friend once told me that someone got killed with a crossbow over there. can you confirm?
>Takeda Nii
god damn i'm fucking salty. why can't my country be as down to earth and badass like japan.
japan being the promise land is a lie
African countries are divided into bunch of tribes, so...