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Here to answer questions about gardening
Thanks for the new thread buddy.
The first 100 breads are out of the oven but there's still a lot of work to be done.
As always feel free to ask me about farming (classic, hydro/aquaponics or small scale home growing), farm animals, baking, off grid energy...
Cityfag here, I live in an apartment complex in a studio apartment. Do you have any good ideas on how I can make a garden on my patio or something?
What countries in Europe will let me homeschool my kids freely?
Should I bother with raised garden beds? And is growing mushrooms worth the hassle?
Look up Square Foot Gardening for containers, small spaces, 5 gallon buckets, and hanging baskets. Look into growing things vertically. Once you get a grasp, look into indoor hydroponics.
I'm a 5'5 manlet, there's no way I can self improve.
How do you save broccoli seeds and other plants like that where the seeds are tiny? Bigger seeds are simple enough but the tiny kinds I thought was too much of a hassle.
I got a uv light from my sister when her pet lizard thing died, is that all I need to grow weed?
What kind of herbs do you think would work best in such containers?
Personally I like raised beds because it offers me better control over my soil environment, plus I put mesh wire on the underside of my raised beds to prevent moles from idgging under my garden and fucking up plant roots.
Mushrooms are pretty easy for the most part as long as you do all the steps of sterilization correctly. It's a bunch of hassle day 1 but after that it's just waiting for them to spawn and grow.
6'0" Here, am I good?
Not exactly sure of your question, but I use small baggies to store the seeds. Then I put my seed baggies in a seed binder for organization. I keep that in a temperature controlled room away from the sun.
Nearly any herb. Herbs need to be separated because they are like tasty weeds and invasive in many cases. But you can plant pretty much any herb and it will thrive in a container, even with a bit of neglect.
I've been reading about raised beds for a while and this is first time I'm hearing about the mesh wire tip. Awesome.
What are you exactly seeing validation for? Who cares about your height -- you cant change it so it doesn't belong in /SIG/?
I mean how do you save the seeds from the last crop? You just shake em on a plate and dry them out or what? I tried that and all the broccoli seeds blew away.
You are kidding yourself if you honestly believe this. Be a good person, get fit, work hard, and do stuff that sets your heart on fire, stuff you truly love to do.
Friend of mine is like 5'3 and is /fit/, is a big hit with girls and lives a nice /out/ life. Your height doesn't matter. You can improve yourself.
and giving the thread a bump.
Learn a trade, learn basic skills, this is the place to improve your life.
None without a very good reason.
The good part is that almost all of them have not totally fucked up primary schools and from the secondary stage on everything from good public schools to private schools of every color.
If you can do it, do it bro. And no Mushrooms are not worth it. It's pretty much a science of it's own for a very small crop.
It's just the usual rutin as with every other seed. Just know how to prime them. Every seed you can harvest is worth it as it will be a more acclimated to the climate and net you a larger crop then your mother plant.
Clone every single strong plant you're able to and collect as much seeds from them as possible. those are your real winners that will guarantee you a awesome crop in the next year.
You gotta keep a close eye on your plants and collect on the right day, not too soon or not too late. Another thing you can try is taking tiny clear plastic baggies and tying them around parts of the plant that will soon produce seed, in order to catch them. Don't do this all over the plant, but just in small sections here and there.
I get the process of saving seeds and all that, it's just actually collecting the seeds off the broccoli plant and not having them go all over the place and losing them all. Just trying to see what you guys do. My next strategy will be to bend the plant over a big sheet and hope the seeds don't get caught in a breeze.
That might work but they seed vertically so you'd have to break the little stems off and tilt the whole thing upright or the seeds will just fall out when you untie it.
Need to drop the gardening shit in these threads. It's pure retardation. Growing a fucking tomato isn't going to save your life or make you healthier. Vegan retards need to get lost.
Oh I got it all wrong, sorry buddy.
I just use a sheet of baking paper once I harvest my seeds as it does the job and you can cut it what ever way you need it. There's always some loss but it works.
>Growing a fucking tomato isn't going to save your life
You don't know that.
It's sugar.
The tomato/paprika plants you grow feeds you and the rabbit/chicken family you have for life and those will feed you with tasty meet while keeping your garden clean...
>It's just the usual rutin as with every other seed. Just know how to prime them. Every seed you can harvest is worth it as it will be a more acclimated to the climate and net you a larger crop then your mother plant.
>Clone every single strong plant you're able to and collect as much seeds from them as possible. those are your real winners that will guarantee you a awesome crop in the next year.
It is important to note that if the mother plant is a hybrid the seeds won't be true. The seeds from hybrids tend to go toward one of the grand parent plants or the other. You won't get the same plant you collected from. If you are going to save seed you really need to go with non hybrid plants. That's not to say that hybrids are bad, they are great, but the cross benefits of the cross don't hold up into the next generation. It's not some evil plot or (((them))) or anything, it is just how the genetics work out.
I biked 22 miles today lads. How did I do?
I agree 100% with your post buddy.
I just assume that any "small garden" farmer will start wil local pure seeds and not some fucked up hyper productive hybrid seeds.
I do just that and that is what I advice any user to do.
Get local seeds, grow local plants, grow more of the best.
I'm not vegetarian or vegan.... Gardening is a great way to learn how to be self-sustainable. If SHTF, you better believe niggers will go hungry and ape shit, and having a way to make your own food will save you. You know, like how our ancestors did for thousands of years.
not with that self-loathing attitude you won't.
Good. I'm Envious. I use to love riding my bike all over the place, but after a back surgery removed a good part of my lower back around the tail bone area I can't do it anymore. I just take long walks now, great for listening to audio books, lectures, and podcasts.
Just posting to say good job guys. There's a lot of negativity on this board, but you guys actually want to fix problems instead of just complaining about them.
I somewhat know what you mean, even with a comfortable bike with pretty high handlebars my back starts killing me after prolonged seated petaling.That must suck.
Recommend me a good calendar app/program. I would like to avoid Google for obvious reasons but will accept it if it's the best.
I might add: /out/ has a home growing thread where you can find people from all over the world that are willing to send you seeds and help you with any kind of home growing problems,
Just be nice and don't shit the thread up.
Nice. I need to check /out/ more
Curious about that too
I've done some search and sad to say, Google Calendar is apparently the best.
Any tips for someone trying to kick cigarettes?
Quitting jerking off to porn is one of the hardest things. I keep relapsing. Is there a point where it becomes easy? Will it always be a struggle?
Does anybody here has a good resource for home exercises with minimal equipment? I'm currently rebuilding my life, that means I'm short on cash and can't afford a gym sub or fancy equipment.
Body weight exercises. I use old bicycle inner tubes as resistance bands. Works pretty well.
When i was in USMC boot the smoker fags had about 4 days of hell and then got over it. A lot of them went back to smoking after they got out but they lasted 90 days without a cig.
Save up some PTO and buy a tent and some food and go camping for a bit. Take a friend with you. Go fishing and enjoy nature for a few weeks. The addiction jew if its tobacco or liquor can be easily broken if you break away from civilization.
>Quitting jerking off to porn is one of the hardest things. I keep relapsing. Is there a point where it becomes easy? Will it always be a struggle?
once you are creampie-ing your wife on a regular basis, yes, its very easy to not jerk off.
Also, as you get older your sex drive goes down.
This is some good advice, I'll try to go camping soon.
I am struggling, working out is hard, especially with education, but I'm trying to. Right now, I am building a desk riser to kill the sitting jew.
there are loads of body weight routines out there, but most of them are garbage (just like most weight routines are garbage to be fair)
I'd avoid routines that have you just increase the number of basic motions. for example if something tells you to work up to doing 100 push ups in a row, then it's probably garbage. it should have you working up to one arm push ups and then to handstand push ups and it should have you do multiple sets of 5-15 of those "lifts"
can't really vouch for these, but I'd look into convict conditioning, the naked warrior, overcoming gravity, and if you want some Sup Forums edge centurion method. all but centurion method are easily found over on library genesis
also might be worth checking out the bodyweightfitness subreddit
there used to be a regular bodyweight thread on one of the boards here but I can't find it. one occasionally pops up on /fit/, but I feel like there was a more consistent one tied to mma kind of stuff on like Sup Forums or something
also consider high intensity interval training and plyometrics
>survived cancer, since then been kind of lost for a long time
>gained a ton of weight
>basically became unemployable
I discovered /SIG/ last month
>lost some weight, not much but it's a good start and I feel like Im gonna stick to it
>got my shit together and started helping around the house
>reorganized half the house over the last two days, over the next few days I plan to paint the house's fence
>parents are visibly happier
>acne starting to disappear
>employers finally actually calling me back for interviews, figure I'll have a steady 40 hr a week job by next week
>hopefully in a few months Ill have made enough income to move back out and be independent
Thank you /SIG/, you helped this loser pick himself back up.
>I am building a desk riser to kill the sitting jew
I want to hear about that.
I don't know if I could stand all day because my back is kind of shit but it sounds like a good idea
I stopped by hiking a trail for a week and a half, if you cut yourself off cold turkey you stop feeling the really bad pulls after a few days, after a week I didn't feel anything.
I built a standing desk. I bought some of those shelve track units, screwed them to wall studs, and then got different depth shelf brackets, and standard width white-shelf lumber at home depot.
I literally didn't even need to cut anything. just aligning the brackets ands crewing them to the studs was the only tricky part.
as far as using a standing desk, I bought this thing from amazon and it is a big help:
cold turkey
you'll be free of the nicotine in a week
worst part is psychological: to get rid of it, you MUST revive all activities during which you smoked, eagerly
e.g. going out, before work, after lunch
do them exactly as you were doing, without smoking, NO ECIGS, no gum, no shit
endure 2 months, and you'll start feeling so much better it's exponential from there
> captcha: libre nice
What do you do if you don't really have any burning passions? I'm not depressed or anything but I'm sort of loosely interested in a lot of different things. Feels like I'm half decent at most stuff but not really excellent at anything because I don't have the drive to bother.
congrats, user
What are some good dishes to cook? Making a concious effort to make my own food, and so far I only have three good meals to make, besides just having oats on their own for breakfast
Perhaps you are approaching it wrong. Don't think of yourself being a master at the hobby/passion. Don't think about how much you don't know or understand, just enjoy it when you're doing it. Remember that mastery will come with time and experience - learn what you can, and have fun doing it. Also don't let it consume your time so that it maintains your interest/that freshness. Focus on work, working out, eating right, reading, then your hobby when time permits. Also if you're not in the mood, don't do it, let it breathe naturally - nothing is worse than a forced hobby for the sake of having one.
If you're having a hard time choosing what to pursue, remember that it's okay to move on from a certain hobby for a new one. If you don't want your financial investment to go to "waste" then don't, but realize that you should be having fun/enjoyment. Otherwise it's a waste.
my only hobbies are lifting and reading since I don't have the money to pursue anything else
better than nothing I guess
I've found that eating plain food with higher quality ingredients is far more satisfying than cheap complicated stuff.
Like meatloaf or a simple spaghetti.
I had marinated chicken breast and brussel sprouts for dinner.
No matter what some fags on reddit or on random ads tell you, cold turkey is the best way to go. You can only kill nicotine addiction by not feeding it.
>source: smoked for 7 years, then stopped for 5, started again (durrr) for 10 months, smoke free since 6 months again.
Also, never take another puff. Why? See above greentext.
TL;DR don't smoke ever again. it's that simple.
super simple: Pasta, Pesto, and Tuna
Very tasty with a side of celery, carrots, and grapes. Don't forget the water.
Fried eggs and omelet.
Also, whats some tips on starting out on the path to being fit? Do I join a gym or do home exorcises?
I need a recepie for a sort of home made poison that will kill off grub worms. Have a MASSIVE problem with grub worms in my garden, and need a way to kill them, without killing my plants.
that really depends. are you trying to eat "healthily" (as in within a certain diet restriction), or do you just want good things to make that aren't too tough?
even without knowing that, my recommendation is to learn cooking techniques rather than just how to follow recipes. learn how to properly roast, pan fry, braise etc (a show like good eats or cooks country/america's test kitchen are good resources that often explain the science behind why things work in the kitchen), download the flavor bible off of library genesis and then throw things together that sound good to you. let's for example say I had some pork chops that I wanted to cook up right now. I'd pan fry them, but for flavoring I'd do a salt, black pepper, paprika and maybe ginger rub, take them out of the pan and add butter if needed, cook some garlic for about 30 seconds, then pour some hard cider in, scrape up the brown bits off the bottom of the pan, add some dijon mustard and cook until it's a nice sauce consistency. then taste and see if it needs salt, pepper or vinegar/worcestershire sauce
I'm no /fit/izen but I used pic related, though I have some background in lifting.
If you're starting from scratch and you're obese you simply need to lose weight to have proper range of motion.
You don't have to have a lot of equipment either. You can do a lot with a pair of dumbbells and the floor.
Read the /fit/ sticky
I'm trying to get a workout routine going at the same time, and working on getting a schedule together, trying to gain weight and such (I'm 140lbs at 6' tall, I want to get to be like 160-ish at a minimum). I feel like cooking my own meals will give a good structure which to build a schedule around since my days are kind of lazy and formless as they are now.
I just realised these are shit quality, but you can just google them.
O only have a West-Facing window, what aromatic herbs should I try?
You need a lot more. UV light alone isn't gonna do shit but generate too much heat. I suggest you do a lot of research first. You need a proper amount of lumens in the proper spectrum for starters.
Nematodes, put out a little bird seed to attract more birds which eat the grubs, plant more things that attract predator beetles in your garden.
You'll want to try herbs that enjoy shade, assuming you only get good light in the evening. Parsley, mint, peppermint, garlic chives, ginger root, cilantro, thyme, and rosemary.
Nice, thank toy
Another thing, I plan on using aluminium vases to hang my plants in my windows, in order to maximize space and difuminate the light and sight that passes trough my window. These pots were in the gardening section and seem to be already sealed, but to be sure I want to make some modifications to make the safe. So far I can think of drilling holes to get drainage; or using rocks to create a reservoir, sealing them with lacker or lining the interior with safe and waterproof plastic.
What should I do
Lastly, what do you recommend to prevent re-potting shock?
im 6' even and /fit/fat, and was wondering if there was anyway to loose my gut, and what the best work out would be to keep myself in condition
Nutrition is 70% of the fight, at first it is a bit hard to control yourself, but, just like exercising, becomes automatised
i started self improving a bit ago but i feel like i've hit a wall.
>kicked heroin 7months ago
>started working out and hit my goal of being able to do 5 chin ups
>started working part time
>paying rent (at a halfway house but still, never left my parents house before)
my quality of life has improved vastly but i'm finding it hard to keep going. i want to get full time employment but not too many careers interest me. i have a passion for philosophy but i really can't do anything with a degree in it.
tl;dr what would /sig/ do for motivation?
Thanks, ive drank coke for most my life and tomorrow im stopping cold turkey and switching to bottled water, ive also stopped eating frozen/fast meals, and im starting running a mile a day tomorrow. Is there any workout regime i should look into or follow?
Something that helped me to stop eating processed foods is to avoid kosher like the plague. You will see cereal, cookies, some sodas and a lot with the seal of the devil, but fresh vegetables and fruit usually does not go through a rabbi
Poor thing, when the sugar is drank it goes directly to your liver and more is absorbed. If you have a sweet tooth like me try making your own candy, healthier, relaxing and since it is a bit difficult you will appreciate every bite and eat less, just like when eating cured meats
Get a water filter and use that instead. Bottled water will kill your budget.
>kicked heroin 7months ago
Good job, keep it up user.
It's not that hard to stay clean, just don't deal with degenerates from your past.
Best of luck in life.
all of my 'friends' think i died in an overdose and it's much better this way. changed my number and moved to a different state.
I quit going cold turkey, but it only worked for me by isolating myself inside for around a little bit over a week's time.
So anything that would induce stress for me I removed myself from.
Also no alcohol for some months if you try it is a surefire way to relapse.
My tip is if you are serious about it, when you have some time off(7days+), you don't have to isolate yourself nessecarily, but try to remove yourself from stress and then quit cold turkey. You have to fight the physical addiction for the first week, after that it should be all willpower.
Good luck, if I could do it I believe you can.
Thanks the both of you, ive recently come to the realization that i needed to better myself, not just for me but for others aswell, and just so happened upon this thread. About how long would you say i would see results?
Just be sure to keep min in its own container since it's invasive.
INcoming bad drawing. I do hanging indoor baskets like this so my floors don't get dirty.
Trying out my new food dehydrator, lads.
Going to start making my own healthy and tasty snacks.
Once my vacuum sealer arrives I'll use the 2 and get started making my own MREs.
Keep at it, mate. You've done really well so far. Its understandable that you are starting to fizzle out. Motivation, like bathing, doesn't last and needs to be renewed often.
Take some time and come up with a realistic long term goal, and use that as the driving force behind your actions. Home-ownership and starting a family are 2 good examples.
Kicking the carbonated jew is a good start. It might take some time to adjust to water, but stick it out, and soon you'll find yourself craving it instead of coke.
I recommend looking into ketogenic diets for decent weight loss, as I once lost 24 kg in 3 months doing it.
buy gallons of distilled water and pour it into a glass jug with a tap on it.
You should feel substantially better after 2 weeks, with more noticeable changes after 4 and 8 weeks. It's important to know that feeling better isn't instant. For instance, it takes your body about 1 week to fully hydrate if you've been persistently dehydrated
What about putting some containers directly over others so the excess water falls into another plant, that way I only need to attach a repository in the very bottom pots
Atta boy. I have no sympathy with people that knowingly refuse to remove themselves from toxic environments.
What you did will go a *long* way.
I thought about trying that out before. Do it, for science and /sig/
Thanks, i will continue visiting these threads, in hope to better myself, friends and community tomorrow i start this path.
Congrats, keep it up.
Fuck off shill. I raise over half the produce my family eats in a year just fucking around in the dirt. It's doable, it's healthy, and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than buying tainted shit.
I will
>Mentioning Tea in front of me
You just opened Pandora's Box
Don't start tomorrow, start today my m8
this should be your motto
Any specific meal, dietary restrictions, or culture?
Some ideas: fettucine, curry, lasanga, steak and veggies, chicken and veggies, roast chicken, pork chops, cheese burgers, etc.
Every meat ever can be tossed in a skillet with some oil. Add salt, pepper, onions, garlic (if you like), and you are good to go. Worstcher sauce for steak, a bit of poultry seasoning for chicken (if you feel like it). Done in 15 min.
Cookfag here
What exactly are you looking for
There are plenty of ways to motivate yourself in kicking your vices and improving your health. Just by going out for a jog you might come across obese people, refugees, etc. They will remind you why you are improving yourself, whether it is to get fit or to prepare for the race wars to come, you must keep going. Quit smoking, drugs, alcohol, that shit is bad for you. Stop jerking off to porn and anime and get out there, in time the ladies will pursue you. Stay strong, /SIG/.
For me kicking porn, is doable, desu
But fapping? that's a whole other story
I tried nofap numerus times already, but I couldn't get to a week
How do you do it /sig/?
If you're starting out the two most important things you can do is to simply get into the habit of going to the gym regularly- 2-5 times a week depending on how long your sessions are, and your general lifestyle- and learning how to use everything in the gym.
If you don't have a friend, paying a personal trainer to make sure you have good form for things like squats and dead lifts is worth the money. Don't fuck up your back getting in shape.