In pol's opinion, who is the greatest man whoever lived?
pic related
In pol's opinion, who is the greatest man whoever lived?
pic related
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Napoleon was quite literally a cuck.
How is this even a thread, who are you?
Stanislav Petrov.
We exist because of him.
For me it's Assad
if I can only pick one, then hitler
Rodigo Diaz de Vivar
Jfk but the jews killed him he didn't want a jew bank and was going to expose their secret group. Look at NK they dont want a central bank and be apart of UN, we are the jews puppet. We will never have a president with the balls of JFK, Listen to his last 2 speaches
Gaius Julius Caesar
See Pic file name.
John F Kennedy
Who is the greatest man in history and why is it Hitler
Harold Wartooth
He is still alive
Julius Caesar or Augustus
And a terrific goy. He emancipated jews everywhere he went. He helped spread the revolutionary ideas that have ruined Europe ever since. Napoleon is great, but overrated. From from the greatest.
For me it's a tie between Charlemagne, Ghengis Khan and Aristotle.
>greatest man whoever lived
greatest men*
None comes close. Atlantis made a huuuuuge mistake.
Go Fuck yourself
This 100%. Honourable mentions to Augustus and Heraclius.
Also known as the Onion Knight
You haven't even seen his final form.
Cucked the Nords
How was Genghis Khan great?
You fucking reddit memer
HE CAN STILL WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this picture is incredibly upsetting
Marcus Aurelius.
Jesus still lives.
So, would it not be St. Paul you retards?
Everything he wrote was literally divinely inspired.
Beaten by subhuman slavs so not really.
Everything this guy just wrote makes no sense.
First pick is Genghis Khan. Close tie would be basically all of the Founding Fathers but Jefferson in particular.
>t. 60%
Horrible picks.
Alexander and his father Philip were the greatest btw
Adolf Hitler was a gift from providence
He united and lead a confederacy of tribes that conquered huge swathes of territory, eventually becoming the biggest empire in history. They annexed turks, russians, europeans, persians, arabs, all manner of chinks. They brought down bagdhad and put a decisive end to islamic supremacy in significant parts of the world. Ghengis Khan is literally histories most successful breeder, leaving behind a sprawling line of descendants numbering millions. Pretty great if you ask me.
This guy.
Invented or conceptualized solar power, the calculator, the double hull, the tank, the diving suit, the parachute, the mitre lock, the machine gun, the glider, the helicopter, the ball bearing, the robot, and landing gear - centuries before their time.
As a sidebar to his art, made numerous important discoveries about the human anatomy, and was the first to draw the complete anatomy, including a fetus in utero.
He created the most famous painting of all time, and numerous only slightly-lesser works of art.
If you look up "Renaissance Man" in the dictionary there is literally a picture of him there.
Nigger are you retarded? Genghis Khan and his armies killed like a fucking quarter of the world's population. They were a goddamn cunthair away from wiping out Islam totally.
>Great men of history
Alexander Hamilton Stephens
I never believed that shit about his descendants, any proof of those millions?
>Great men of history
Napoleon had the single most triumphant moment in history. On pain of death, he returns to France from Elba, and the army sent to capture him throws themselves at his feet and declares him as their emperor.
Also he won the battle of the three emperors, which just has an awesome name.
>have the largest empire beside the British Empire.
>*almost* wipe out Islam before your people convert and give it new birth.
>Literally contribute nothing to the world except rape, the bubonic plague, and war.
About as far away from great.
Chuck Yeager
the only correct answer
was going to be my pic. Either him or Hitler
>see great history man thread
>no bismarck
OP implied that the person had to be dead. As we all know jesus ain't.
>a failure
>greatest man in history
Pick one
also pic related is my answer
Funny because I considered mentioning Jefferson as my choice
Ever met somebody with the last name Khan?
Made a poll of who pol thinks is the greatest man who ever lived, I included most of the men who were mentioned in this thread as well as added a few of my own, would have added more options but 30 is the max.
Damn, this hits the heart right in the cockles.
Marcus Aurelius is the first that comes to my mind.
adam smith and john rockefeller are also contenders