Lol stupid DRUMPF and right wing poltards we won by kneeling to your bigotry

>lol stupid DRUMPF and right wing poltards we won by kneeling to your bigotry

>OH SHI- come back we need your viewership!

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd like some actual numbers, whats viewership at this year compared to the last 5 years just so we have some reference and not some faggot twatter post that doesn't explain anything

All forms of bread and circus in america have had bad years last 2 years

Yeah, I said post statistics




SELL everything related to NFL

Good. About time whites abandon niggerball (all of them), it's a distraction.

No user, that's basketball. This is nigger collision or negro concussion ball.

DIS. write some puts, fuckers

I thought NFL was eggball?


Well, it's awfully ironic that these same libcucks think the whole country is behind them, they're always going on about facts, about how 99% of all scientists believe in global warming, or that the polls about Trumps approval rating are true, or that Hillary is going to win unanimously in November, but the reality is most people are not on the libcucks side

If niggers are the majority of players I call it niggerball.



plus, basketball isn't even niggerball anymore, more like dindunuffinball

How does this end? Do they keep kneeling during the anthem for remaining 7 years of Trump's presidency?

We seriously need to take advantage of this and meme them into not playing and that people shouldn't attend games in protest.

The NFL is killing itself but we can accelerate the process through the power of memes.

the refs change the rules in favor of nigger lives matter. the game must now be played in a kneeling position, or a penalty of 10 yds will be assessed

>not knowing the difference between hoopcoon and nigger ball

Most of them haven't thought this through. What injustice? What white supremacy? How do you fix a problem that doesn't exist? Their virtue signaling without actually thinking has left them fighting against a foe that can't be beaten because it doesn't exist. What a mess

I thought basketball was tree hockey?

These retards see 100k likes on twitter and assume that it means that their views are the popular ones. They're in a bubble. Even my libshit father, of which I call every day to shit on his liberal views, that hates Trump and shilled for Bernie thinks the knee thing is pants on head retarded.

It stops when the police aren't allowed to kill niggers, and instead the dinduniffin kill each at an even higher rate.

I think the plan is to make America such a chaotic shitfight during Trump's term that he won't be re-elected and the globalists will not fuck around this time once they have their next puppet President in.

It's nigger hand egg.


Well yes I'd bet that's the goal of those pulling the strings behind BLM Antifa and this protest

It's a strange thing to come to the realization that something crazy like that is what's actually happening. No other explanation makes sense

it's clearly hand melon

BLM started well before the election as a means to try and secure the black votes for Hillary in 2016.

I think you're probably right but I think it backfires. I think Trump benefits from chaos. I don't totally understand why, but it's like he thrives on it.

I always called it jungle hand-ball.

trump is already a puppet

He obviously knew this was how things were going to happen if he became President. I am confident he has a plan however all of you US bros really need to be careful and prepare for an onslaught of violence from blacks and leftists.

The free market fixed it

We loaded the gun and handed it to them, and they really did shoot themselves in the mouth. THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF THESE MADMEN!

That is the other possibility that Trump was supposed to win in order to throw the US into chaos but that seems counter-productive coming off the back of Obama's presidency.

it will backfire.

We'll say his name wrong. That will make him look retarded

agreed 100%
anybody can kneel during a national anthem. it takes true bravery to take it a step further.

Fellow Aussie you gotta understand that leftists and blacks aren't a big threat outside of major urban areas. White leftists don't own guns and niggers shoot their gats sideways and are stupid in general with no foresight or tactics. If they turned on the general white population all of us un-cucked whites would retaliate, and we'd be joined by non-immigrant assimilated mexicans, indians and asians, because they are more or less honorary whites within in the US

Fair enough but if they start resorting to Europe style terror attacks like trucks and bombs there is little to stop that.

I thought it was congo bongo


at least we have a one up on Europeans by owning guns, remember a few years ago those two muslims who tried to attack the Muhammad art expo in texas? they both got headshot with a pistol by an off duty cop. In Europe they would have massacred everybody there because no civilian would have a gun to defend themselves with

I don't think the NFL can recover after the shitshow that was displayed today. It would take a hell of a lot of effort to rebuild consumer confidence in their brand again after coming out as America hating cunt fucks.

Amazed cucks still watch these chimps playing sports.

Who didn't see this coming? Liberals don't watch sportsball. In fact, millennials don't watch sportsball. But especially not liberal millennials. Your average niggerball enthusiast is a fat middle aged dad who likely carries on about "the fag agenda" between commercial breaks and has legitimately teared up at the Star Spangled Banner at least once in his life. Why do all these organizations pander to people that aren't buying their product and never will?

>If they turned on the general white population all of us un-cucked whites would retaliate, and we'd be joined by non-immigrant assimilated mexicans, indians and asians, because they are more or less honorary whites within in the US
Glad someone made this point. Besides public virtue signaling, nobody likes nogs here... Especially latinos, Asians, and African blacks- who probably escaped actual hell .

I see a potentially new way to protest any Trump event. You could periodically interrupt it by blaring the national anthem. If you are kicked out, you can claim him or his followers are un-American. If everyone doesn't immediately stand up and face the flag, they are un-American. Just do this every 10 minutes until the people are sick of it.

It can be called national anthem red-light green-light.

There are several variations of nigger ball. There's bouncing nigger ball and tackle nigger ball


sell sell sell

they are about to SWAMP


this is all over social media

This is really stupid.

All Trump really has to do is deliver on his promises. People aren't blind to the fact Republicans and Democrats are blocking his agenda in favor of their own anti-American agenda. People like McCain need to fed to fire-ants until skeletonized.

Democrats really don't have any candidates for 2020 though, and continuing the culture war against white people is going to ultimately destroy their party.


this was going on before trump said anything. they had been doing this for years and even before they started kneeling to show support for blm it was going down in popularity .ticket prices slashed and pay cuts for all 3 major pro sports in america for decades. every so often they have to do it or close down. why ? people stop buying tickets and now younger generations dont even like sports. they play video games instead of living vicariously through others in a pathetic degenerate downward spiral

coonhoop has a better ring to it desu

>fucking EVER quoting that JEW SITE

fuck you doubly faggot

How? That wouldn't work. It's just dumb.

This is what happens when you take something completely unrelated to politics and force politics onto it. People watch sports for entertainment, not fucking politics.

How would it be dealt with?

Not really. I live in the inner-city and everything seems the same. Only the media and NFL are chimping out.

>Go to any lefty faggot rally
>Chant "Black lives matter" the entire time while the speaker is trying to talk

How do you stop it?

yes, do this and cover my shorts, goy


Politicising football wasn't smart, stupid fucking niggers.

The really great thing would be for college football to also tank.

That's one of the things that keeps rich and powerful alumni just blindly donating funds to, and otherwise supporting, the colleges, which turn around and use it for Antifa Studies and mandatory Why Every White Is Racist orientation lectures.

What America really needs is to break the back of the colleges by forbidding any government agency, major contractor, or professional organization from considering any credentials granted by, or activities at, any institution which provides educational services. Fully separate education from credential-granting, and strand existing colleges on the education side: the side without power.

The person doing the national anthem could just say they were being patriotic

Approximately 1,000 American adults participated in a telephone questionnaire on Oct. 2-3 that revealed nearly one-third (32 percent) are “less likely to watch an NFL game” due to players taking a stand and protesting the national anthem.


This has been the average response on Twitter to @nfl

Ever wondered why the right doesn't act like baboons trying to shut down public speakers they dont agree with? It might have something to do with having a better argument that stands up to commie niggers attacking it with logical fallacy and a bullshit hippy dreamworld point of view.


Heard nigger-collision was the new term.

It would become very clear, very quickly that they were being disruptive. Just like someone shouting BLM chants at a leftist function. It's dumb and so are you.

LOL everyone on the right is being triggered by a micro-aggression.

Stop crying over spilled milk.

Sigh... Americans are so dumb

It's almost as if people who watch football don't put up with this horseshit

they will lose money but will still be bailed the fuck out in the end of the day.
look at hollywood. they are losing money with the libtard narrative but still going at it strong regardless.
the leash that these scum are tied to is one prosperous motherfucker.

Sssssshhhh... It's time to stop posting and go to bed. Try a little herbal tea, it's sage with a little honey.

what's up with everyone failing to understand what their target demographic is nowadays?
Is it because of the coordinated leftist attacks from organizations like mediamatters that makes them think their base is actually largely liberal?

Economics babby here. How can stocks be down outside of pre-market or after- hours?

LOL everyone betraying this nation will get the rope!

These kneeling football niggers cant think straight which is why they protest give em a break

It's a very precarious balancing act now. Being labeled a racist or sexist can be career ending and considering the influence of the mob you can see why networks want to be on the side of the angels. Trouble is, most people know it's bullshit. So you need to placate but not too much as to anger your actual customer base.

The NFL is a special case. Most of their viewers at least lean right and even more of them just don't want to see this when they're trying to watch a game. So trying to appease both groups is very difficult as they're at opposite ends of the spectrum. In this case, they failed to understand their customers or overestimated the damage that would be done by the Twitter Knights.

Long overdue

Make sure you recite the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem (all 4 stanzas not just the first) before you got to bed.

Will do, I love every part of it you subhuman savage. Go back to where you belong.

Do the niggers not realize that kneeling is a more honoring position than standing? If they wanted to disrepect they should put hands in pockets and stand not kneel like a (coincidentally hilarious) slave.

Sup Forums has been calling it ape hoop for years now

The mainstream media, where most people still get their information, is extremely biased to the left and denies they're biased at all. Busy people concerned with other things take what they hear at face value. So they think popular opinion is way left of where it actually is.

wall street is not the only market in the world you know. At all times there is a market open somewhere in the world.

Liberals don't watch sports.

Looks like nigger grab ass to me...

I wish I saved it but there was some large poll last year that some 80%~ of people disagreed with not raising for the national anthem.

Some user said it best yesterday. If you oppose Trump in this you cant help but come off as anti-American.

But he is taking a knee as in honoring all them wonderful coloured folk who dindu nuffin and taking a knee as in taking a break because tge only time he is told to take anything is a knee a ball or something else that isn't his.

Shit I thought it was still Spookdribble.

That or negro concussion ball.

>posting with an American flag

Your point holds true to you at least

A microaggression is where you inadvertently do something minor that a normal person would just ignore, but sensitive pussies cry about because Muh Oppression. This is a deliberate thumb in the eye.

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