What is stopping me, a man with a Jewish heritage, from dropping the nazi shit and siding with the zionists? Sure...

What is stopping me, a man with a Jewish heritage, from dropping the nazi shit and siding with the zionists? Sure, they do bad things, but they do it all to ensure the safety and preservation of their people.

Should I join the winning side or stay with national socialism?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


if you call yourself a national socialist, but your a jew then you have to side with the zionists

>winning side
not for long schlomo
also kys

But I thought the holocaust didn't happen?????

Do it and move to Israel

all people should stick with their own. there is no point in trying to kiss ass to any other race.

its coming

>What is stopping me, a man with a Jewish heritage, from dropping the nazi shit and siding with the zionists? Sure, they do bad things, but they do it all to ensure the safety and preservation of their people.

LUKE 12:5

"But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him."


If they weren't total hypocrites they'd just be another rational actor on the global stage.

>jewish heritage

if you wish to advocate your heritage ahead of whiteness, then fuck off out of here, schlomo.

if you want to be an ally, do not bring up

>muh jewish heritage
>muh 6 billion


you are free to choose that's the fun part


If you enjoy doing evil and being a faggot go ahead and embrace being a kike, honestly asking this question is fucking retarded, youre a shrimp dick and a kike faggot. If you weren't youd know what side to be on.

except it did

Chaim-san, are you retarded? Like, just outright, do you have down's?

If you're Jewish, there are only two countries in the world that will accept you on your Jewish-ness; Israel... and Spain. Spain only if you can prove that you were exiled by the Inquisition (Look it up.)

So, your question really is
>Should I back the only people in the world who will pay a premium for my life
>Should I back people that will hang me for my heritage

>ensure the safety and preservation of their people

It was never about that, it was always about destroying Christianity and enslaving Europeans with the whole world

Zionists(which are Countrists) don't care about Jews & they are not exclusively Jewish, they only care about the survival of Israel as a country.

Did threads talking about this: archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I've also thought about this as I think I have blood relatives who are jews.

Do you have a source for that picture?

i remember seeing some years ago some news about the IDF using attractive women to give appearance that the IDF is full of hot chicks to attract men into joining.

I even remember that the controversy appeard in non-obscure news website but now i cant fucking find it.

has JIDF become too strong, help me find it Sup Forums

>Spain only if you can prove that you were exiled by the Inquisition
are you fucking kidding? There were like 400 jews total in the fucking spanish inquisition. what fucking kikes.

no they don't.
they do it to gain advantage over "gentile boobs." they don't do it to defend their existence as a people, they do it to GAIN ADVANTAGE over other people.
so while the nazis sought to reclaim their historical territory, the Jews traveled the world to conquer other peoples' territories and subject them to fringe Oriental values.

Hahaha, the fucking state of (((nazis))) on this board.


But yeah, Spain actually used to have a shit ton of Jews when it was Moorish.


> turn all the world against you
> do it all to ensure the safety and preservation of their people
And they dare to claim jews are smarter than the rest of us.
Both sides are wrong. And nazis could be jewish practical joke, where antisemites embrace swastika turning the wrong way.

keep on pushing and it will

>Spain actually used to have a shit ton of Jews when it was Moorish.
as I thought, evri are only half-breed of real-semites and europeans (hence the name)
Only first I thought those europeans were crusaders, now I think there's another source of that memzer scum.

What the fuck are evri?

jew in hebrew

Jews have never been on the winning side EVER in the past 2000 years. EVERY empire that ever existed before the West today followed the same cycle of degeneracy and decadence, and every time said empire collapsed, JEWS were genocided.

Damn the Pharisees Allah's gonna get them

Ivrim. The word you're looking for is Ivrim.

Even then, what? Are you saying Spaniards are half Jews, that Jews from Spain are half Jews, or that Jews are bastards of Spaniards?

You can just be an individual you don't have to choose a box to fit into
That is the same as the lefty's multicultural bs

I don't care what side you pick.
In the end, both you and I know that you'll side with the zionists when the opportunity comes, no matter what else you say. You are a kike after all.

-im is plural suffix (but I'm not sure about the singular form. ever?
> Even then, what? Are you saying Spaniards are half Jews
Spaniards are half semites born by european mothers, Jews are half arabs born by semite mothers. but that's not certain

this. Cultures and identity are unshakable. Some people want to be outliers and exist peacefully in a foreign culture. fine. cool. if they are accepted, good for them.

the problem is not to see the extermination of any one race or culture but to see us all be able to exist side by side, with good security and right to exist.

The conflict comes when a certain group of people instigate racial tensions and pose as jews. The problem for the jews are that until it impacts them personally, most are happy to go along with the program. The answer is not to attack the shield, but go around and stab at the heart of the matter.

go back with your tribe.

fuck his tribe
(jews like his manager named shapiro and radio host named stern promote this drunkard, but probably because he preaches vasectomy to clueless goys)

You don't get it.

The Zionist were behind the Transfer agreement with the National Socialist, the pogrom. and the whole "holocaust" fear mongering to get the Jews to go to Palestine.

They're NOT about ensuring the safety and preservation of the Jewish people. They were brutal in driving the Jews out in the 1930-40s, and they're getting brutal AGAIN siding with the Moslems in driving the Jews once again out of Europe. They want to get as many as they can into Israel.

Then they're going to nuke it. A big nuclear holocaust to Satan.


>they do it all to ensure the safety and preservation of their people.
same, so basically you have to figure out along what lines you want your people preserved


Steve spielberg lies exposed

>Sure, they do bad things, but they do it all to ensure the safety and preservation of their people.
and yet when white people bring up this point its considered racist. Fuck Off

Yes, im is always a plural suffix. If you went back and replaced your Evri with Jew it wouldn't make any sense grammatically.

>Spaniards are half semites born by european mothers
Err.. partly? But I don't think you're using the term the way I am. Spain has a large Semitic influence because of Carthage and later the Moors. Even then, Spain was then taken over by the Romans -> Visigoths and then much later the Reconquista; throughout this time due to its remoteness, Spain has never been majority anything else besides Spanish.

> Jews are half arabs born by semite mothers. but that's not certain
In what way? Jews in the Ottoman Empire/Living under dhimmi didn't really interbreed with the Arab populations because of various religious laws on both sides hence why Sephardim/Mizrahim are pretty Orthodox and have easier times tracing a lot of their lineage.

Anyway, the majority of Jews world wide are still Ashknazim... so, European Jews. You'd have an easier path to saying that Jews from Europe are European mongrels because there was much more considerable interbreeding/khazar hypothesis.

>But while they were in Israel/pre-exile... they interbred with Arabs!
Yes, but they weren't Arabs. They were Philistines/Proto-Arabs/Semites. Good luck trying to distinguish between them; it's like separating horse shit from camel shit.


there are anti zionist jews, who are not nazis

you dont need to be a nazi to be anti zionist

or you dont need to anti zionist to be a nazi


Some of us are armed this time.

And not the faggy leftist antifa armed. I shoot my guns once every two months.

The great thing about guns though is you can be an internet tough guy and still use them if needed.

>What is stopping me, a man with a Jewish heritage, from dropping the nazi shit and siding with the zionists?
Nothing. That's why we don't like to let mixed people in, they almost always turn and serve their Jewish side, because Jewish genes are self-consumed and psychopathic.

If you convert to Christianity you will get saved, and accepted by us.

Nazi larpers are a minority, nobody hates you because of your race.

>because Jewish genes are self-consumed and psychopathic.

Or maybe it's because the jews tend to be more intelligent, better run, and generally more successful.

But yeah, man, we're only successful because of nepotism and whatever it is you people use to excuse your pathetic lives.

OP, you're a fucking moron. Jews don't go around looking for other jews to start dealing business with. You've been spending way too much time on Sup Forums.

Jews tend to work with other jews simply because they are on their network through family and community functions. So it looks like nepotism. But if you're going to start a business, you're probably going to do it with people you know, aren't you?

Anyway, point is, you'll be just as much of a loser if you convert, because you're still playing some retarded kind of identity politics. You don't get any benefit from being "in the club".

Also, most successful jews are only jewish in ethnicity. They tend to be irreligious otherwise.

It didn't but they've really earned it this time. Seriously though, (((they))) think it really happened that grandpa Irving was made into a lampshade 20 times before he finally escaped Auschwitz. Nothing triggers them more.

>Good luck trying to distinguish between them; it's like separating horse shit from camel shit.
That's right, they're all shit. (but genetic therapies will cure them from their degeneracy. soon)

>Or maybe it's because the jews tend to be more intelligent, better run, and generally more successful.
Is that why Israel has an average IQ of 85-90, and is the most aid-dependent country in the history of the world? Is that why Jews built nothing, invented nothing, and conquered NOTHING for 3000 years -- wondering the earth from prince to prince, dealing in debt until they were expelled by angry mobs like the parasites they were? Sounds brilliant lol

Your guns will not protect you from the holocaust to come.
Though I hope it's not going to happen.
I will change the way we humans live, we'll speak you scheming brats out of your history

If you worked in the professional world, you'd see that no jews seriously go around asking for handouts because of the fucking holocaust. That's such an absurd Sup Forums meme.

Yeah, you can cherry pick announcements of the anti defamation league and what not, but most jews really don't give a shit, man. Especially soviet jews.

We're self aware. In our family there is a saying:

>Everything is better wherever we are not

But it's not just the jews, man. We just tend to do it better. That goes for good and bad shit. So when times are good, people love us. When times are shit, we get blamed.

But that's life.

>more intelligent, better run, and generally more successful
What have you succeeded at except buying-off some Burgers for 70 years? You're literally the least successful people in history.

Are you retarded? You do realize that
1. IQ in israel is brought down by sand niggers
2. It is well documented, even on Sup Forums, that Ashkenazi Jews have an average iq that is 10-15 points higher than the average for whites.

I really don't want to turn this into a why jews are great thread though. But you're reeeaaallly reaching if you say they haven't invented anything in the last 3000 years.

To be honest, they succeeded in destroying european cultures and substituting it with their cult. They're good at destroying, not as good at building anything though.

Which is it, man? Are we brilliant enough to control the white race and the path of the entire world, or are we totally incapable of producing anything of value or defending ourselves?

Because it really can't be both.

And, did you ever consider that your attitude has been around for a couple thousand years simply because people could justify it, as you do, by saying "EVERYONE BEFORE US DID IT SEE IT IS RIGHT!"

Kind of becomes a self fulfilling superstition that way, you have to at least admit....

>IQ in israel is brought down by sand niggers
genuine jews ARE sandniggers
IQ in israel is brought up by sedverted europeans enjoying the idea of being god-chosen.

Wow! A physicist made an inaccurate prediction! Clearly a conspiracy!

We wouldn't have nuclear without Einstein's work. You do realize he did much more than just relativity, right? You do realize that hard sciences like STEM are the least political of all, and people would not still be teaching us Einstein's work if he stole it, right?

We've renamed other theorems for far less slights than the typical accusation from mouth breathers like yourself. You've never even seen the inside of a physics book, I'd bet.

>Are we brilliant enough to control the white race and the path of the entire world
And look at this world, you faggots!
You'd rather be goats among sheep than gods among gods!
You'd rather be fools among fools than geniuses among genii

I hope English isn't your first language. The word you're looking for is subverted.

And you still haven't explained why Ashkenazi Jews have higher average IQ than European whites. I need some more weed, you have a few minutes.

>A physicist made an inaccurate prediction! Clearly a conspiracy!
It's not about conspiracy, it's about him not being very bright. You don't break chemical bonds in wood molecules when you use its heat.

Who do you think "we" is, you dumb shit? Do you honestly believe that all jews are in on some retarded secret conspiracy?

Do you honestly believe that soros speaks for all jews?

Do you not understand that there are also centrist and right/conservative jews?

Yeah, it's a dirty game, but whites play it too; we're just better at it.

> I hope English isn't your first language.
It's not, but that was a typo (because that word used to be "seduced", but then I edited)

>And you still haven't explained why Ashkenazi Jews have higher average IQ than European whites.
Because their ancestors were intelligent enough to dig further than New Testament?
> I need some more weed, you have a few minutes.
Good choice. I salute you. Isn't menorah a symbolic representation of hemp? Isn't cannabis being jewish sacred plant one of the reason that most useful plant is made illegal?


You better not side with Zionism because you are part of the problem and only care about yourself.

>Do you honestly believe that all jews are in on some retarded secret conspiracy?
Of course not, but some of you are. Shame on them.
> it's a dirty game, but whites play it too
shame on those whites (most of those whites are converted anyway)


>is the most aid-dependent country in the history of the world?
Huh??? This is completely wrong. US foreign aid to Israel is less than 1% of Israels GDP.

yet. keep making golems shlomo.

Instead of changing the way we live (to leave commie blocks for private houses prepared for the disaster) they preferred to obscure that field with absurd interpretations.
They wanted to do the same with biotech, but information wants to be free, and now we face even bigger danger.
Lies never brings anything good.