This is why you shouldn't blame mestizo crimes on the spanish

This is why you shouldn't blame mestizo crimes on the spanish

based alejandro

The wall just got 10 feet higher

spaniards aren't mexicans

Sorry but I don't speak mexican

Honorary Aryan

No one does this because 95%+ of Hispanics in the US are mixed blood. The non-mixed stay in their countries.
The average "white" hispanic in the US has like 70 to 80% euro blood, aka not Spaniard/white.

me thinks you're one of those "castizos" or whatever you call them that thinks they pass as white

Hmmmm, so a thugball player that has work ethic and believes that he's responsible for himself and not being 'oppressed'.

I hope he gets cheap shotted. pretty easy to pull off ""innocently"" down in the trenches, just thow yourself to the ground through his knee or lay down behind him trapping his feet in the ground and have you team mate push him backwards on an angle

lets see how tough the army ranger and (((bronze star))) recipent is without $25,000 of state of the art equipment


Mestizos are barely sentient, so I will continue to blame the spanish, as I would blame a parent for a misbehaving child.

he's a castizo at best. over 90% of hispanics are mixed with indian (some more, some less). either way, stop assuming that they aren't injuns because they don't look like George Lopez. I know you're one of those slightly lighter than a mestizo hispanics that think they're white. you're not.

>just thow yourself to the ground through his knee or lay down behind him trapping his feet in the ground and have you team mate push him backwards on an angle

He's an offensive lineman you niggerblowing cuck. That happens to him on every play.

nobody calls them that

oh shut the fuck up idiot

I get it you live in Cali, most "Hispanics" are injuns. BLAME THEM, don't take it out on non mestizo hispanics YOU NIGGER

....and OL get their knees blown out all the time. hence
> pretty easy to pull off ""innocently"" down in the trenches

If you don't buy his jersey online you're a liberal fucktard

Most white americans pretend to be castizos
>muh1/256th cherokee

Totally based Conquistador

Both his parents are literally Spanish. As in "from Spain"

>they think they pass as white

Here's a Mexican milf, living in Mexico.

Go fuck yourself East LA Mexican.
>muh brown pride and sheit
>muh people of color uniting

in mexico, are there racial differences in the prison population vs the civilian population?

like higher percentage of amerindians or whatever u call em.

I don't think this guy identifies as anything other than a goddamn Army Ranger. Spics stfu and BTFO'd

A real American and a real hero. No one in the NFL has shit on this man.

Oh shut the fuck up! Crawl back to the mess of a hell hole you call the barrio.

>b- b- but we Mexicans be brown and proud
>muh indian blood
>w- w- we stick together

Yeah right. There's only two kind of Mexicans. You don't like, sue me. Mexicans wetbacks mojaditos are more stereotypical about themselves than whites are of Mexicans.

>muh bronze race

My ass!!

Pic related.

What the fuck did you think I said you idiot?
reread my post
That's exactly what I said, the actual white hispanics stay in Mexico, etc.

The OP of this thread is the "east LA Mexican" or slightly lighter mixed blood that thinks there are any actual difference between Hispanic groups within the US. (there's not)

Yes. In prison there are elite "areas", then there's the rest were all low-life thugs kill themselves (literally).

Skin color does count also in the everyday life. You get more respect from police, girls, getting jobs, teachers, what have you.

We even refer to brown skin as "tez humilde" which means "poor people skin color".

yeah, there are two kinds. mestizos and castizos still have indian blood. i have probably seen a handful of "white" hispanics living in south texas. even the girl on the right would not be considered white. and btw, i am not a mexican or even hispanic. it's just annoying that you people love to larp as whites if you're slightly lighter than the girl on the left. i live in san antonio and know damn well most hispanics are mestizos. even the stupid "tejanos" think they are white because they've been here since texas was part of spain. i'm tired of seeing stupid nazi flags with the "don't blame iberians for the crimes of mestizos"

I stand corrected.

But still, there are White Mexicans in the US, who go back and forth, or stay there to live due to cartel war over here. Pic related, living in TX.

You know what is race actually is?


San Antonio is not Mexico. I know is fucked up over there. Not related though.

Also, I don't picture girl in right building pyramids or living in crack-infested hoods. Check her instagram.

>b- b- but Mexicans are the same

It's like saying EVERYONE in the South in US is black just because there are lots of black people there.

Pic related, again. Both milfs, both the same age. Both Mexicans. Deal with it, learn from it.

t. Nigger apologist, civic nationalist whore

Not white.

Yes, it's just such a negligible number (in the US) that it's not really worth making a fuss over like OP.

You must be my spirit Sup Forumsack, I felt like I've been going crazy trying to call out ameriflag spics here.
I swear it's ONE fucking buttmad hisapanic American who like you said, is a shade lighter than a brown crayon and thinks anglo/german Americans can't tell, that starts these threads. Then all the other American hisapnics of Sup Forums flood in.

good ol' boy from the Midwest here so I can't relate as well as you can in Texas though

Someone have the graphics of the teams that protested vs. those who didn't and how all the protesting teams lost?

What about the white Hispanics that don't even know Spanish and embrace the American culture completely? In a race war I would be slaughtered by minorities, is it just shitty luck?

Oh look, Nick Fuentes is back with his



Riiiiiiight. Because they look the same. Go figure! Undoubtly the same people. Riiiight.

With moorish African blood

>in mexico, are there racial differences in the prison population vs the civilian population?

The irony is that most of the worst Cartel violence takes place in northern Mexico, which is more European on average. The heavily Indio southern regions of Mexico are nowhere near as bad.

What about them?
No one's discussing a racewar ITT.

I'm just trying to dispel this myth that (actual) white Hispanics exist in any meaningful number in the US. (ex. Spaniards, Italian Argentines, etc.)
"White" Hispanic in the US has been accepted to mean 70 to 80% euro admixture. Anglo/German Americans don't see them as any different (race wise) than "indios" or "mestizos" or whatever other terms you guys use to differentiate yourselves.

>Sup Forums crops out the black man next to him also standing an putting his hand over his heart for the national anthem

Fucking racist bigots, fake news ass niggas.

There are actually plenty of non-mixed, you just don’t recognize them because they speak English and are white and indistinguishable from other European-descended whites. They often have Spanish names though

I wonder if any of his teammates dared to give him shit for not protesting
I mean fine protest and do whatever you want, but don't disrespect people who choose not to join your circlejerk

He had a contract with a company and if he broke it he could be sued for a fuck ton, thats the only reason he did it.