RIP rightist populism

RIP rightist populism
2016-late 2016

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Anglos are the most powerful race in the world

>right wing

The entire world is shifting right, but it won't happen overnight

An english-speaking imageboard can't meme to power a politician in a country that speaks another language

what a shitty year u retards are having

>Crossed out, even though the AfD scored a major win
>Not even decided yet

yeah but marcon was shadow our guy

You don't know how the German elections work, do you? The Conservatives and Social Democrats always win first and second place. It'll take a political revolution on the scale of the rise of the NSDAP to overhrow the current system. The fact that AfD got in third place is an achievement in itself.

AfD just had a massive success. They have really thrown a wrench in the German political system and if they play their cards right they could render the country ungovernable in a few years.

AfD has a higher percentage in this election than UKIP did in 2015

Europe is fucking TRASH

> Right-wing parties receiving record votes

While at the same time they are going full on trying to sabotage the first two

Delaying Brexit as long as possible, as the uncertainty lowers Pound value and makes things shitty all round, so people will regret and maybe try and force a reverse of the whole thing

Also non stop shitting on Trump every day in Media

Same for The Netherlands. The PVV gained voters and FvD entered the scene. If you want a certain group/party to gain absolute majority in Germany or The Netherlands you can wait a long time. I don't think we've ever had it happen under our current system yet.

you dumb fucks still haven't realized russia baited you into torpedoing your own democracy?

no one else is going to fall for it

the british are just bitter though

The Boomers need to die already.

What kind of swedish name is "Jimmie"?

always the gingers

who the fuck picks a baby blue colored flower as a symbol? all the other symbols look decent to cool but the flower looks like something ripped out of a baby book

Congrats on your new proxy Obamaleaf.

IIRC German election results also determine the amount of campaign funding the government provides. so AfD will be better financed next time.

Europe has been making huge gains lel you just have a 2 party mindset. Swede guy is probably gonna lose as well, but his party will be the most powerful its ever been.

my new leaf proxy?

feels so good not to be a lanklet german right now

wew lads

The thing is that we have not much time left.... the point of no return (where we became a minority) is not that far.

Basically all our party symbols are flowers, it's a tradition, they picked the one that looks most Swedish

This. Everywhere lefties are flipping out at how well AfD did. That's a win

Yeah, don't think I don't know.

Brexit is not ukip retard , ukip had nothing the last election maybe 1 seat because of the voting system , america goes blue and red all the time. The right wing parties as rising you cannot go to deus vult from one day to the other

when lefties are this butt blasted, you know you must be doing something right.


AFD is the first Right Wing party in the German Parliament since Hitler and the Nazis.
So fuck off you stupid Niggers.

also OP try harder faggot
this is reddit-tier bait 1/10

you're joking right? Le Pen was considered nothing more than a meme politician who was trapped in her daddies shadow until a few years ago. Hofer nearly won the first time but lost due to vote rigging, the establishment went all out against him the second time and made sure he lost. Wilders did extremely well, his party is in a much better position than it was previously, same goes for AfD, from no hope outsiders to real contenders.
Things are looking up faggot, you better get used to it, this is the new normal now

>AFD is the first Right Wing party in the German Parliament since Hitler
Thats actually fucking huge. It shows that Germany is finally getting over its holocaust guilt

Definetely more accurate. Should put in a pic of based Nazi Grandpa Gauland, though, since he is the chancelor candidate of the AfD. Petry is only the head of the party on paper and will propably step back for some time because of her pregnancy and party intern conflicts.

fair enough.Never been a fan of baby blue .but I see the reasoning behind their reason

OMG fuck, just look af this little fuckin tease, jesus fuck, her little pixie hair and FUCK!


Good. Populism is anti-Semitic.

We won though. FPÖ is also going to win big, the election you included is meaningless.

also Trump is the most ZOGGED president ever, how is that a win?


why i want to sniff fraukes ass so bad

>only 2 guys that won are zionists
Really makes me think.

>A fucking flower.

wtf I'm with her now

I was told over and over and OVER by Sup Forums that rightists would be sweeping elections globally after Brexit and Trump.
I was told over and over and OVER by Sup Forums that AfD would win by blowout margins.

Stop trying to save face. Trump has shown the world what right-wing populism looks like. It looks like failure.

You lost. Get over it. Are you fucking snowflakes or something?

>0 → 95
It is a huge success tho

all parties here are flowers, cept the penis and the social democrats that has a postmodernist rose...
I'm not even kidding, fucking ashamed of my people.

angela merkel is right-wing though

Didn't Wilder's party get enough seats to fuck up the coalition plan of the main party there?
If so I'd consider it a win.


Who's the australian defener?

know what

Alice Weidel is way more attractive.

>tfw yummy mummy frauke will never let you cummy in her tummy

>hurr durr, I know the political landscape at all in any of these countries
IDK about that 3rd guy, but
The guy in the netherlands became the second biggest party in the country, and nobody has "won" an election there for decades. That's the best outcome anyone with any knowledge of the political landscape was hoping for

Le Penn was an actual loss, we overestimated the influence the internet has on the frogs, and we forget that most of them speak french, and from what i know, don't like english speakers.

Alt 4 germany had no chance of winning, but 90-odd seats is quite a few for a right-wing party in "omg we're so sorry please forgive us please please i'm begging you" Deutschland

As for that cunt in sweden
>He's in fucking sweden
>the country where a guy felt bad for getting raped because his rapist got send back to the desert
Yeah, if any of these were/are going to be a surprise victory, it'll be swedes uncucking themselves

>It took hitler 10 years or so to get anywhere near the majority he needed
>It was the commies and anti-fa that drove people to vote hitler

>Sup Forums is a single person
When will this meme end? You were told by RETARDS that thdy would win, not Sup Forums
3rd place is the best the AfD could have hoped for

>everyone is looking at trump and focusing on our politics

fucking get over yourself, not everyone gives a shit about your garbage-fire of a political system, you Ameritard. It may seem foreign to you, but in other countries, people have THEIR OWN SHIT TO DEAL WITH so they don't pay ANY ATTENTION AT ALL TO US POLITICS BEYOND WHO WON

Bernadi or Pauline

>not everyone gives a shit about your garbage-fire of a political system
european systems are far, far worse
at least in USA one half of the country gets what they want
in european countries you have ~5000 political parties per country and they all have to work together to stop each other and get absolutely nothing done and nobody ends up getting anything

Even that is not a point of no return. All-out civil war will most likely turn out in favor of whites if it breaks out before the white pop drops below 40%. And if whites can get a hold of nukes, our percentage can drop even lower before we reach the point of no return.

Don't embrace defeat just because the easiest paths have been closed off.

Britain still has the Tories on Top, ukip is pozzed as fuck and has literally no party against sandniggers
Trump's own party hates him and tries to stop him.
Meanwhile European nationalist parties are rapidly growing, the AfD got 2,5 times as many votes as last time and SD is becoming a giant compared to other swedish parties.
But anglos are so dumb and entrenched in their non democratic 2 party systems that they can't understand that.

>I was told over and over and OVER by Sup Forums that rightists would be sweeping elections globally after Brexit and Trump.
>I was told over and over and OVER by Sup Forums that AfD would win by blowout margins.
Then those people who told you that are dumb and don't know the state of German politics over the last few years. I'm not an expert or anything, but it you just look at the two leading parties for the last several decades it's not hard to guess who the top two will be this year.

>Stop trying to save face
>All of Sup Forums is a collective hive mind and if one poster acts like an idiot everyone is wrong

>You lost. Get over it.
We already won, dummy. Taking third place is the real trophy for any party outside the main two in Germany. The AfD has third, they now have stronger influence over the parliament than any other third parties. This is the best possible victory. It's like if the libertarian party gained a majority in one state during the general election, not a total victory by any means, but a huge step forward for the party.

>Trump's own party hates him and tries to stop him.
that's wrong though
you're mistaking a few elected officials as 'the party', the overwhelming majority of GOP voters support Trump and it's causing a huge shitshow for the 2018 elections already.

People with power are those who matter in politics,user.

What I don't understand is why all these lefty parties in Europe keep cucking each other on account of there being so fucking many of them in every country that the left wing vote keeps getting split among all of them so none can win a majority

We saw that with Germany today where you have SPD, Greens and Die Linke. We saw that again with the Netherlands with their SPD, their Greens and their Labor party. Iceland has one conservative party and like three shitlib parties and the conservative party has held a majority pretty much forever.

Are the differences between these dumbass lefty parties really so big that they feel it's necessary to do this?


Redpill: there is no right or left. Only bootlicking statists who enable same things.

>. All-out civil war will most likely turn out in favor of whites
You forget that whites loves killing each other fro the prosperty of other races. Like they did in WWII.

13% of the vote cucktard. no go to ur safe place & take ur meds.

You clearly don't understand politics.

The right wing parties, when they aren't out-right winning conclusively, are making extremely massive gains and demonstrating that they are pretty much "the opposition" to the status quo.
See the French election for example, or the Netherlands.
In the case of Germany, the far right now have MPs...

If anything, the success is coming much quicker than most of us imagined. It can be expected that our numbers and presence will continue to rise as our predictions for the dark future at the hands of our opponents political ideas turn out to be true.

Our way is the future. If people want to survive the coming storm, they need to come with us.

>only the Anglos do the right thing

Sweden Democrats have been consistently leading the polls since forever. The situation over there has gotten to the point where it actually is so bad that people want the nationalist party as the largest party

They were

Look at the votes, the "Zweitstimmen" in "Sachsen". Next step is a fucking separation of the "Ostgebiete".


Lel this guy got called a snowflake and is projecting hard.

Every race likes killing each other more than killing other races. If we can get the US and Russia on the same page regarding racial politics we'd be set. Western Europe is irrelevant without the support of one of the two white giants. I don't even mean that as an arrogant thing, it's just self-apparent truth. W. Europe is the toady to whatever bully is in vogue.

anglos are just running a false flag smear campaign. theyll act idiots to make it seem like right wing governments lead to war and famine. so typical of the beady eyed menace

There's a reason England and the US were the only real super powers in the last 400 years.

Trump is massively popular among the American right, and I don't think you understand UK politics.
People vote strategically here, not in accordance with their purest loyalties.

There is, because of the last election however, a VERY FAR RIGHT party in government now. The Democratic Unionist Party.
The DUP are to the right of UKIP, and in many ways, to the right of the BNP.
The conservative party had to form a strategic alliance with them in order to survive.... lol.


but UKiP absolutely collapsed and hasn't even won a single seat last elections...


>I was told over and over and OVER by Sup Forums that AfD would win by blowout margins.
lies. Nobody ever said that.

wow the only two that were right are the two dominators of the know world and victors of world wars really makes me think just wow


Hofer was so close

Yeah, but we can't realistically expect DUP to expand its home beyond North Ireland. It'd be like if the rest of the country elected SNP, god forbid


Swedish elections aren't until next year

>AFD got shrekt
>Sup Forums is celebrating AfK victory
I am very confused. Thats like saying Hillary won because she got lots of vote

>Sweden Democrats have been consistently leading the polls since forever
trusting the (((polls)))

test post

But the AfD achieved more than it wanted.

Your face is covered in cum and you are defiantly saying "but I'm still not pregnant".
Sure, you're not, but you're still getting cummed on, dummy.

The right are objectively getting bigger, and have two massive wins under their belt that will set the political climate for the next few years.

You'll become a "statist" too once you realize communism and equity aren't going to magically manifest themselves overnight, or ever.

germany is done! period

austria voted twice because the first time was sketchy and there was an outrage. guess what happened between the first and second round, though? the voting age was lowered