>Childhood friend
Clearly Partisan tastes that homosexuals and normalfags will never appreciate
Other urls found in this thread:
You just listed traits that homosexuals love though.
>forgetting fang
You had one fucking job.
Eriri is best girl.
Sawamura Spider a fucking shit!
>this thread again
Yeah okay, as an Eririfag I'm obliged to say OP has great taste and all that, but you know this thread isn't going to end well.
>Partisan tastes
Why yes, such taste is divisive. Did you by chance mean patrician?
Sauce me bro. I think I'm in love.
I don't know, OP, those seem more like halberd tastes to me.
Stop forcing this meme you fagtron
>start thread with two polarizing girls
>strawpoll link to decide who's better
>all so false flaggers can say "are there really this many Xfags?" and then samefag to say "no, the rabid autistic Xfags are the most cancerous part of the fanbase etc."
As in WWII Soviet irregular forces?
The American educational system at work.
>>start thread with two polarizing girls
>>strawpoll link to decide who's better
Can you not read or something? Neither OP nor the strawpoll mentioned more than one girl. The strawpoll even has a third fucking option.
Lurk 2 years before posting.
As in
In politics, a partisan is a committed member of a political party. In multi-party systems, the term is used for politicians who strongly support their party's policies and are reluctant to compromise with their political opponents.
I'm pretty sure OP meant partisan as in the polearm.
Halberds are better you fucking faggot.
There are obviously variations in the bait, just like people alter copypasta slightly to fit a series. Point is proxypolls are shit and posted in nearly every other thread these days
>a third fucking option
I'm not giving you a medal for originality, pollmaker-kun
>all of them in one best girl
Not the 2015 Drama/Thriller film starring Vincent Cassel as Gregori?
It's no fun when she's not the only twintails
Remember when she turned her back on the protagonist because she is ashamed of liking anime? Worst girl because of that. At least the cousin didn't know better when she threw out his stuff. She is shit too though.
So basically Eriri and Aika. Literally my most favorite girls.
I like them all including Ereri.
Unfortunately I don't have anything sexier than that.
twintail kirino a cute
Literally none of the girls posted in this thread are this sexy.
>29 posts in
That's probably a new record
This thread is a repost and was hijacked due to OP's illiteracy anyway.
You should probably flush that. It's absolutely disgusting
Megumi's the best in a series of likable girls. Deal with it.
>someone actually bought a strap to do this
I don't even like Megumi but that's just stupid. A waste of money AND deprives another of his waifu. He could have just printed a picture, cut her out and flushed that
>wasting merchandise
God tier fetish fuel but shit personality.
Most likeable but least sexy. This is fact.
>average Eririfag
>Aika futa doujin
>She looks more like crosdressing boy than a dickgirl.
Ha, Good times.
Megumi is the epitome of sexiness.
I want to watch Saekano, but MC is such a faggot that I can't stand seeing him on screen. What should I do?
Nonsense. She has a great duo personality that goes along with her design.
So niggers, how does it feel to be known as the officially worst fanbase on Sup Forums? Even Yahari and OreShura threads jeer at you. Even Fatefags jeer at you.
Just watch it muted and fap to the girls.
10/10. Do you have more?
>great duo personality
What the fuck does that even mean
He's a piece of shit I absolutely agree, but the girls all make up for it near instantly.
holy fucking shit, all the worst taste in one post
you win the shittiest taste of all time award
seriously though, that shits for normalfags more than anything else
>thought of dual
>typed duo
It's a doggy dog world
Forgetting this is unforgivable.
ZR is literally one of the most normalfag "fetishes" though
As someone who cares about the series as a whole, it feels pretty pathetic. Even worse because the shitpsters aren't true fans and yet they reside in these threads like parasites destroying everything. It's just sad.
I flushed Utaha with her but she never went back up, Lelouch was probably creeping in the sewers and snatched her right up
>disgusting flat chest
OP is too far gone to listen to reason
>Acknowledging the existence of a tripfag
Now I KNOW you're a toilet sucking faggot.
Same normalfag trolling.
Your gif a shit.
>she never went back up
Fucking kek.
You guys serious?
It's one of the most normal fetishes out there, there's nothing "patrician" about it.
Do Saekano threads have a checklist?
I swear they are all the same every time.
I'm not samefagging
you think this is a fucking joke? twintails are a horrible aesthetic, makes girls look like ayylmaos, tsundere is shit, no one without shit taste would want a bitchy girl around them, and Disgusting Flat Pieces Of Shit should be euthanized for OBVIOUS reasons.
homosexuals ONLY like DFC, so no man can claim to be fully straight if her does
Your gif is even worse. Are Eririfags not aware that webms exist?
No one has been called a shit yet
Is that supposed to be an insult?
Megumifags everyone
Reminder to report every frogposter you see
This. Even cosplayers choose girls with those designs all the time.
tsundere is the normalflag redflag
fuck fuck fuck, i'm out, shitpost levels reaching meta and i can't afford to stay here any longer
no idea what fanbase this is but i hope you get purged soon
People like OP use it as insult. It literally translates to "anyone who doesn't share my tastes and opinions".
>OP forgetting she's also a massive bitch.
Don't forget the most important part.
If you have taste you'd go for a classy lady like Utaha.
>this new
>Implying pic related is a normalfag
I like top very much but greatly dislike bottom
Why might this be?
newfag spotted
He meant equestrian, because in ancient rome the class between the patricians and the plebs were the equestrians who could afford to buy horses
>Average Eriri fan
You shouldn't take it seriously, especially in Saekano threads.
Hey Lelouch I want money for that Utaha keychain that you swiped from my pipes
don't include me please you faggot, i really have no idea what's going on, i probably just avoided these threads somehow up till now
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
am i supposed to know this shitty series? never seen it before in my life
Don't expect anything that isn't mindless shitting on girls and fans from this fanbase.
They had 5 threads going at the same time a month or two ago with their Megumi, mexican/ Megumi, Megami shitposting generals
>Utaha keychain
Literally worst girl.
Without surprise same as above but a bit better.
Ah, I see. I was away from internet connection at the time so that's probably why
You should, it was last winter's AOTS.
>no idea what fanbase this is
Tsunderefags + Osananajimifags = Autism reaching critical mass
>those little feet
>those plump pantyhosed legs
Dont you mean the harem GOAT
Not mutually exclusive.
>Not exposing your waifu to the world
I am a scatophile who like Eriri more.
U would rather eat your shit ;) than snatch Utaha away.
Did underaged Australiafags just come out of school?
She's on the car keys until I can find a case with a clip
>exposing your shit taste to the world
This is the only way to deal with tripfags and tripfags enablers, m80.