The fucking mad man changed his Twitter banner to the American flag
My sides are in orbit
The fucking mad man changed his Twitter banner to the American flag
My sides are in orbit
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Fucking love my president!
He is such a master shit poster. It's incredible, he would fit in here so well
I’m convinced he is one of us.
He has draped himself in the flag and therefore cannot be assailed
Challenge him at your own peril
>make a comment about the niggers not respecting the flag
>nfl ratings are already low, ESPN ratings low, blue collar white americans (most of NFL:viewership) doesn't like leftist garbage
>NFL niggers and their handlers decide to kneel even more, some literally stay in the locker room
>literally playing into the hand of Trump, making white American men more aware that leftism and leftist politics actively are trying to undermine American values
Fucking love it
trumpturds are cringey
He made it look so easy. I can't believe they just walked right into it.
I would be honored to die for this man in the race war.
I think I know why this is happening but I fear that telling anyone can cause the end of the secret and the effectivity of Trump's maneuver.
If I'm correct, Trump has a good heart.
We don't deserve this man
his having fun shitposting
I saw this earlier today when I made a fake twitter for my dad. He wanted to follow the important people like James Woods, Michael Voris and his apostolate Church Militant, Project Veritas, and many others. When he told me to follow Donald John Trump, I smiled when I saw the red, white, and blue flying on his twitter. If you ever see Bodhi Reagan shitposting know that's my old man.
>posting the American flag makes you a madman now
>muh seekret information
I doubt anyone knows what the fuck is going on anymore.
It's not secret information, it's thinking.
Im sure he's shitposted here behind 7 walls
Think it's safe to bet that, very soon, teams taking taxpayer $$$ for military to be "honored" at games is going to end. Just watch.
Us taxpayers/The DOD have been paying MILLIONS for sports teams to appear "patriotic".
You know all those on-field military tributes with soldiers/veterans throwing out 1st pitch; military bands & choirs performing the NA; 911 remembrances, and everything else teams put military on the field for, to make themselves look good and tug fans' heartstrings? Spread the word on just WHO has been paying for the "privilege".
Do celeb performers, also, have to pay teams $$$$ to be on their fields, beings the exposure spikes record sales? This is something fans need to find out, and compare. No WONDER the President is speaking out.
Holy shit, the absolute madman!
>cause the end of the secret
Explain. You know so assuredly then fill us in.
Everyone needs to do this.
Fucking Based.
he himself? probably not. dollars to donuts that one of his staff does
That scam was exposed last year. I remember the Patriots had to give the money back.
When you don't like what people are talking about, change the subject. So let's imagine that you changed the subject to avoid an action that you were forced to take.
Ghostwriter probably
I hate this dumb Ziopuppet fuck.
But somehow I hate the people who really hate him even more at this point
Really makes you think.
This is the image he used
He lurks Sup Forums. I'm sure of it.
No way! Where did you get it!?
MAGA my dudes. Check the Following history when he won the election you'll see he unfollowed someone and dropped from 45 to 44. Anyways what was the backdrop before?
Great idea. I'm changing mine.
He has a very good heart
>stopped a murder by baseball bat by confronting the assailant by himself, unarmed and with words
>paid off mortgage of family who helped him change his tire
>lent his jet to a child with serious illness that required special medical equipment that commercial airlines wouldn't allow on their plane
Many such cases, glad!
and just like that , nobody watched NFL football anymore.
Sorry for delet, I messed up, bad typos, so had to repost Really wonder if "celebs" $$ get the same "treatment".
He just can't keep getting away with this!
Gotta give it to him he's making me like him more and more
He is, trust me. Or at least one of his advisors is. my guess is miller.
I just can't understand why others don't appreciate the beauty of Donald Trump. He's awesome. That's as simple as I can put it.
Should the President be a shit poster though? I can see how the dumbass who sat next to me in high school would shit post but he bags groceries now. I wouldn't want that dumbass running the country. He should focused on what really affects the country. Not some niggers kneeling that does not affect the country. What change can they bring? He's just an angry old fool who has more important things he should be worried about.
I'm pretty sure union Democrat redneck Jim will be supporting Trump is this case. Another case of master chess.
>banning Chad
>Lefties screaming for Chad
Donald Trump is a man of focus, commitment, and sheer will. Something you know very little about.
Andrew Jackson use to shoot people.
So if anything Trump is fairly mild.
lol lets take next sunday off football and do something with those in our lives who love america.
?le 5d underwater on the sun upside down inside-out chess with god
Trump just changed his Twitter banner to the American flag, what did he use before?
incredible work user.
Wasn't it his family or grandkids?
My GF has a lesbian friend (coworker) and she is trying to start some "thing" where they are getting all of their friends on FB to burn all of their NFL, MLB stuff and post the video.
wait you're telling me even dykes are against this SJW anti-america shit now?
Kind of like ice bucket challenge but with NFL shirts and no fake charity bs.
probably an old bull.
this one is, she works at the st johns fire department in florida and voted Trump. You can look her up, Rachel Walters Palm Coast FLA
And Kennedy had a threesome with his brother and Marilyn Monroe. It's not so much what they do but what the country actually sees. His Twitter makes it hard to see him as a competent President. If it's not bragging, it's shit posting or some other nonsense that usually comes out of the mouth of an idiot, not the president.
trump is the best. ps pls bomb korea senpai
aye. my kinda lesbo
He is on this \b\ or \pol\ one of his kids got him on here reason why he seems kinda autistic
She hasn't posted the vid yet though, GF just told me she was texting her, but she is gonna get the whole lesbian cheerleading team at the fire department, police department, they all play on the same softball team she said and they are pissed beyond belief.
"Acting Presidential" is a total joke. Almost no presidents met that criteria.
>what happened
i knew the name and ive seen it a million times but holy fuck lmao its so pathetic
you had the entire god damn media shilling for you and you still lost
thats right "WHAT HAPPENED" hahahahaha
wtf does "acting presidential" even mean? Are we supposed to just allow liberals to create some arbitrary lines for how they believe people should act? Fuck that.
is it just me or is the flag waving like an optical illusion?
don't dox people bro
Hell, LBJ liked to whip out his dick and show it off to people.
and her book is just a cringe-fest where the author seemed to be ironically shitting on her the whole time
Who knows. None of their heros met it. Obama, long list of problems. Same with Clinton. FDR was a liar and a commie. Etc etc.
Trump should schedule a massive rally during the super bowl.
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
>he would fit in here so well
>born 50 years too soon
anons who have lived their whole lives in the darkness, surviving on nothing but mummies tendies, would dream of being in his shadow. the man is a legendary shitposter.
I think it just means rehearse talking points even though you enact policies that run completely contrary to what you were advocating. At least they weren't meanie heads though, right?
It is being animated simply by the power of your own patriotism user.
>florida man is a cuck
what a disgrace to our state
born too late to explore the new world
born too early to explore space
born just in time to shitpost on a mongolian anime board with Donald Trump
The pendulum will start to swing back to the right soon now.
that's the entire point of America you buffoon. anyone can become president as long as you're 35 and a citizen.
faggot you don't know shit
pls let me become American desu
Don say hi if you or one of your staff is here watching
under rated post
makes me sad how many newfags are here now
Ah the Jewish pipul. Fuck off ovendodger
Aren't you tired of winning yet my fellow DACApede?
Now, time to renovate the fence!