ITT: Powerful Images
I want to see his boipucci so bad
Is this the try hard image of our generation?
I'd bleach them so hard
This picture but with a nazi flag
OP you wrote Pol humor thread wrong
Fuck off, Frank Slauenwhite.
Not diverse enough, needs more Islam.
every time i feel sad i just think how lucky i am to not have been born black, indian or south american
and that we're all just a bunch of monkeys on a rock flying through space, that nothing really matters and you might as well just make the most of life
>symbol looks like a banana
Dude I missed your KB but I have important questions about economics:
I have been reading Jim Rickard's "The Road to Ruin," and he seems to have very good insight about the global economy and future plans for it. Have you read his stuff or know who he is?
Do you have any insight on when this move to SDR global currency will be happening, and if there will be serious violence or decrease in standard of living in the US?
Obviously it depend on where we live and what other global geopolitical factors happen, but is there any timeline or events that will definitely take place before all of our money is frozen in the banks or the dollar implodes?
(Pic related is my powerful image contribution)
I am thoroughly impressed with the extent toddposting has taken. makes me think it's all some massive bethesda marketing scheme.
>Four million of the six million died right here
>Woops, it was three million of the six million!
>Sorry, we miscounted, it was one million of the six million who died.
>Dang, we just had an independent audit of the records, turns out it was 450,000.
>Okay, the auditor is going to sue us if we don't revise the number to 72,000.
>Our records indicate that 41,000 jews died here, mostly of typhus.
>36,000 of the SIX MILLION died here.
>We mean eleven million.
I have looked into cryptocurrency but am not willing to buy a significant amount of it. I'd rather invest in companies using Blockchain tech rather than directly buy coins because it's easy to subvert the markets, and pump&dump coins.
They have no intrinsic value and are too volatile and easy for big banks and corporations to anonymously buy a ton an have heavy influence in the market. I bought a tiny bit of Ethereum to experiment but I wouldn't use it as a store of money because if the internet goes down you can't access your coins (unlike cash, metal, land).
It seems every type of money/currency/value is being squeezed by inflation, taxes, and other threats to corral people into holding their wealth in specific types of assets, which will be wiped out one by one.
A powerful image indeed. It is the the destruction of history, hard work, and something tangible to be proud of. It is replaced in the perceptions of a new generation with the blinders of humanity. Personalized technology that symbolizes vanity, and they use it to replace history with homosexuality as if it was an equal or greater struggle. It is the destruction of the west.
Powerful indeed good sir.
each of those men would have beat the fuck out of homosexuals for sport in their spare time.
I wonder if Todd knows about toddposting. Surely he would enjoy it no?
The red cross is kind of shitty to donate money to. A lot of it doesn't go into saving lives but paying executives. If you want to donate to the red cross, donate blood, plasma, or platelets.
The other two, while having good intentions, mostly just end up giving supplies to local warlords and don't really solve the problem in Africa.
Hahahhahahhahaha we all know damn well that those men from the 1940's would be disgusted by the sight of faggots, let alone desecrating their fights like this.
The average 1940's-1950's American would be considered literally Hitler by today's leftists
Damn I hate seeing that one
They also would have beat the fuck out of you for posting your degenerate bullshit on a gook message board
Bolivia that's the gayest flag I've ever seen jesus christ
>believing literal Nazi propaganda
Guess you've never looked at your own then huh
Hey man a leaf is better than a literal gay rainbow
Not by much, faggot. You know everybody hates leafs here.
>Not researching it yourself and coming to the obvious conclusion that it never happened.
Fuck Iraq.
Get back to making tacos there peso
If you think game developers aren't aware of Sup Forums memes, you're pretty off.
The kind of culture the devs of Bethesda used to have definitely would of led to them being regulars on Sup Forums.
>implying the blood donations aren't just fed directly to the execs
Strictly Confidential and Urgent Business Proposal.
Re: Transfer Of Usd $21,500.000 [Twenty - One Millions, Five Hundred Thousand Us Dollars] Only.
I am a member of the Federal Government Of Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (N.N.P.C). Sometime ago, a contract was awarded to a foreign firm in the Petroleum Trust Fund (P.T.F.) BY MY COMMITTEE.
This contract was over invoiced to the tune of us$ 21.5 Millions Dollars. This was done delibrately. The over-invoicing was a deal by my committee to benefit from the project. We not want to transfer this money, which is in a suspense account with the P.T.F. into any oversea account, which we expect you to provide for us.
60 % of the money would be for my partners and 30 % of the money would be yours, for providing us with logistics, which, would include a safe bank account, where we shall facilitate funds transfer into, as soon as documentations are concluded over here. 10 % of the money has been mapped out from the total sum to cover any expenses that might be incurred during the course of the transaction, (both local and international expenses).
Please, if you are interested in assisting us carry out to the fullest capacity, this transaction, we would require the following information from you which would enable us make formal application to the various ministries / parastatals, for the release and onward transfer of the money to your account.
Kindly contact me as soon as possible, whether or not you are interested in this deal, so that whereby you are not interested, it would give us more room to scout for another partner. But if you are interested, kindly contact me via above email, telephone or fax, so that we can swing into action, as time is not on our part.
I wait in anticipation of your fullest co-operation. Yours Faithfully,
Dr.Goronyo Baba.
yeah ofc
the point is: nobody cares about saving Black kids who will breed like rabbits and destroy the Earth
but many people care about saving rare animals
I would literally rather live with a panda than a nigger.
LOL so funny IM DYING XD
Is it illegal or against Jewish religion to work out? Ffs, I have never seen a huge bodybuilding Jewish dude anywhere, not even on the internet.
why do commies save gay porn and spam it here under nazi flags?
Poor edit, you can do better
im on my dads computer
they are determined to show the world just how ugly they are, but they try to pin it on their enemies. It's degenerate and sad.
sry i am making u mad at end of day they are just pixels
we're all but pixels user
again, like here: Fuck You Serbia! i Love Bill "Bomb every Serb from 9 to 5 as a Jerb" Clinton for BTFOing you!
user, you know better than to post pics of the French Prime Minister.
>Yugoniggers put up a statue to a serial rapist
It's like something out of Borat.
my god his face
I'm not mad, just annoyed that you feel the need to post pixels that depict disgusting scenes in a thread i was enjoying. I don't deign to wallow in mud, like you. Aren't there websites for people like you, disgusting aging homosexuals dot com? Or do you really spend your time trying to make Sup Forums users uncomfortable by showing us disgusting acts our enemies do?
but he did Bomb Serbia. without his help, today Serbia would stretch from Istria to Bosphorus.
implying it all doesn't go into the same pot then divided equally at the end.
related to:
I suggest you actually use that brain of yours and research Majdanek